This project has been archieved/discontinued, it will not longer recieve support/updates.
It was a great experiance working on this project, but unfortunately time has come to move on.
I wish the best for everyone, until we meet again in future projects !!
Check out the original AssetStudio project for more information.
This is the release of GenshinStudio, Modded AssetStudio that should work with Genshin Impact/YuanShen.
Note: Requires Internet connection to fetch asset_index jsons.
Some features are:
- Integration with `Radioegor146` repo to load asset_index through `Options -> Specify AI version`.
- Exportable Assets (not all of them) with XOR/JSON support for `MiHoYoBinData`
- Togglable debug console.
- Container/filename recovery for Assets.
How to use:
1. Build BLK Map (Misc. -> Build BLKMap).
2. Load BLK files.
NOTE: in case of any MeshRenderer/SkinnedMeshRenderer
errors, make sure to enable Disable Renderer
option in Export Options
before loading assets.
Looking forward for feedback for issues/bugs to fix and update.
Special Thank to:
- Perfare: Original author.
- Khang06: genshinblkstuff for blk/mhy0 extraction.
- Radioegor146: gi-asset-indexes for recovered/updated asset_index's.
- Ds5678: AssetRipper[discord at
channel] for information about Asset Formats & Parsing.