
A MIPS32 CPU project.

Primary LanguageVHDL

Implementation of one instruction: ORI

Simulation Result

Simulation Result 1

Simulation Result 2

Implementation of Logic, Shift and Nop Instructions

Logic Instructions

Simulation Source

lui  $1,0x0101           # $1 = 0x01010000 
ori  $1,$1,0x0101        # $1 = $1 | 0x0101 = 0x01010101
ori  $2,$1,0x1100        # $2 = $1 | 0x1100 = 0x01011101
or   $1,$1,$2            # $1 = $1 | $2     = 0x01011101
andi $3,$1,0x00fe        # $3 = $1 & 0x00fe = 0x00000000
and  $1,$3,$1            # $1 = $3 & $1     = 0x00000000
xori $4,$1,0xff00        # $4 = $1 ^ 0xff00 = 0x0000ff00
xor  $1,$4,$1            # $1 = $4 ^ $1     = 0x0000ff00
nor  $1,$4,$1            # $1 = $4 ~^ $1    = 0xffff00ff
inst Reg1 read addr Reg1 read data Reg2 read addr Reg2 read dara Operand 1 Operand2 Reg write addr Reg write data
lui $1,0x0101 $0 0x00000000 - - 0x00000000 0x01010000 $1 0x01010000
ori $1,$1,0x0101 $1 0x01010000 - - 0x01010000 0x00000101 $1 0x01010101
ori $2,$1,0x1100 $1 0x01010101 - - 0x01010101 0x00001100 $2 0x01011101
or $1,$1,$2 $1 0x01010101 $2 0x01011101 0x01010101 0x01011101 $1 0x01011101
andi $3,$1,0x00fe $1 0x01011101 - - 0x01011101 0x000000fe $3 0x00000000
and $1,$3,$1 $3 0x00000000 $1 0x01011101 0x00000000 0x01011101 $1 0x00000000
xori $4,$1,0xff00 $1 0x00000000 - - 0x00000000 0x0000ff00 $4 0x0000ff00
xor $1,$4,$1 $4 0x0000ff00 $1 0x 00000000 0x0000ff00 0x00000000 $1 0x0000ff00
nor $1,$4,$1 $4 0x0000ff00 $1 0x0000ff00 0x0000ff00 0x0000ff00 $1 0xffff00ff

Simulation Result

Red signals are enable ones, and blue signals are data.

Simulation Result 1

Simulation Result 2

Simulation Result 3

Simulation Result 4

I deleted 'PREF' instruction from the test, because we do not intend to implement it.

Implementation of Shift and Nop Instructions


Simulation Source

lui   $2,0x0404    # $2 = 0x04040000
ori   $2,$2,0x0404 # $2 = 0x04040000 | 0x0404 = 0x04040404
ori   $7,$0,0x7
ori   $5,$0,0x5
ori   $8,$0,0x8
sll   $2,$2,8      # $2 = 0x40404040 sll 8  = 0x04040400
sllv  $2,$2,$7     # $2 = 0x04040400 sll 7  = 0x02020000
srl   $2,$2,8      # $2 = 0x02020000 srl 8  = 0x00020200
srlv  $2,$2,$5     # $2 = 0x00020200 srl 5  = 0x00001010
sll   $2,$2,19     # $2 = 0x00001010 sll 19 = 0x80800000
sra   $2,$2,16     # $2 = 0x80800000 sra 16 = 0xffff8080
srav  $2,$2,$8     # $2 = 0xffff8080 sra 8  = 0xffffff80 
inst Reg1 read addr Reg1 read data Reg2 read addr Reg2 read dara Operand 1 Operand2 Reg write addr Reg write data
lui $2,0x0404 $0 0x00000000 - - 0x00000000 0x04040000 $2 0x04040000
ori $2,$2,0x0404 $2 0x0x04040000 - - 0x04040000 0x00000404 $2 0x04040404
ori $7,$0,0x7 $0 0x00000000 - - 0x00000000 0x00000007 $7 0x00000007
ori $5,$0,0x5 $0 0x00000000 - - 0x00000000 0x00000005 $5 0x00000005
ori $8,$0,0x8 $0 0x00000000 - - 0x00000000 0x00000008 $8 0x00000008
sync - - - - - - - -
sll $2,$2,8 $2 0x04040404 - - 0x04040404 0x00000008 $2 0x04040000
sllv $2,$2,$7 $2 0x04040000 $7 0x00000007 0x04040000 0x00000007 $2 0x02020000
srl $2,$2,8 $2 0x02020000 - - 0x02020000 0x00000008 $2 0x00020200
srlv $2,$2,$5 $2 0x00020200 $5 0x00000005 0x00020200 0x00000005 $2 0x00001010
nop - - - - - - - -
sll $2,$2,19 $2 0x00001010 - - 0x00001010 0x00000019 $2 0x80800000
ssnop - - - - - - - -
sra $2,$2,16 $2 0x80800000 - - 0x80800000 0x00000016 $2 0xffff8080
srav $2,$2,$8 $2 0xffff8080 $8 0x00000008 0xffff8080 0x00000008 $2 0xffffff80

Simulation Result

Red signals are enable ones, and blue signals are data.

Simulation Result 1

Simulation Result 2

Simulation Result 3

Simulation Result 4

Implementation of Move Instructions

It is hard to make a good screenshot.

Implementation of Branch Instructions

Jump Instructions

Simulation Source

符号 指令 说明
.org 0x0
.set noat
.set noreorder # 添加这个伪操作,指示编译器不要对程序做出任何优化或是改动
.set nomacro
.global _start
ori $1,$0,0x0001 # (1)$1 = 0x1
j 0x20 # 转移到0x20处
ori $1,$0,0x0002 # (2)$1 = 0x2,这是延迟槽指令
ori $1,$0,0x1111
ori $1,$0,0x1100
.org 0x20
ori $1,$0,0x0003 # (3)$1 = 0x3
jal 0x40 # 转移到0x40处,同时设置$31为0x2c
or $1,$1, $31 # (4)$1 = 0x2f,这是延迟槽指令
ori $1,$0,0x0005 # (6)$1 = 0x5
ori $1,$0,0x0006 # (7)$1 = 0x6
j 0x60 # 转移到0x60处
.org 0x40
jalr $2,$31 # 此时$31为0x2c,所以转移到0x2c,同时设置$2为0x48
or $1,$2,$0 # (5)$1 = 0x48,这是延迟槽指令
ori $1,$0,0x0009 # (10)$1 = 0x9
ori $1,$0,0x000a # (11)$1 = 0xa
j 0x80 # 转移到0x80处
.org 0x60
ori $1,$0,0x0007 # (8)$1 = 0x7
jr $2 # 此时$2为0x48,所以转移到0x48处
ori $1,$0,0x0008 # (9)$1 = 0x8,这是延迟槽指令
ori $1,$0,0x1111
ori $1,$0,0x1100
.org 0x80
j _loop

Branch Instructions

Simulation Source

符号 指令 说明
.org 0x0
.set noat
.set noreorder
.set nomacro
.global _start
ori $3,$0,0x8000
sll $3,16 # 设置$3 = 0x80000000
ori $1,$0,0x0001 #(1)$1 = 0x1
b s1 # 转移到s1处
ori $1,$0,0x0002 #(2)$1 = 0x2,这是延迟槽指令
ori $1,$0,0x1111
ori $1,$0,0x1100
.org 0x20
ori $1,$0,0x0003 #(3)$1 = 0x3
bal s2 # 转移到s2处,同时设置$31为0x2c
ori $1, $0, 0x000b #(4)$1 = 0xb
ori $1,$0,0x1100
ori $1,$0,0x1111
bne $1,$0,s3
ori $1,$0,0x1100
ori $1,$0,0x1111
.org 0x50
ori $1,$0,0x0004 #(5)$1 = 0x4
beq $3,$3,s3 # $3等于$3,所以会发生转移,目的地址是s3
or $1,$31,$0 #(6)$1 = 0x2c,这是延迟槽指令
ori $1,$0,0x1111
ori $1,$0,0x1100
ori $1,$0,0x0007 #(9)$1 = 0x7
ori $1,$0,0x0008 #(10)$1 = 0x8
bgtz $1,s4 # 此时$1为0x8,大于0,所以转移至标号s4处
ori $1,$0,0x0009 #(11)$1 = 0x9,这是延迟槽指令
ori $1,$0,0x1111
ori $1,$0,0x1100
.org 0x80
ori $1,$0,0x0005 #(7)$1 = 0x5
bgez $1,2b # 此时$1为0x5,大于0,所以转移至前面的标号2处
ori $1,$0,0x0006 #(8)$1 = 0x6,这是延迟槽指令
ori $1,$0,0x1111
ori $1,$0,0x1100
.org 0x100
ori $1,$0,0x000a #(12)$1 = 0xa
bgezal $3,s3 # 此时$3为0x80000000,小于0,所以不发生转移
or $1,$0,$31 #(13)$1 = 0x10c
ori $1,$0,0x000b #(14)$1 = 0xb
ori $1,$0,0x000c #(15)$1 = 0xc
ori $1,$0,0x000d #(16)$1 = 0xd
ori $1,$0,0x000e #(17)$1 = 0xe
bltz $3,s5 # 此时$3为0x80000000,小于0,所以发生转移,转移至s5处
ori $1,$0,0x000f #(18)$1 = 0xf,这是延迟槽指令
ori $1,$0,0x1100
.org 0x130
ori $1,$0,0x0010 #(19)$1 = 0x10
blez $1,2b # 此时$1为0x10,大于0,所以不发生转移
ori $1,$0,0x0011 #(20)$1 = 0x11
ori $1,$0,0x0012 #(21)$1 = 0x12
ori $1,$0,0x0013 #(22)$1 = 0x13
bltzal $3,s6 # 此时$3为0x80000000,小于0,所以发生转移,转移到s6处
or $1,$0,$31 #(23)$1 = 0x14c,这是延迟槽指令
ori $1,$0,0x1100
.org 0x160
ori $1,$0,0x0014 #(24)$1 = 0x14
j _loop