
Primary LanguagePython

Everything has been tested with builbot 0.8.8.

How to hack the PyPy buildbot

If you want to run buildbot locally, you need to:

  1. create a file master/slaveinfo.py which contains the password for the local slave you will run:

    passwords = {"localhost": "an_arbitrary_password" }
  2. cd master; make debug

  3. cd slave; make debug

How to run the PyPy buildbot

If you want to run buildbot in production, you need to make sure that the function pypybuildbot.util.we_are_debugging returns False in your environment. At the moment of writing, debugging is enabled everywhere but on cobra.

You still need to fill master/slaveinfo.py with the passwords of the various slaves you want to use.

Then, to start the buildbot master: buildbot start <path-to pypy-buildbot/master>

To restart the buildmaster

$ cd pypy-buildbot

$ hg pull -u

$ cd master

$ buildbot checkconfig

$ buildbot reconfig


$ buildbot stop

$ buildbot start


$ ./restart_buildmaster_when_not_running

To run a buildslave