
Dynamic rock behaviour simulation program

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

  1. Background

Rock dynamics has become one of the most important topics in the field of rock mechanics and rock engineering. The spectrum of rock dynamic behavior widely includes phenomena of rockbursting, spalling, popping, collapse, toppling, sliding, and so on, which induced by the stress redistribution and energy release after excavation. Current version of rdbsp arms to simulate the process of displacement field redistribution and stress wave propagation in deep underground rock with finite element method. Forward Euler time integration scheme is adapted in this program to simulate the dynamic procedure .

  1. Functionality

This explicit dynamic finite element program is utilized to calculate the deep rock mass deformation, which is written by the c++ language and calculated using a single integration point block element with eight nodes. To eliminate the hourglass effect in calculation, the hourglass resistance, which is perpendicular to the rotation modal of rigid body and established by Belytschko and Flanagan in 1982, is applied in this program. The Jaumann derivative is added into the program with the concern of the effect of the rigid body rotation to solve the difficulty of the large deformation calculation for the deep rock mass. The program enables both the static and the dynamic finite element calculation. The geometric model can be built by the Hypermesh pre-processing software via the keyword recognition and post-processing interfaces, and the calculated result can be shown by the two post-processing programs Tecplot or Paraview.

  1. Requirements

  • System: Linux 2.6+
  • Software enviorment: Intel compiler with MKL(community edition, 2013+), bison, flex
  • Hardware: Any AMD64 arch platform
  1. Installation

  • Register as an Open Source Contributors and download & install community version Intel® Parallel Studio XE. Configure the compile enviornment by running source /opt/intel/<compilers_and_libraries_version>/linux/bin/compilervars.sh intel64.
  • Install bison and flex with command apt install bison flex
  • Make -f Makefile_LINUX64, generate "rdbsp" binary file
  • Copy to any where you want
  1. Usage

The program is running on command line enviorment. It has three options, using "-i" defines the name of input file, or you need to type the input file at terminal(Don't do that except debuging, please edit you input file before runing it.). using "-r" difines the name of status file, this option is used for restart an analysis. Using "-r" difines the name of output file

The usage as following:

usage: cmd [ -i input file name] [-r ] [-o ][?]

  1. Guidelines of coding

The structure of this program is shown below. As shown in the figure, the input file first is interprated by the progam, and initial a class called "domain", which includes data of nodes, elements, and control variables for solver. During the "domain" intiallization, a dynamic memory management class "BlockAlloc" could apply a 4K block when there is no enough memory for the "domain". The memory management unit seems old style now, we wish we could update to more mordern one then. After data input, a function "preProcess" will be called to remove elements without material property, generate a map list for elements and nodes, apply intial stress and boundary condition. Then the main loop "solve" function will be called to solve the problem with a dynamic FEM solver.

The folders contain content shown below:

Folder Functions
Documentation Documentation of this repository
Driver.d Class Domain, including all the data and solving functions of main loop
Element.d Classes of Nodeset, Elementset, Node and Element
Material.d Classes of Materialset and Material, Material has child class of Elastic and Mohr Coulomb model
Parser.d lexerl.l defines the grammer of the input file
Solvers.d Some header files for solver
TecplotIO.d Header files for Tecplot output
Tests Testing example
Timers.d_LINUX64 Get system time and static solving time
Utils.d Memory managment, cuvre data, reading and wring status file, and some other utilities