A more convenient solution for cross-process communication in Android.No need to use aidl.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.zhangke3016:CmProcess:1.0.6'
defaultConfig {
manifestPlaceholders = [ V_CMPROCESS_NAME:":vm" ]
protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {
2. Define interfaces and implement ,the interface parameter type must be a primitive data type or a serializable/Parcelable type.eg:
public interface IPayManager {
String pay(int count);
//if use remote service, the callback interface must be the provided 'IPCCallback`
String pay(int count, IPCCallback callBack);
//register local + remote service
VCore.getCore().registerService(IPayManager.class, this);
//unregister local + remote service
//register local service
VCore.getCore().registerLocalService(IPayManager.class, this);
//unregister local service
IPayManager service = VCore.getCore().getService(IPayManager.class);
//get local service
//IPayManager service = VCore.getCore().getLocalService(IPayManager.class);
//note service may be null if no service found
if(service != null){
//Synchronous call.
String message = service.pay(5000);
//Asynchronous call. note: use remote service, the callback interface must be the provided 'IPCCallback`
//recommended use 'BaseCallback'
service.pay(5000, new BaseCallback() {
public void onSucceed(Bundle result) {
//Main thread
public void onFailed(String reason) {
//Main thread
service.pay(5000, new IPCCallback.Stub() {
public void onSuccess(Bundle bundle) throws RemoteException {
// binder thread
public void onFail(String s) throws RemoteException {
//need strong reference eventCallback
EventCallback eventCallback = new EventCallback() {
public void onEventCallBack(Bundle event) {
//main thread
String name = event.getString("name");
Log.e("TAG", "onEventCallBack: " + name + " " + (Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()));
VCore.getCore().subscribe("key", eventCallback);
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("name", "DoDo");
A Android Developer in ShenZhen.