Q. Yuan, Q. Zhang, J. Li, H. Shen, and L. Zhang, "Hyperspectral Image Denoising Employing a Spatial-Spectral Deep Residual Convolutional Neural Network," IEEE TGRS, 2018.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Matlab demo code for HSID-CNN (IEEE TGRS, 2018)

by Qiang Zhang (whuqzhang@gmail.com)
School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, China.

If you use/adapt our code in your work (either as a stand-alone tool or as a component of any algorithm), please cite our paper.

This code is for academic purpose only. Not for commercial/industrial activities.


This Matlab version is a re-implementation with HSID-CNN(Accepted by IEEE TGRS, 2018), and is for the ease of understanding the algorithm. This code is not optimized, and the speed is not representative. The result can be slightly different from the paper due to transferring across platforms.


 Window 7, Cuda 7.5, Caffe framework (**Necessary, GPU mode better**), Matlab R2014b. 
 Place set this folder into "($Caffe_Dir)/examples/"

If you need more models, please contact me. (whuqzhang@gmail.com)