Second Light Vision System (SLVision) is a camera based tracking software developed for Microsoft Second Light. It can track several fingers, hand gestures on and above the table and ReacTivision inspired 6DoF markers.
This software compiles under visual studio 2010 (vc10) and needs a windows system with the openCV libraries installed and located at c:/. To compile it follow these steps:
easy way:
- Install visual studio 2010 (this step is not nedded if you have it installed)
- Download openCV 2.4.5 libraries []
- extract openCV Libraries to "c:/opencv"
- add C:\opencv\build\x86\vc10\bin to the windows path
"hard" way (if you need to use a diferent ocv location or newer ocv releases):
- Install visual studio 2010 (this step is not nedded if you have it installed)
- Download and extract openCV libraries
- Modify project properties:
- Project -> properties -> "VC++ Directories" -> Include Directories
- Project -> properties -> "VC++ Directories" -> Library Directories
- Project -> properties -> "Linker" -> "Input" -> Additional Dependences