
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

#slua Fastest lua binding via static code generating for Unity3D or mono

Website: http://www.slua.net

Mail List: Subscribe (in English only)

QQ group: 15647305 (in Chinese)

Mail to : sineysan#163.com (both of Chinese/English)

Continuous Integration Build

Build Platform Type Status
slua-unity None None None
slua-standalone Linux Test,Build Build Status
slua-standalone Windows Test,Build,Deploy Build status

##Release Download

##Integrate with 3rd Lua Library

Standard slua release doesn't contains any 3rd Lua library(like protobuf, lpeg etc), if you want to use this library, can visit this forked repo https://github.com/luzexi/slua, it focus slua on integrate with other 3rd library.

##Use SLua without Unity3D

You can use slua without Unity3D dependency, it call slua-standalone. Useful for C# server development. Find it on https://www.nuget.org/packages/slua-standalone , and it's maintained by https://github.com/mr-kelly/slua.

##Demo with slua

This repo https://github.com/mr-kelly/KSFramework based on slua for hot reloadable asset bundle framework.

This repo https://github.com/lulersoft/ME_SLua based on slua for simple game framework.

This repo https://github.com/yaukeywang/2DPlatformer-SLua demonstrate 2DPlatformer game using slua.

This repo https://github.com/tenvick/hugula demonstrate Tetris game using slua.


See inner demo for help or Document (in chinese).


For running demo sucessful, you should generate lua wrap file by your self:

Click menu, SLua->All->Make generate all wrap file for your version of unity.

Had tested for Unity4.6.1/4.6.2/4.6.3/5.0/5.1

##Main feature

  • static code generating, no reflection, no extra gc alloc, very fast
  • remote debugger
  • full support iOS/iOS64, support il2cpp
  • above 90% UnityEngine interface exported ( remove flash, platform dependented interface )
  • 100% UnityEngine.UI interface ( require Unity4.6+ )
  • support standalone mode in .net framework/mono without Unity3D
  • support UnityEvent/UnityAction for event callback via lua function
  • support delegate via lua function (include iOS)
  • support yield call
  • support custom class exported
  • support extension method
  • export enum as integer
  • return array as lua table
  • using raw luajit, can be replaced with lua5.3/lua5.1


copy Assets/Plugins Assets/Slua to your $Project$/Assets folder, you will see Slua menu,

click Unity->Make UnityEngine, regenerate UnityEngine interface for lua

click Unity->Make UI, regenerate UnityEngine.UI interface for lua

click Custom->Make, generate custom class interface for lua

Clear custom, delete all generated custom interface

Slua/LuaObject contain pre-generated file for exported interface.

Precompiled slua library in Plugins only included x86(32bit)/macosx(32bit)/iOS(armv7,armv7s,arm64)/Android(armv7-a) platform using luajit, you should compile other platform/lua5.1/luajit by yourself, see build.txt for help.

##Usage at a glance

-- import
import "UnityEngine"

function main()

	-- create gameobject
	local cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(UnityEngine.PrimitiveType.Cube)

	-- find gameobject
	local go = GameObject.Find("Canvas/Button")
	-- get component by type name
	local btn = go:GetComponent("Button")
	-- get out parameter
	local ok,hitinfo = Physics.Raycast(Vector3(0,0,0),Vector3(0,0,1),Slua.out)
	print("Physics Hitinfo",ok,hitinfo)
	-- foreach enumeratable object
	for t in Slua.iter(Canvas.transform) do
		print("foreach transorm",t)
	-- add event listener
		local go = GameObject.Find("Canvas/Text")
		local label = go:GetComponent("Text")
		label.text="hello world"
	-- use vector3
	local pos = Vector3(10,10,10)+Vector3(1,1,1)
	cube.transform.position = pos
	-- use coroutine
	local c=coroutine.create(function()
		print "coroutine start"

		print "coroutine WaitForSeconds 2"

		local www = WWW("http://www.sineysoft.com")

	-- add delegate
	Deleg.daction = {"+=",self.actionD} --it's ok for iOS
	-- remove delegate
	Deleg.daction = {"-=",self.actionD} --it's ok for iOS
	-- set delegate
	Deleg.daction = function() print("callback") end --it's ok for iOS
	-- remove all
	Deleg.daction = nil

##Export custom class

add CustomLuaClass attribute to your custom class, waiting for compile completed, click "SLua->Custom->Make", you will get interface file for lua.

public class HelloWorld   {



see http://www.sineysoft.com/post/164 for detail (in chinese), compared with ulua/raw mono.

with luajit

unit is secend, run 200k times / test, more smarller more better.
