
Awesome list for cryptography paper summary. This repo includes *Lattice*, *DifferentialPrivacy*, *MPC* and also a comprehensive summary for top conferences.

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This repo is a paper summary for cryptography-based secure computation, including topics like Multiparty Computation, Homomorphic Encryption (or Lattice) and Differential Privacy. If you are looking for hardware solutions like Trusted Platform Module (TPM), or Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), I'm sorry this repo is not what you're looking for :(.

Here's a good place to ask questions about cryptography/cryptanalysis, or answering one (if you are capable of doing so): https://crypto.stackexchange.com/, and finding papers Cryptology ePrint Archive.

Useful Links:

1. Secure Computation

Summaries and Talks

  • 10th BIU Winter School: information-theoretic cryptography, 2020, link
  • 9th BIU Winter School: information-theoretic cryptography: zero-knowledge proofs, 2019
  • SoK: General purpose compilers for secure multi-party computation, 2019, Github, Paper
  • Crypto Innovation School 2018, link

Oblivious Transfer (OT)

  • Efficient Two-Round OT Extension and Silent Non-Interactive Secure Computation, 2019, BCGI19+
  • Endemic Oblivious Transfer, 2019, MR19
  • Efficient Two-Round OT Extension and Silent Non-Interactive Secure Computation, 2019, BCGIKRS19
  • Efficient Pseudorandom Correlation Generators: Silent OT Extension and More, 2019, BCGIKRS19
  • Actively Secure 1-out-of-N OT Extension with Application to Private Set Intersection, 2017, OOS17
  • Improved Private Set Intersection against Malicious Adversaries, 2016, RR16
  • Efficient Batched Oblivious PRF with Applications to Private Set Intersection, 2016, KKRT16
  • Actively Secure OT Extension with Optimal Overhead, 2015, KOS15
  • High Performance Multi-Party Computation for Binary Circuits Based on Oblivious Transfer, 2015, BLNNOOSS15
  • The Simplest Protocol for Oblivious Transfer, 2015, CO15
  • More Efficient Oblivious Transfer and Extensions for Faster Secure Computation, 2015, ALSZ15
  • Extending Oblivious Transfers Efficiently, 2003, IKNP03

Private Set Intersection (PSI)

  • Circuit-PSI with Linear Complexity via Relaxed Batch OPPRF, 2021, CGS21
  • VOLE-PSI : Fast OPRF and Circuit-PSI from Vector-OLE, 2021, RS21
  • Private Set Operations from Oblivious Switching, 2021, GMRS21
  • Private Matching for Compute, 2020, BKMSTV20
  • SpOT-Light: Lightweight Private Set Intersection from Sparse OT Extension, 2019, SPOT-OT
  • Private Set Intersection in the Internet Setting From Lightweight Oblivious PRF, 2020, CM20
  • PIR-PSI: Scaling Private Contact Discovery, 2018, DRRT18
  • Malicious-Secure private set intersection via dual execution, 2017, RR17
  • Improved private set intersection against malicious adversaries, 2016, RR16
  • Efficient batched oblivious PRF with applications to private set intersection, 2016, KKRT16
  • Phasing : Private Set Intersection using Permutation-based Hashing, 2015,PSSZ15
  • Private set intersection: Are garbled circuits better than custom protocols, 2012, HEK12
  • Linear-complexity private set intersection protocols secure in malicious model, 2010, CKT10

Private Information Retrieval (PIR) (Single-Server)

  • Private Information Retrieval with Sublinear Online Time (highly recommended), 2020, eprint
  • Batched Differentially Private Information Retrieval, 2020, eprint
  • Random-index PIR with Applications to Large-Scale Secure MPC, 2020, eprint
  • Communication Computation Trade-offs in PIR, 2019, eprint
  • PIR with compressed queries and amortized query processing, 2018, eprint
  • Private Stateful Information Retrieval, 2018, eprint
  • Can We Access a Database Both Locally and Privately? 2017, eprint
  • Towards Doubly Efficient Private Information Retrieval, 2017, eprint
  • XPIR : Private Information Retrieval for Everyone, 2016, eprint
  • Optimal Rate Private Information Retrieval from Homomorphic Encryption, 2015, eprint
  • First CPIR Protocol with Data-Dependent Computation, 2009, eprint
  • An Oblivious Transfer Protocol with Log-Squared Communication, 2005, eprint
  • Single-database private information retrieval with constant communication rate, 2005, eprint
  • A new efficient all-or-nothing disclosure of secrets protocol, 1998
  • Replication is NOT needed: SINGLE database, computationally- private information retrieval, 1997, KO97

Private Function Evaluation (PFE) (General)

  • Linear-Complexity Private Function Evaluation is Practical, 2020, eprint
  • An Efficient 2-Party Private Function Evaluation Protocol Based on Half Gates, 2019, eprint
  • Highly Efficient and Reusable Private Function Evaluation with Linear Complexity, 2018, eprint
  • Private Function Evaluation for MPC, 2015, eprint
  • Actively Secure Private Function Evaluation, 2014, eprint
  • How to Hide Circuits in MPC: An Efficient Framework for Private Function Evaluation, 2013, eprint
  • Private set intersection: Are garbled circuits better than custom protocols, 2012, eprint
  • Constant-round private function evaluation with linear complexity, 2011, eprint
  • Bureaucratic protocols for secure two-party sorting, selection, and permuting, 2010, eprint
  • Selective private function evaluation with applications to private statistics, 2001, eprint

Function Secret Sharing (FSS)

  • Function Secret Sharing for PSI-CA : With Applications to Private Contact Tracing, 2021, DILO+21
  • Correlated Pseudorandom Functions from Variable-Density LPN, 2020, BCG+20a
  • Function Secret Sharing for Mixed-Mode and Fixed-Point Secure Computation, 2020, BCG+20b
  • Secure Computation with Preprocessing via Function Secret Sharing, 2019, BGI19
  • Efficient Two-Round OT Extension and Silent Non-Interactive Secure Computation, 2019, BCG+19
  • Distributed vector-ole: Improved constructions and implementation, 2019, SGRR19
  • Compressing vector OLE, 2018, BCGI18
  • Function Secret Sharing, 2016, BGI16a
  • Function secret sharing: Improvements and extensions, 2016, BGI16b
  • Distributed point functions and their applications, 2014, GI19

Semi-honest Generic Protocols

  • The Round Complexity of Secure Protocols, 1990, BMR90
  • Completeness Theorems for Non-Cryptographic Fault Tolerant Distributed Computation, 1988, BGW88
  • How to play any mental game? 1987, GMW87
  • How to generate and exchange secrets? 1986, Yao86

Malicious Generic Protocols

  • New Primitives for Actively-Secure MPC over Rings with Applications to Private Machine Learning, 2019, DEF19
  • Using TopGear in Overdrive: A more efficient ZKPoK for SPDZ, 2019, BCS19
  • SPDZ2k: Efficient MPC MOD 2k for dishonest majority, 2018, SDESC18
  • Overdrive: Making SPDZ great again, 2017, KPR17
  • High-throughput secure three-party computation for malicious adversaries and an honest majority, 2016, FLNW16
  • MASCOT: Faster Malicious Arithmetic Secure Computation with Oblivious Transfer Marcel, 2016, KOS16
  • A new approach to practical active-secure two-party computation, 2011, NNOB11

Covert Generic Protocols

  • Practical Covertly Secure MPC for Dishonest Majority – or : Breaking the SPDZ Limits, 2012, DKLPSS12
  • Calling out Cheaters: Covert Security With Public Verifiability, 2012, AO12
  • Security Against Covert Adversaries : Efficient Protocols for Realistic Adversaries, 2009, AL09

2. Lattice

Summaries and Talks

  • Crypto Innovation School 2019, link

Homomorphic Encryption (HE)

  • Homomorphic Encryption for Arithmetic of Approximate Numbers, 2016, CKKS16
  • Homomorphic Encryption from Learning with Errors: Conceptually-Simpler, Asymptotically-Faster, Attribute-Based, 2013, GSW13
  • Somewhat Practical Fully Homomorphic Encryption, 2012, BFV12
  • Fully Homomorphic Encryption without Bootstrapping, 2011, BGV11
  • Computing Arbitrary Functions of Encrypted Data, 2009, Gen09