
Copy formulas in Latex format from any website and save them in a markdown file.

Primary LanguagePython


Copy formulas in Latex format from any website and save them in a markdown file.


Running instructions

First clone the code repository and enter the corresponding file path:

git clone https://github.com/zhangkai0425/Formula_CP.git
cd Formula_CP

Before running, make sure you have the corresponding Python library installed:

pip install requests
pip install beautifulsoup4

After installation, directly execute the corresponding main.py program:

python main.py

For example, if you want to capture all formulas of a Zhihu page website (note that only formulas in Latex format are included, and only equations are saved, ignoring univariate and irrelevant symbols), enter the corresponding website link URL after execution, and the corresponding content will be automatically saved to the formula.md file. It is easy to copy, paste and edit.

Test case

(pytorch2021) zhangkaideMacBook-Air:Formula_CP zhangkai$ python main.py
Please input URL:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/553601317
28 formulas with '=' saved to formula.md

This website is a special relativity derivation website, contains more mathematical physics publicity content, now check formula.md can see the corresponding formula.




git clone https://github.com/zhangkai0425/Formula_CP.git
cd Formula_CP


pip install requests
pip install beautifulsoup4


python main.py



(pytorch2021) zhangkaideMacBook-Air:Formula_CP zhangkai$ python main.py
Please input URL:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/553601317
28 formulas with '=' saved to formula.md
