
A simple REPL for Lean 4, returning information about errors and sorries.

Primary LanguageLean

A read-eval-print-loop for Lean 4

Run using ./run. Communicates via JSON on stdin and stdout. Commands should be separated by blank lines. Commands may be of the form

{ "cmd" : "import Mathlib.Data.List.Basic\ndef f := 2" }


{ "cmd" : "example : f = 2 := rfl", "env" : 3 }

The env field, if present, must contain a number received in the env field of a previous response, and causes the command to be run in the existing environment.

If there is no env field, a new environment is created.

You can only use import commands when you do not specify the env field.

You can backtrack simply by using earlier values for env.

The results are of the form

 [{"pos": {"line": 1, "column": 18},
   "endPos": {"line": 1, "column": 23},
   "goal": "⊢ Nat"}],
 [{"severity": "error",
   "pos": {"line": 1, "column": 23},
   "endPos": {"line": 1, "column": 26},
   "type mismatch\n  rfl\nhas type\n  f = f : Prop\nbut is expected to have type\n  f = 2 : Prop"}],
 "env": 6}

showing any messages generated, or sorries with their goal states.

Information is generated for tactic mode sorries, but currently not for term mode sorries.

Python package

This repository comes with pylean, a package that creates Python bindings for the repl. Currently, the python package depends on pexpect, and is therefore is only compatible with MacOS/Linux/FreeBSD systems.

To use the python bindings, first cd into the root directory of this repository and run lake build. Then, run pip install pylean. Now, you should be able to execute python scripts such as

from pylean import LeanServer

lean = LeanServer()

out = lean.run_code("example : 2 = 2 := rfl", verbose=True)

out1 = lean.run_code("def f := 37")

env_num = out1["env"]
out2 = lean.run_code("#check (rfl: f = 37)", env=env_num)


This should output

{ "cmd" : "example : 2 = 2 := rfl" }
{"sorries": [], "messages": [], "env": 0}
{'sorries': [], 'messages': [{'severity': 'info', 'pos': {'line': 1, 'column': 0}, 'endPos': {'line': 1, 'column': 6}, 'data': 'rfl : f = f'}], 'env': 2}

Running Lean programs that import Mathlib is a common use case. To enable mathlib4 imports, simply add the following to lakefile.lean and run lake exe cache get before running lake build.

require mathlib from git