
Primary LanguageJavaScript



Everyday provides another opportunity to improve ourselves, our lifestyles and our wellbeing. It may feel that time passes slowly but each month passes by rather fast! This is where Lemon steps in; a monthly goal-tracking newsletter that will keep you committed to wellness and connected with your family and friends. With Lemon, you’ll hold yourself and close ones accountable and acquire new experiences and various skills along the way.

What it does

Lemon is a web platform where users can create an account and join a group with their friends and family. Near the start of each month, users will be prompted to set a theme of wellness that they want to focus on for the upcoming month. Group members will then suggest short-term goals (both specific and attainable!) to complete that pertain to each individual's theme. During the month, users must complete a minimum of one of the suggested goals (or feel the shame otherwise 😔) and record a reflection on their experience. Once the month ends, Lemon will email the group a generated newsletter compilation of everyone's progress!

How we built it

We used Figma to plan out the UI/UX design and application flow. For frontend, we used React and Node.js and the Material UI library. For backend, we used Firebase.

Challenges we ran into

One of the challenges during the process was our unfamiliarity with React and Material UI. It was a steep learning curve considering the hackathon time limit, but through much experimentation and reading the docs, we were able to use it to fulfill our purposes.

Another smaller challenge during the process was debating between using Firebase or MongoDB for our backend. We decided to stick with Firebase because it better served our application purpose. We have never used Firebase before, and it was also quite a learning process!

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud of realizing our user stories for our project, a huge accomplishment given the time constraints of the hackathon. We are proud that we were able to work together to create a product despite meeting one another for the first time the morning of the hackathon. As such, we were able to lean on our strengths while working on the project.

What we learned

As a continuous learning process, members of our team learned new skills on the fly. Specifically, members of our team, who previously had no experience working with, learned to work with firebase and react to build our project. As well, we learned to be flexible and adaptable given the time constraints. By being adaptable, members of our team stepped in to both mentor and provide help when needed.

What's next for lemon

With the data collected from popular goals selected, this data can be used by companies to offer events and products that cater towards the interests of the users. After the integration of our web platform, we hope to create a mobile app to allow seamless omni-channel support, allowing users to check in and report back on their goal activities on the go. We hope lemon will propel users to partake in various activities to better themselves.