Vue_project 大纲


1.1 知识点汇总

  • 流程及开发方法
    • 了解一个项目的开发流程
    • 学会组件化\模块化\工程化的开发模式
    • 掌握使用 Vue-cli 脚手架初始化 Vue.js 项目
    • 学会 Es6+Eslint开发方式
  • 第三方组件
    • 学会使用 stylus 编写模块化的CSS
    • 学会使用 vue-router 开发单页应用SPA
    • 学会使用 vue-resource 与后端数据交互
    • 学会如何在Vue.js 框架里和第三方JS插件交互
  • 设计**与模式
    • 学会使用Vue.js 的过渡编写酷炫交互动画
    • 了解移动端设备像素比的概念
    • 学会制作并使用图标字
    • 学会解决移动端 1px 边框问题
    • 学会移动端经典的 css sticky footer布局
    • 学会 flex 伸缩盒模型弹性布局

1.2 技术选项

  • 前台数据处理/交互/组件化
    • vue
    • vue-cli
    • vue-router
    • vue-resource
    • vuex
  • 后台处理
    • mockjs
    • json
  • 模块化
    • ES6
    • babel
  • 项目构建/工程化
    • webpack
    • vue-cli
    • eslint
  • css预编译器
    • stylus
  • 滑动库
    • better-scroll
  • 编码规范检查
    • eslint

1.3 前端路由

  • 商品
    • components/goods/goods.vue
    • /goods
  • 评价
    • components/ratings/ratings.vue
    • /ratings
  • 商家
    • components/seller/seller.vue
    • /seller

1.4 Vue路由组件

  • goods.vue
    • food.vue
      • cartcontrol.vue
      • ratingselect.vue
      • split.vue
    • shopcart.vue
      • cartcontrol.vue
    • cartcontrol.vue
  • ratings.vue
    • star.vue
    • ratingselect.vue
    • split.vue
  • seller.vue
    • star.vue
    • split.vue

1.5 组件意义

  1. app.vue 应用根组件
  2. header.vue 页面头部显示商家基本信息的组件
  3. goods.vue 商品分路由组件: 商品列表 / 购物车相关功能
  4. ratings.vue 评价分路由组件: 商品评论列表
  5. seller.vue 商家详情分路由组件: 显示商家详情
  6. star.vue 星级评价组件
  7. food.vue 商品列表组件: 显示商品分类 / 商品列表 / 购物项加减
  8. cartcontrol.vue 购物项操作组件: 增加 / 减少某个购物项的数量
  9. ratingselect.vue 商品评论列表组件: 过滤查看商品评价列表
  10. split.vue 分隔线小组件
  11. shopcart.vue 底部购物车组件: 显示购物项列表及相关操作\


2.1 使用 vue-cli 搭建项目

  • npm install -g vue-cli
  • vue init webpack#1.0 vue_app
  • npm run dev
  • 访问 loaclhost:8080

2.2 项目结构

|-- build : webpack相关的配置文件夹(基本不需要修改)
	|-- dev-server.js : 通过express启动后台服务器
|-- config: webpack相关的配置文件夹(基本不需要修改)
	|-- index.js: 指定的后台服务的端口号和静态资源文件夹
|-- node_modules
|-- src : 源码文件夹
	|-- components: vue组件及其相关资源文件夹
	|-- app.vue: 应用根主组件
	|-- main.js: 应用入口js
|-- static: 静态资源文件夹
|-- .babelrc: babel的配置文件
|-- .editorconfig: 通过编辑器的编码/格式进行一定的配置
|-- .eslintignore: eslint检查忽略的配置
|-- .eslintrc.js: eslint检查的配置
|-- .gitignore: git版本管制忽略的配置
|-- index.html: 主页面文件
|-- package.json: 应用包配置文件 
|-- 应用描述说明的readme文件

2.3 资源概念

  • 标注图(设计稿): 对应用界面各个组成元素进行坐标/大小/颜色等进行标签的界面图
  • 切图: 将应用界面的一些静态图形部分, 通过工具(如photoshop)剪裁生成的图片
  • 图片Base64: 样式中引用的小图片, 在webpack打包会自动处理转换为样式内部的Base64编码字符串
  • 2x与3x图: 不同手机的屏幕密度不一样, 一般都在2以上(如iphone6为2,iphone6s为3), 为了适配不同的手机, UI设计师为同一个图片制作了2x和3x的2套图片(图形一样, 但大小不一样)

2.4 项目源码目录设计

|-- common----------------通用资源文件夹
|-- fonts ---------------字体资源文件夹(图标字体文件)
|-- js-------------------通用js文件夹
|-- stylus---------------通用stylus文件夹
	|-- font.styl--------图标字体样式
|-- components------------所有vue组件文件夹
	|-- header---------------头部组件文件夹
		|-- header.vue--------前部组件vue
		|-- logo 头部相关的n个图标
			|-- xxx.png-----------头部相关的n个图标
	|-- seller---------------商家详情组件文件夹
		|-- seller.vue--------商家详情组件vue
	|-- goods----------------商品组件文件夹
		|-- goods.vue---------商品组件vue
	|-- ratings--------------评价组件文件夹
		|-- ratings.vue-------评价组件vue
|-- app.vue---------------应用根组件vue
|-- main.js---------------应用入口js

2.5 图标字体制作

  • 图标字体: 使用IcoMoon将SVG格式的图标转换生成图标字体及样式
  • 进入icoMoon官网:
  • 点击右上角 IcoMoon App 进入处理页面
  • 点击左上交 Import Icons 选择resource\SVG*.svg, 上传显示到页面
  • 在页面选择所有svg, 点击右下角 Generate Font 生成图标字体样式
  • 点击左上角 Preferences 指定 Font-Name 为 seil-icon. 点击右下角 Download 下载到本地
  • 解压. 访问demo.html测试
  • 我们项目需要的是 fonts文件夹 和 style.css

2.6 stylus

  • 安装 npm install stylus stylus-loader --save-dev
  • stylus说明文档
  • 基本语法: 完全通过缩进控制, 不需要大括号和分号, 冒号是可选的

  • 父级引用: 使用字符 & 指向父类选择器

  • 变量
    • 定义变量: 如 mainColor = #0982c1
    • 引用变量: 如 color mainColor
    • 变量命名最好用 $ 开头 (好识别)

  • 混合(Mixins)
    • 预处理器的函数
    • 函数参数可以指定默认值
    • 某段CSS样式要用到多个元素上.只有其中的1,2个样式值有变化

  • 导入: 通过@import引入其它样式文件


3.1 引入vue-router

  • 下载: npm install vue-router@0.7.13 --save

  • main.js

      import Vue from 'vue'
      import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
      import App from './App.vue'
      import goods from './components/goods/goods.vue'
      import ratings from './components/ratings/ratings.vue'
      import seller from './components/seller/seller.vue'
      var router = new VueRouter({
        '/goods': {
          component: goods
        '/ratings': {
          component: ratings
        '/seller': {
          component: seller
      router.start(App, '#app')
  • App.vue

          <div class="tab">
            <div class="tab-item">
              <a v-link="{path: '/goods'}">商品</a>
            <div class="tab-item">
              <a v-link="{path: '/ratings'}">评价</a>
            <div class="tab-item">
              <a v-link="{path: '/seller'}">商家</a>
      <script type="text/ecmascript-6">
        import header from './components/header/header.vue'
        export default {
          components: {
            'ele-header': header
      <style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
            display: inline-block
              color: #ff1813

3.2 各组件基本编码

  • header.vue

      <script type="text/ecmascript-6">
        export default {
          data () {
            return {}
      <style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
  • components/goods/goods.vue

        export default {
          data () {
            return {}
      <style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
  • components/ratings/ratings.vue

      <script type="text/ecmascript-6">
        export default {
          data () {
            return {}
      <style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
  • components/seller/seller.vue

      <script type="text/ecmascript-6">
        export default {
          data () {
            return {}
      <style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">

3.3 引入reset样式

  • index.html
    • static/css/reset.css [CSS2.0]
    • <link rel="stylesheet" href="static/css/reset.css">

3.4 添加viewport

  • index.html

          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <meta name="viewport"
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="static/css/reset.css">
          <div id="app"></div>
          <!-- built files will be auto injected -->

简单布局 [死数据]

4.1 App.vue [tab标签css样式]

<style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
  @import "common/stylus/mixins.styl"
    height 40px
    line-height 40px
    display flex
      flex-grow 1
      text-align center
      font-size 14px
      color rgb(77,85,93)
      /*为a标签添加样式. 点击区域变大*/
        display block
        &.v-link-active /*用来描述a  &符号引用上一级*/
          color: rgb(240,20,20)

4.2 header.vue [页面布局]

  • 内容区包裹 content-wrapper
    • 商家LOGO
    • 商家主体内容区
      • 标题[图标/name]
      • 描述
      • 支持描述(满减)[icon/text]
    • 商家描述详情按钮
      • 数量
      • 图标箭头
  • 公告区包裹 bulletin-wrapper
    • 公告区标题
    • 公告区文本
    • 图标箭头
  • 背景图 background
    • img
  • 浮层 detail
    • 浮层包裹
      • 浮层主体
        • 名字
        • 星星
        • 浮层优惠信息标题
          • 分割线
          • 文本
          • 分割线
        • 浮层满减描述 ul>li
        • 浮层商家公告标题
          • 分割线
          • 文本
          • 分割线
        • 浮层商家内容
    • 浮层关闭按钮
  <div class="header">

    <div class="content-wrapper">
      <div class="avatar">
        <img src="avatar.jpg" alt="">

      <div class="content">
        <div class="title">
          <span class="brand"></span>
          <span class="name">粥品香坊 (回龙观)</span>
        <div class="description">蜂鸟转送/38分钟到达</div>
        <div class="support">
          <span class="icon discount_1"></span>
          <span class="text">在线支付满25减10</span>

      <div class="supports_count">
        <span class="count">5个</span>
        <span class="icon-keyboard_arrow_right"></span>

    <div class="bulletin-wrapper">
      <span class="bulletin-title"></span>
      <span class="bulletin-text">粥品香坊其烹饪粥料的秘方源于**千年古法,在融和现代制作工艺,由世界烹饪大师屈浩先生领衔研发。坚守纯天然、0添加的良心品质深得消费者青睐,发展至今成为粥类的引领品牌。是2008年奥运会和2013年园博会指定餐饮服务商。</span>
      <!-- 右→箭头 -->
      <span class="icon-keyboard_arrow_right"></span>

    <div class="background">
      <img src="avatar.jpg" alt="">

    <div class="detail">
      <div class="detail-wrapper">
        <div class="detail-main">
          <div class="name">粥品香坊 (回龙观)</div>

          <div class="star-wrapper">
            <span class="star_48 star_48on"></span>
            <span class="star_48 star_48on"></span>
            <span class="star_48 star_48on"></span>
            <span class="star_48 star_48half"></span>
            <span class="star_48 star_48off"></span>

          <div class="title">
            <div class="line"></div>
            <div class="text">优惠信息</div>
            <div class="line"></div>

          <ul class="supports">
            <li class="support">
              <span class="icon decrease_2"></span>
              <span class="text">在线支付满减</span>
            <li class="support">
              <span class="icon discount_2"></span>
              <span class="text">VC果粒橙全场8折</span>
            <li class="support">
              <span class="icon guarantee_2"></span>
              <span class="text">单人精彩套餐</span>
            <li class="support">
              <span class="icon invoice_2"></span>
              <span class="text">该商家支持发票</span>
            <li class="support">
              <span class="icon special_2"></span>
              <span class="text">已加入"外卖保"</span>

          <div class="title">
            <div class="line"></div>
            <div class="text">商家公告</div>
            <div class="line"></div>

          <div class="content">

      <!--浮层 x 图标-->
      <div class="detail-close">
        <span class="icon-close"></span>

4.3 header.vue [stylus样式]

  • commom/stylus/mixins.styl

  • 1物理像素说明

  • 小图标路径 header/logo文件夹中

  • header.vue中引入 @import "../../common/stylus/mixins.styl"

        background-image url("./logo/"+$url +"@2x.png")
        @media (min-device-pixel-ratio:3),(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:3)
          background-image url("./logo/"+$url +"@3x.png")
        background-image url("../star/" +$url +"@2x.png")
        @media (min-device-pixel-ratio:3),(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:3)
          background-image url("../star/" +$url +"@3x.png")
        position relative
        border none
          position absolute
          bottom 0
          left 0
          content ''
          width 100%
          height 1px
          transform scaleY(0.5)
          background $color	

4.4 header.vue [fonts样式]

  • commom/fonts

  • commom/stylus/fonts.styl

  • icon图网站

  • 将icomoon\fonts\下所有文件拷贝到src\common\fonts目录下

  • 将iconmoon\style.css拷贝到src\common\stylus\下, 重命名为font.styl. 并修正url路径地址

  • main主文件中引入 import './common/stylus/fonts.styl'

      @font-face {
        font-family: 'icomoon';
        src:  url('../fonts/icomoon.eot?zdcvz1');
        src:  url('../fonts/icomoon.eot?zdcvz1#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
          url('../fonts/icomoon.ttf?zdcvz1') format('truetype'),
          url('../fonts/icomoon.woff?zdcvz1') format('woff'),
          url('../fonts/icomoon.svg?zdcvz1#icomoon') format('svg');
        font-weight: normal;
        font-style: normal;
      [class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"] {
        /* use !important to prevent issues with browser extensions that change fonts */
        font-family: 'icomoon' !important;
        speak: none;
        font-style: normal;
        font-weight: normal;
        font-variant: normal;
        text-transform: none;
        line-height: 1;
        /* Better Font Rendering =========== */
        -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
        -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
      .icon-add_circle:before {
        content: "\e900";
      .icon-arrow_lift:before {
        content: "\e901";
      .icon-check_circle:before {
        content: "\e902";
      .icon-close:before {
        content: "\e903";
      .icon-favorite:before {
        content: "\e904";
      .icon-keyboard_arrow_right:before {
        content: "\e905";
      .icon-remove_circle_outline:before {
        content: "\e906";
      .icon-shopping_cart:before {
        content: "\e907";
      .icon-thumb_down:before {
        content: "\e908";
      .icon-thumb_up:before {
        content: "\e909";

mock 模拟数据

5.1 概念

  • 1)Web应用前后端(台)分离:
    • 后台向前台提供API接口, 只负责数据的提供和计算,而完全不处理展现
    • 前台通过Http(Ajax)请求获取数据, 在浏览器端动态构建界面显示数据
  • 2)设计JSON数据结构
    • JSON数据包括
      • 结构: 名称和数据类型
      • value
    • Value可变, 但结构不可以变化

5.2 模拟数据文件

  • src/mock/data.json

5.3 利用Node+express提供模拟数据

  • build/dev-server.js

  • 问题: 如果是打包发布就无法访问模拟数据, 只能是测试时使用

      var data = require('../src/mock/data.json')
      var seller = data.seller
      var goods = data.goods
      var ratings = data.ratings
        // 创建路由器
      var apiRouter = express.Router()
        // 映射路由
      apiRouter.get('/seller',function (req,res) {
          code: 0, // 代表当前数据是否正常. 0代表正常. 1代表错误
          data: seller
      apiRouter.get('/goods',function (req,res) {
          code: 0, // 代表当前数据是否正常. 0代表正常. 1代表错误
          data: goods
      apiRouter.get('/ratings',function (req,res) {
          code: 0, // 代表当前数据是否正常. 0代表正常. 1代表错误
          data: ratings
        // 启动路由器
      app.use('/api', apiRouter)

5.4 利用mock模拟数据

  • Mockjs: 用来拦截ajax请求, 生成随机数据返回



  • 下载: npm install mockjs --save

  • 好处: 打包发布运行模拟接口也是可以用的, 这样便于大家演示

  • 使用: src/mock/mockServer.js

      import Mock from 'mockjs'   // npm install mockjs --save
      import data from './data.json'
      // 映射接口路由
      Mock.mock('/api2/seller', {
        code: 0,
        data: data.seller
      Mock.mock('/api2/goods', {
        code: 0,
        data: data.goods
      Mock.mock('/api2/ratings', {
        code: 0,
        data: data.ratings
      // 不需要使用export 暴露

5.5 引入vue-resource访问mock数据接口

  • npm install vue-resource --save

  • main.js引入:

    • import VueResource from 'vue-resource'
    • Vue.use(VueResource)
    • import './mock/mockServer'
  • App.vue使用

      <script type="text/ecmascript-6">
        import header from './components/header/header.vue'
        export default {
          created () {
            // 发送ajax请求  mock提供的接口
              .then(response => {
            // 发送ajax请求  express提供的
              .then(response => {
          components: {
            'ele-header': header

5.6 使用postman工具测试接口

star 星星组件动态计算

6.1 star 样式

  @import "../../common/stylus/mixins.styl"
  /*星星 36大小*/
    display inline-block
    width 15px
    height 15px
    background-repeat no-repeat
    background-size 15px 15px
    margin 0 10px

  /*星星 24大小*/
    display inline-block
    width 10px
    height 10px
    background-repeat no-repeat
    background-size 10px 10px
    margin 0 10px

  /*星星 48大小*/
    display inline-block
    width 20px
    height 19px
    background-repeat no-repeat
    background-size 20px 19px
    margin 0 10px

6.2 页面模版

  • header组件中引入: import star from '../star/star.vue'
  • header组件里注册组件标签: components: {star}
  • 把数据里的商家评分和星星大小数据传送给star组件
  • star模版: <span v-for="sc in starClasses" :class="sc" track-by="$index"></span>

6.3 星星获取逻辑

  • props定义评分和大小的数据类型: Number

  • 星星数量需要遍历获得. 要通过计算属性 computed获得

  • 定义空的星星数组

  • 定义评分的变量: 用来接收组件中传来的评分数据

  • 定义整数位评分满星的变量: 向下取整获得数量 Math.floor

  • 循环整数位评分后通过push方法塞到定义的星星数组里

  • 获得半星: 判断小数位是否大于0.5.

  • while循环星星数组是否小于5个

  • 最后return新的星星数组

      <script type="text/ecmascript-6">
        export default {
          props: {
            score: Number,
            size: Number
          computed: {
            starClasses () {
              // 创建全部星星的数组
              var scs = []
              var score = this.score
              // 得到整数部分的评分
              var scoreInterger = Math.floor(score)
              // 创建整星的class
              for (var i = 0; i < scoreInterger; i++) {
                scs.push(`star_${this.size} star_${this.size}on`)
              // 得到评分的半星
              if (score - scoreInterger >= 0.5) {
                scs.push(`star_${this.size} star_${this.size}half`)
              // 得到评分的灰星
              while (scs.length < 5) {
                scs.push(`star_${this.size} star_${this.size}off`)
              return scs

6.4 star组件所需图片列表


7.1 app里请求获取商家数据seller并传递给header组件使用

created () {
      // 发送ajax请求  mock提供的接口
        .then(response => {
          // 获得返回结果
          const result = response.body
          if (result.code === 0) {
            this.seller =

传送组件: <ele-header :seller="seller"></ele-header>

7.2 header template动态获取

  <div class="header">

    <!--TODO 头部内容主体区域-->
    <div class="content-wrapper">
      <div class="avatar">
        <img :src="seller.avatar">

      <div class="content">
        <div class="title">
          <span class="brand"></span>
          <span class="name">{{}}</span>
        <div class="description">{{seller.description}}/{{seller.deliveryTime}}分钟送达</div>
        <div class="support" v-if="seller.supports">
          <span class="icon" :class="classMap[seller.supports[0].type]"></span>
          <span class="text">{{seller.supports[0].description}}</span>

      <div class="supports_count" v-if="seller.supports" @click="showDetail(true)">
        <span class="count">{{seller.supports.length}}</span>
        <span class="icon-keyboard_arrow_right"></span>

    <!--TODO 头部公告区域-->
    <div class="bulletin-wrapper" @click="showDetail(true)">
      <span class="bulletin-title"></span>
      <span class="bulletin-text">{{seller.bulletin}}</span>
      <!-- 右→箭头 -->
      <span class="icon-keyboard_arrow_right"></span>

    <!--TODO 头部商家底层背景图-->
    <div class="background">
      <img :src="seller.avatar">

    <!--TODO 浮层-->
    <div class="detail" v-show="detailShow">
      <div class="detail-wrapper">
        <div class="detail-main">
          <div class="name">{{}}</div>

          <div class="star-wrapper">
            <star :score="seller.score" :size="48"></star>

          <div class="title">
            <div class="line"></div>
            <div class="text">优惠信息</div>
            <div class="line"></div>

          <ul class="supports" v-if="seller.supports">
            <li class="support" v-for="support in seller.supports">
              <span class="icon" :class="classMap[support.type]"></span>
              <span class="text">{{support.description}}</span>

          <div class="title">
            <div class="line"></div>
            <div class="text">商家公告</div>
            <div class="line"></div>

          <div class="content">

      <!--浮层 x 图标-->
      <div class="detail-close" @click="showDetail(false)">
        <span class="icon-close"></span>

7.3 显示隐藏浮层

  • 有小箭头的地方传入点击显示的方法: @click="showDetail(true)"

  • 浮层关闭图标时隐藏方法: @click="showDetail(false)"

  • 在浮层区域设置显示隐藏的变量: v-show="detailShow"

  • 初始化变量为false: 默认不显示

  • 定义一个方法实现显示隐藏办法

      <script type="text/ecmascript-6">
      	// 引入 星星组件
        import star from '../star/star.vue'
        export default {
          // 接收app中data里的seller数据
          props: ['seller'],
          data () {
            return {
              // 定义浮层初始化时不显示
              detailShow: false
          created () {
            // 动态获得小图标  data里type值对应样式名
            this.classMap = ['decrease', 'discount', 'special', 'invoice', 'guarantee']
          methods: {
            // 定义浮层显示隐藏的方法
            showDetail (show) {
              this.detailShow = show
          components: {

7.4 header 样式

  @import "../../common/stylus/mixins.styl"
    position relative
    background rgba(7,17,27,.5)
    color aliceblue
    overflow hidden
    /*TODO 头部内容包裹区*/
      position relative
      padding 24px 12px 18px 24px
        display inline-block
        width 64px
        height 64px
          width 100%
        display inline-block
        margin-left 16px
          margin-top 2px
          /*品牌图标样式 mixins引入*/
            display inline-block
            width 30px
            height 18px
            background-repeat no-repeat
            background-size 30px 18px
            vertical-align middle
            margin-left 6px
            font-size 16px
            font-weight bold
            line-height 18px
          margin-top 8px
          margin-bottom 10px
          font-size 12px
          font-weight 200
          line-height 12px
          margin-bottom 2px
            display inline-block
            width 12px
            height 12px
            background-size 12px 12px
            background-repeat no-repeat
            vertical-align middle
            margin-left 4px
            font-size 10px
            font-weight 200
            line-height 12px
        position absolute
        right 10px
        bottom 10px
        height 24px
        background rgba(0,0,0,.2)
        padding 7px 8px
        border-radius 7px
        box-sizing border-box
          margin-right 2px
          font-size 10px
          font-weight 200
          line-height 12px
          vertical-align top
    /*TODO 公告包裹区样式*/
      position relative
      background rgba(7,17,27,0.2)
      padding 0 20px 0 12px
      text-overflow ellipsis
      overflow hidden
      white-space nowrap
      height 28px
      line-height 28px
        display inline-block
        width 22px
        height 12px
        background-repeat no-repeat
        background-size 22px 12px
        vertical-align middle
        font-size 10px
        font-weight 200
        margin 0 4px
        position absolute
        top 8px
        right 0
    /*TODO 头部底层背景样式*/
      position absolute
      top 0
      left 0
      width 100%
      height 100%
      z-index -1
      &>img /*& 表示从父级拿取*/
        width 100%
        height 100%
        filter blur(10px)
    /*TODO 浮层样式*/
      position fixed
      top 0
      left 0
      right 0
      bottom 0
      background  rgba(7,17,27,.8)
      z-index 100
        min-height 100%
          padding-bottom 32px
          padding-top 64px
            text-align center
            font-size 16px
            font-weight 700
            line-height 16px
            margin-bottom 16px
            height 24px
            line-height 24px
            text-align center
           /*浮层标题样式 【公用】*/
            padding 28px 36px 24px
            text-align center
            display flex
              flex 1
              width 112px
              height 2px
              background rgba(255,255,255,.2)
              margin-top 8px
              margin 0 12px
            padding 0 48px
              height 16px
              margin-bottom 12px
                display inline-block
                width 16px
                height 16px
                background-size 16px 16px
                background-repeat no-repeat
                vertical-align middle
                margin-left 6px
                font-size 12px
                font-weight 200
                line-height 12px
            padding 0 48px
            font-size 12px
            font-weight 200
            line-height 24px
        margin-top -64px
        font-size 32px
        width 100%
        height 32px
        text-align center
        color #666

7.5 header组件所需图片列表

goods 组件开发

  • 内部使用了三个组件
    • Shopcart: 购物车组件
    • Cartcontrol: 添加购物车操作组件
    • food: 食品详情组件
  • 使用 better-scroll 实现ul滑动
    • 安装: npm install better-scroll
    • 引入: import BScroll from 'better-scroll'

8.1 goods组件所需图片列表

8.2 goods样式

<style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
  @import "../../common/stylus/mixins.styl"

    display: flex
    position: absolute
    top: 174px
    bottom: 46px
    width: 100%
    overflow: hidden

    /*TODO 左侧菜单项样式*/
      flex: 0 0 80px
      width: 80px
      background: #f3f5f7
        display: table
        height: 54px
        width: 56px
        padding: 0 12px
        line-height: 14px
          position: relative
          z-index: 10
          margin-top: -1px
          background: #fff
          font-weight: 700
          display: inline-block
          vertical-align: top
          width: 12px
          height: 12px
          margin-right: 2px
          background-size: 12px 12px
          background-repeat: no-repeat
          display: table-cell
          width: 56px
          vertical-align: middle
          border-1px(rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1))
          font-size: 12px
     /*TODO 右侧商品详情页样式*/
      flex: 1
        padding-left: 14px
        height: 26px
        line-height: 26px
        border-left: 2px solid #d9dde1
        font-size: 12px
        color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
        background: #f3f5f7

        display: flex
        margin: 18px
        padding-bottom: 18px
        border-1px(rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1))
          margin-bottom: 0
          flex: 0 0 57px
          margin-right: 10px
        /*商品内容详情  */
          flex: 1
          .name /*商品名*/
            margin: 2px 0 8px 0
            height: 14px
            line-height: 14px
            font-size: 14px
            color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
          .desc, .extra /*商品描述*/
            line-height: 10px
            font-size: 10px
            color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
            line-height: 12px
            margin-bottom: 8px
          .extra /*月售好评*/
              margin-right: 12px
          .price /*价格*/
            font-weight: 700
            line-height: 24px
              margin-right: 8px
              font-size: 14px
              color: rgb(240, 20, 20)
              text-decoration: line-through
              font-size: 10px
              color: rgb(147, 153, 159)

          /*cartcontrol组件样式  */
            position: absolute
            right: 0
            bottom: 12px

8.3 goods页面模版

  • 左右两侧菜单通过 v-el定义标识

  • 列表li 通过 v-for 遍历数据(数据在created时发ajax请求获得)

    • {{}}
      <!--TODO 右侧商品详情div-->
      <div class="foods-wrapper" v-el:foods-wrapper>
          <li class="food-list food-list-hook" v-for="good in goods">
            <h1 class="title">{{}}</h1>
              <li class="food-item border-1px"
                  v-for="food in good.foods"
                <div class="icon">
                  <img width="57" height="57" :src="food.icon">
                <div class="content">
                  <h2 class="name">{{}}</h2>
                  <p class="desc">{{food.description}}</p>
                  <div class="extra">
                    <span class="count">月售{{food.sellCount}}份</span>
                  <div class="price">
                    <span class="now">¥{{food.price}}</span>
                    <span class="old" v-show="food.oldPrice">¥{{food.oldPrice}}</span>
                  <div class="cartcontrol-wrapper">
                    <cartcontrol :food="food" :update-food-count="updateFoodCount"></cartcontrol>
      <!--TODO 购物车底部组件-->
      <shopcart :food-list="foodList"
    <food :food="selectedFood"

8.4 goods ui滚动

  • 引入better-scroll: import BScroll from 'better-scroll'

  • 在发送ajax确认页面更新之后调用滑动函数

    • this.$nextTick(() => {this._initScroll()})
  • 初始化创建Scroller对象形成滚动条

  • 创建左侧菜单滑动

  • 创建右侧商品内容滑动

      methods: {
        // 初始化创建 Scroller对象. 行成滚动条
        _initScroll () {
          // 左侧菜单滑动
          var menuScroll = new BScroll(this.$els.menuWrapper, {})
          // 右侧商品内容滑动
          var foodsScroll = new BScroll(this.$els.foodsWrapper, {})
          console.log(menuScroll, foodsScroll)

8.5 计算获得指定选中菜单项

  • 初始化top值获得所有li的高度并累加
  • 定义点击对应li菜单项进行滚动
  • 通过计算属性动态获得li所对应的index下标

8.6 清空购物车选项 (shopcart事件订阅)

  • 点击时让商品的数量变成 0

        clearCart (foodList) { 
          foodList.forEach(food => {
            food.count = 0

8.7 计算商品列表 (shopcart组件)

  • 定义商品的数组

  • 遍历数据data里的所有goods 然后添加到数组中并返回

        foodList () {
          const foods = []
          this.goods.forEach(good => {
            good.foods.forEach(food => {
              if (food.count) {
          return foods

goods JS代码

  // 引入 滑动插件
  import BScroll from 'better-scroll'
  // 引入控制购物车数量组件
  import cartcontrol from '../cartcontrol/cartcontrol.vue'
  // 引入Vue
  import Vue from 'vue'
  // 引入底部购物车
  import shopcart from '../shopcart/shopcart.vue'

  export default {
    props: ['seller'],
    data () {
      return {
        goods: [],
        scrollY: 0,
        tops: []
    created () {
      this.classMap = ['decrease', 'discount', 'special', 'invoice', 'guarantee']

      // 发ajax请求. 得到goods数据
        .then(response => {
          var result = response.body
          if (result.code === 0) {
            this.goods =

            // 在页面更新之后执行
            this.$nextTick(() => {

              // 初始化top值
    methods: {
      // TODO 初始化创建 Scroller对象. 行成滚动条
      _initScroll () {
        // 左侧菜单滑动
        var menuScroll = new BScroll(this.$els.menuWrapper, {
          click: true  // 派发点击事件

        // 右侧商品内容滑动
        this.foodsScroll = new BScroll(this.$els.foodsWrapper, {
          click: true,
          probeType: 3 // 让scroll 事件回调函数执行

        // 监视 foodsScroll 滚动
        this.foodsScroll.on('scroll', pos => {
          // 保存滚动的y轴坐标
          this.scrollY = -pos.y

      // TODO 初始化top值
      _initTops () {
        var tops = this.tops
        var top = 0
        tops.push(top) // 添加第一个top值

        // 得到所有分类的li
        var lis = this.$els.foodsWrapper.getElementsByClassName('food-list-hook')
        ;[] => {
          // 获得li 的高度并累加
          top += li.clientHeight

      // TODO 点击菜单指定对应列表
      clickMenu (index, event) {
        // 过滤系统的点击回调
/*        if (!event._constructed) {
        // 得到对应的li
        var lis = this.$els.foodsWrapper.getElementsByClassName('food-list-hook')
        var li = lis[index]
        // 滚动
        this.foodsScroll.scrollToElement(li, 300)

      // TODO 定义更新 商品的数量
      updateFoodCount (food, isAdd, event) {
        // 过滤系统的点击回调
        if (!event._constructed) {
        if (isAdd) { // 加
          if (!food.count) { // 第一次操作
            // set方法进行监视属性第一次操作
            Vue.set(food, 'count', 1)
          } else {
        } else { // 减
          if (food.count) {
            food.count --

      // TODO shopcart组件事件订阅 --> 清空购物车选项
      clearCart (foodList) { // 让购物车中所有food的count指定为0
        foodList.forEach(food => {
          food.count = 0
    computed: {
      // 计算出当前分类的下标
      currentIndex () {
        *   this.scrollY
        *   this.tops

        return this.tops.findIndex((top, index) => {
          // 如果返回true. 结果就为对应的index
          return this.scrollY >= top && this.scrollY < this.tops[ index + 1 ]
      // shopcart组件: 计算商品列表
      foodList () {
        const foods = []
        this.goods.forEach(good => {
          good.foods.forEach(food => {
            if (food.count) {
        return foods
    components: {

cartcontrol.vue 购物车数量加减按钮

9.1 style样式

    font-size: 0
      display: inline-block
      padding: 6px
      transition: all 0.4s linear
        opacity: 1
        transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)
          display: inline-block
          line-height: 24px
          font-size: 24px
          color: rgb(0, 160, 220)
          transition: all 0.4s linear
          transform: rotate(0)
      &.move-enter, &.move-leave
        opacity: 0
        transform: translate3d(24px, 0, 0)
          transform: rotate(180deg)
      display: inline-block
      vertical-align: top
      width: 12px
      padding-top: 6px
      line-height: 24px
      text-align: center
      font-size: 10px
      color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
      display: inline-block
      padding: 6px
      line-height: 24px
      font-size: 24px
      color: rgb(0, 160, 220)

9.2 通过goods传递数据动态获取

  • goods组件引入 cartcontrol组件并注册

  • 传递商品信息和更新商品数量的方法

    • <cartcontrol :food="food" :update-food-count="updateFoodCount"></cartcontrol>
  • 方法中传递三个参数: 商品名, 是否是加, 事件

    • 如果是加. 进行判断是否是第一次操作.
    • 如果是第一次操作,引入Vue,调用set方法进行监视属性第一次变化
    • 如果不是第一次操作, 则food.count++
    • 如果是减且count有值 则food.count --
  • 点击事件取消冒泡: @click.stop

      	updateFoodCount (food, isAdd, event) {
              // 过滤系统的点击回调
              if (!event._constructed) {
              if (isAdd) { // 加
                if (!food.count) { // 第一次操作
      			// set方法进行监视属性第一次操作
                  Vue.set(food, 'count', 1) 
                } else {
              } else { // 减
                if (food.count) {
                  food.count --

9.3 接收goods传递的数据且在模版中使用

<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
  export default {
    props: {
      food: Object,
      updateFoodCount: Function
    data () {
      return {}
cartcontrol 模版
  <div class="cartcontrol">
    <div class="cart-decrease"
         @click="updateFoodCount(food, false, $event)">
      <span class="inner icon-remove_circle_outline"></span>
    <div class="cart-count" v-show="food.count">{{food.count}}</div>
    <div class="cart-add icon-add_circle" 
         @click="updateFoodCount(food, true, $event)">

shopcart.vue 底部购物车组件

10.1 底部样式

<style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
  @import "../../common/stylus/mixins.styl"

    position: fixed
    left: 0
    bottom: 0
    z-index: 50
    width: 100%
    height: 48px
      display: flex
      background: #141d27
      font-size: 0
      color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)
        flex: 1
          display: inline-block
          vertical-align: top
          position: relative
          top: -10px
          margin: 0 12px
          padding: 6px
          width: 56px
          height: 56px
          box-sizing: border-box
          border-radius: 50%
          background: #141d27
            width: 100%
            height: 100%
            border-radius: 50%
            text-align: center
            background: #2b343c
              background: rgb(0, 160, 220)
              line-height: 44px
              font-size: 24px
              color: #80858a
                color: #fff
            position: absolute
            top: 0
            right: 0
            width: 24px
            height: 16px
            line-height: 16px
            text-align: center
            border-radius: 16px
            font-size: 9px
            font-weight: 700
            color: #fff
            background: rgb(240, 20, 20)
            box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
          display: inline-block
          vertical-align: top
          margin-top: 12px
          line-height: 24px
          padding-right: 12px
          box-sizing: border-box
          border-right: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)
          font-size: 16px
          font-weight: 700
            color: #fff
          display: inline-block
          vertical-align: top
          margin: 12px 0 0 12px
          line-height: 24px
          font-size: 10px
        flex: 0 0 105px
        width: 105px
          height: 48px
          line-height: 48px
          text-align: center
          font-size: 12px
          font-weight: 700
            background: #2b333b
            background: #00b43c
            color: #fff
        position: fixed
        left: 32px
        bottom: 22px
        z-index: 200
          transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.49, -0.29, 0.75, 0.41)
            width: 16px
            height: 16px
            border-radius: 50%
            background: rgb(0, 160, 220)
            transition: all 0.4s linear
      position: absolute
      left: 0
      top: 0
      z-index: -1
      width: 100%
        transition: all 0.5s
        transform: translate3d(0, -100%, 0)
      &.fold-enter, &.fold-leave
        transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)
        height: 40px
        line-height: 40px
        padding: 0 18px
        background: #f3f5f7
        border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1)
          float: left
          font-size: 14px
          color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
          float: right
          font-size: 12px
          color: rgb(0, 160, 220)

        padding: 0 18px
        max-height: 217px
        overflow: hidden
        background: #fff
          position: relative
          padding: 12px 0
          box-sizing: border-box
          border-1px(rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1))
            line-height: 24px
            font-size: 14px
            color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
            position: absolute
            right: 90px
            bottom: 12px
            line-height: 24px
            font-size: 14px
            font-weight: 700
            color: rgb(240, 20, 20)
            position: absolute
            right: 0
            bottom: 6px

    position: fixed
    top: 0
    left: 0
    width: 100%
    height: 100%
    z-index: 40
    backdrop-filter: blur(10px)
      transition: all 0.5s
      opacity: 1
      background: rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.6)
    &.fade-enter, &.fade-leave
      opacity: 0
      background: rgba(7, 17, 27, 0)

10.2 goods组件传递数据供shopcart组件使用

  • goods组件引入shopcart组件并注册

  • 传递商品列表数据/最小价格/运费价格/商品更新数量的方法

      <shopcart :food-list="foodList"
  • 由于这些数据都在App里获得 要在App中进行seller传递

    • <router-view :seller="seller"></router-view>
  • shopcart组件接收

      props: {
        foodList: Array,
        minPrice: Number,
        deliveryPrice: Number,
        updateFoodCount: Function

10.3 shopcart页面结构

  <div class="shopcart">
    <!--TODO 购物车底层内容-->
    <div class="content">
      <!--TODO 购物车底部左侧-->
      <div class="content-left" @click="toggleList">
        <div class="logo-wrapper">
          <div class="logo" :class="{highlight: foodList.length}">
            <i class="icon-shopping_cart highlight"></i>
          <div class="num" v-if="totalCount">{{totalCount}}</div>

        <div class="price">¥{{totalPrice}}</div>
        <div class="desc">另需配送费¥{{deliveryPrice}}元</div>

      <!--TODO 购物车底部右侧 确认支付按钮-->
      <div class="content-right" @click="pay">
        <div class="pay" :class="payClass">
    <div class="ball-container"></div>

    <!--TODO 购物车商品列表详情-->
    <div class="shopcart-list" transition="fold" v-show="listShow">

      <!--TODO 列表头部-->
      <div class="list-header">
        <h1 class="title">购物车</h1>
        <span class="empty" @click="clear">清空</span>

      <!--TODO 商品列表内容-->
      <div class="list-content" v-el:list-content>
          <li class="food" v-for="food in foodList">
            <span class="name">{{}}</span>
            <div class="price">
            <div class="cartcontrol-wrapper">
              <cartcontrol :food="food" :update-food-count="updateFoodCount"></cartcontrol>

  <!--TODO 阴影浮层-->
  <div class="list-mask"

10.4 shopcart交互

  // 引入ui滚动插件
  import BScroll from 'better-scroll'
  // 引入cartcontrol组件
  import cartcontrol from '../cartcontrol/cartcontrol.vue'

  export default {
    props: {
      foodList: Array,
      minPrice: Number,
      deliveryPrice: Number,
      updateFoodCount: Function

    data () {
      return {
        isShow: false

    computed: {
      // 计算数量
      totalCount () {
        var count = 0
        this.foodList.forEach(food => {
          count += food.count
        return count
      // 计算总价
      totalPrice () {
        var price = 0
        this.foodList.forEach(food => {
          price += food.count * food.price
        return price
      // 计算起送价格
      payText () {
        if (this.totalCount === 0) {
          return `¥${this.minPrice}元起送`
        } else if (this.totalPrice < this.minPrice) {
          return `还差¥${this.minPrice - this.totalPrice}元起送`
        } else {
          return '去结算'
      // 右侧按钮的两种显示方式
      payClass () {
        return this.totalPrice < this.minPrice ? 'not-enough' : 'enough'

      // 商品列表计算显示
      listShow () {
        if (this.foodList.length === 0) { // 如果商品列表为空则不显示
          this.isShow = false
          return false

        if (this.isShow) {
          this.$nextTick(() => { // 延迟到界面更新完成后调用
            if (!this.scroll) {
              this.scroll = new BScroll(this.$els.listContent, {
                click: true
            } else {
              this.scroll.refresh() // 刷新形成滚动

        return this.isShow

    methods: {
      // 定义阴影浮层是否显示的方法
      toggleList () {
        if (this.foodList.length) {
          this.isShow = !this.isShow
      // 订阅事件 --> 清空购物车事件
      clear () {
        if (window.confirm('确定清空购物车吗?')) {
          // 触发事件
          this.$emit('clear', this.foodList)
      // 定义点击支付弹窗的方法
      pay () {
        if (this.totalPrice - this.minPrice >= 0) {
          window.alert(`支付${this.totalPrice + this.deliveryPrice}`)

    components: {

分割线组件 split

  <div class="split"></div>

<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
  export default {


<style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
    width: 100%
    height: 16px
    border-top: 1px solid rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1)
    border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1)
    background: #f3f5f7

ratingselect 评论过滤组件

  <div class="ratingselect">
    <!--TODO 商品评价分类-->
    <div class="rating-type border-1px">
      <span class="block positive" :class="{active: selectType===2}" @click="select(2, $event)">
        {{desc.all}}<span class="count">{{ratings.length}}</span>
      <span class="block positive" :class="{active: selectType===0}" @click="select(0, $event)">
        {{desc.positive}}<span class="count">{{positiveLength}}</span>
      <span class="block negative" :class="{active: selectType===1}" @click="select(1, $event)">
        {{desc.negative}}<span class="count">{{ratings.length-positiveLength}}</span>

    <!--TODO 勾选项-->
    <div class="switch" :class="{on: onlyContent}" @click="swithContent">
      <span class="icon-check_circle"></span>
      <span class="text">只看有内容的评价</span>


<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
  export default {
    props: {
      desc: Object,
      onlyContent: Boolean,
      ratings: Array,
      selectType: Number
    computed: {
      positiveLength () {
        // 办法一: 过滤得到数组, 取出数组的length
        // return this.ratings.filter(rating => rating.rateType === 0).length

        // 方法二: 使用reduce进行统计
        return this.ratings.reduce((preTotal, rating) => {
          return preTotal + (rating.rateType === 0 ? 1 : 0)
        }, 0)
    methods: {
      select (type, event) {
        if (!event._constructed) {
        // 触发事件
        this.$emit('set-select-type', type)
      swithContent (event) {
        if (!event._constructed) {
        // 触发事件

<style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
  @import "../../common/stylus/mixins.styl"

      padding: 18px 0
      margin: 0 18px
      border-1px(rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1))
      font-size: 0
        display: inline-block
        padding: 8px 12px
        margin-right: 8px
        line-height: 16px
        border-radius: 1px
        font-size: 12px
        color: rgb(77, 85, 93)
          color: #fff
          margin-left: 2px
          font-size: 8px
          background: rgba(0, 160, 220, 0.2)
            background: rgb(0, 160, 220)
          background: rgba(77, 85, 93, 0.2)
            background: rgb(77, 85, 93)
      padding: 12px 18px
      line-height: 24px
      border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1)
      color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
      font-size: 0
          color: #00c850
        display: inline-block
        vertical-align: top
        margin-right: 4px
        font-size: 24px
        display: inline-block
        vertical-align: top
        font-size: 12px

food组件 商品大图预览

11.1 样式

<style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
  @import "../../common/stylus/mixins.styl"

    position: fixed
    left: 0
    top: 0
    bottom: 48px
    z-index: 30
    width: 100%
    background: #fff
      transition: all 0.2s linear
      transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)
    &.move-enter, &.move-leave
      transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0)
      position: relative
      width: 100%
      height: 0
      padding-top: 100%
        position: absolute
        top: 0
        left: 0
        width: 100%
        height: 100%
        position: absolute
        top: 10px
        left: 0
          display: block
          padding: 10px
          font-size: 20px
          color: #fff

      position: relative
      padding: 18px
        line-height: 14px
        margin-bottom: 8px
        font-size: 14px
        font-weight: 700
        color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
        margin-bottom: 18px
        line-height: 10px
        height: 10px
        font-size: 0
        .sell-count, .rating
          font-size: 10px
          color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
          margin-right: 12px
        font-weight: 700
        line-height: 24px
          margin-right: 8px
          font-size: 14px
          color: rgb(240, 20, 20)
          text-decoration: line-through
          font-size: 10px
          color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
        position: absolute
        right: 12px
        bottom: 12px
        position: absolute
        right: 18px
        bottom: 18px
        z-index: 10
        height: 24px
        line-height: 24px
        padding: 0 12px
        box-sizing: border-box
        border-radius: 12px
        font-size: 10px
        color: #fff
        background: rgb(0, 160, 220)
          transition: all 0.2s
          opacity: 1
        &.fade-enter, &.fade-leave
          opacity: 0
      padding: 18px
        line-height: 14px
        margin-bottom: 6px
        font-size: 14px
        color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
        line-height: 24px
        padding: 0 8px
        font-size: 12px
        color: rgb(77, 85, 93)
      padding-top: 18px
        line-height: 14px
        margin-left: 18px
        font-size: 14px
        color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
        padding: 0 18px
          position: relative
          padding: 16px 0
          border-1px(rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1))
            position: absolute
            right: 0
            top: 16px
            line-height: 12px
            font-size: 0
              display: inline-block
              margin-right: 6px
              vertical-align: top
              font-size: 10px
              color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
              border-radius: 50%
            margin-bottom: 6px
            line-height: 12px
            font-size: 10px
            color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
            line-height: 16px
            font-size: 12px
            color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
            .icon-thumb_up, .icon-thumb_down
              margin-right: 4px
              line-height: 16px
              font-size: 12px
              color: rgb(0, 160, 220)
              color: rgb(147, 153, 159)

          padding: 16px 0
          font-size: 12px
          color: rgb(147, 153, 159)

11.2 goods组件里引入food

  <food :food="selectedFood"
  • 引入: import food from '../food/food.vue'
  • 注册: components: {food}

11.3 交互行为和模版

  <div class="food"
    <div class="food-content">
      <!--TODO 食物大图-->
      <div class="image-header">
        <img :src="food.image">
        <div class="back" @click="show(false)">
          <i class="icon-arrow_lift"></i>

      <!--TODO 商品内容详细-->
      <div class="content">
        <h1 class="title">{{}}</h1>
        <div class="detail">
          <span class="sell-count">月售{{food.sellCount}}份</span>
          <span class="rating">好评率{{food.rating}}%</span>
        <div class="price">
          <span class="now">¥{{food.price}}</span>
          <span class="old" v-show="food.oldPrice">¥{{food.oldPrice}}</span>
        <div class="cartcontrol-wrapper">
          <cartcontrol :food="food" :update-food-count="updateFoodCount"></cartcontrol>
        <div class="buy"


      <!-- TODO 商品信息-->
      <div class="info" v-show="">
        <h1 class="title">商品信息</h1>
        <p class="text">{{}}</p>


      <!--TODO 商品评论信息-->
      <div class="rating">
        <h1 class="title">商品评价</h1>

        <!-- TODO 评论过滤组件-->
        <ratingselect :desc="desc"

        <!-- 评论列表-->
        <div class="rating-wrapper">
          <ul v-show="food.ratings && food.ratings.length">
            <li class="rating-item border-1px" v-for="rating in filterRatings">
              <div class="user">
                <span class="name">{{rating.username}}</span>
                <img class="avatar" width="12" height="12" :src="rating.avatar">
              <div class="time">{{rating.rateTime}}</div>
              <p class="text">
                <span :class="{'icon-thumb_up':rating.rateType===0,'icon-thumb_down':rating.rateType===1}"></span>{{rating.text}}
          <div class="no-rating" v-show="!food.ratings || !food.ratings.length">暂无评价</div>


<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
  // 引入 滑动插件
  import BScroll from 'better-scroll'
  // 引入控制购物车数量组件
  import cartcontrol from '../cartcontrol/cartcontrol.vue'
  // 引入分割线组件
  import split from '../split/split.vue'
  // 引入评论过滤组件
  import ratingselect from '../ratingselect/ratingselect'
  // 代表显示是 "全部"
  const ALL = 2

  export default {
    props: {
      food: Object,
      updateFoodCount: Function
    data () {
      return {
        isShow: false,
        onlyContent: false,
        selectType: ALL
    created () {
      this.desc = {
        all: '全部',
        positive: '推荐',
        negative: '吐槽'
    methods: {
      show (isShow) { // 显示隐藏方法
        this.isShow = isShow
        // 显示时进行滚动
        if (this.isShow) {
          this.$nextTick(() => {
            if (!this.scroll) {
              this.scroll = new BScroll(this.$, {
                click: true
            } else {
      // 切换 onlyContent
      switchOnlyContent () {
        this.onlyContent = !this.onlyContent
        // 刷新列表
        this.$nextTick(() => {
      // 更新 selectType 的值
      setSelectType (selectType) {
        this.selectType = selectType
        // 刷新列表
        this.$nextTick(() => {
    computed: {
      filterRatings () {
        if (! {
          return []
        const ratings =
        const selectType = this.selectType
        const onlyContent = this.onlyContent
        return ratings.filter(rating => {
          // TODO 解构赋值
          var {rateType, text} = rating
          if (selectType === 2) {
            return !onlyContent || text.length > 0
          } else {
            return selectType === rateType && (!onlyContent || text.length > 0)
    components: {

11.4 评论过滤组件需要的参数

  • 描述信息

  • 是否只看

  • 评论列表

  • 评论列表的type值

  • 是否切换可看方法

  • 评论列表显示的方法


11.5 评论过滤的信息显示

  • 通过计算属性 计算循环得到li列表里的评论
    • v-for="rating in filterRatings"

11.6 在food组件里定义方法 通过自定义事件传递给ratingselect

  • switchOnlyContent 切换onlyContent方法
  • setSelectType 更新 selectType 的值
  • ratingselect组件里通过 $emit 使用方法

ratings.vue 评论组件

12.1 样式

<style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
  @import "../../common/stylus/mixins.styl"

    position: absolute
    top: 174px
    bottom: 0
    left: 0
    width: 100%
    overflow: hidden
      display: flex
      padding: 18px 0
        flex: 0 0 137px
        padding: 6px 0
        width: 137px
        border-right: 1px solid rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1)
        text-align: center
        @media only screen and (max-width: 320px)
          flex: 0 0 120px
          width: 120px
          margin-bottom: 6px
          line-height: 28px
          font-size: 24px
          color: rgb(255, 153, 0)
          margin-bottom: 8px
          line-height: 12px
          font-size: 12px
          color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
          line-height: 10px
          font-size: 10px
          color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
        flex: 1
        padding: 6px 0 6px 24px
        @media only screen and (max-width: 320px)
          padding-left: 6px
          margin-bottom: 8px
          font-size: 0
            display: inline-block
            line-height: 18px
            vertical-align: top
            font-size: 12px
            color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
            display: inline-block
            margin: 0 12px
            vertical-align: top
            display: inline-block
            line-height: 18px
            vertical-align: top
            font-size: 12px
            color: rgb(255, 153, 0)
          font-size: 0
            line-height: 18px
            font-size: 12px
            color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
            margin-left: 12px
            font-size: 12px
            color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
      padding: 0 18px
        display: flex
        padding: 18px 0
        border-1px(rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1))
          flex: 0 0 28px
          width: 28px
          margin-right: 12px
            border-radius: 50%
          position: relative
          flex: 1
            margin-bottom: 4px
            line-height: 12px
            font-size: 10px
            color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
            margin-bottom: 6px
            font-size: 0
              display: inline-block
              margin-right: 6px
              vertical-align: top
              display: inline-block
              vertical-align: top
              line-height: 12px
              font-size: 10px
              color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
            margin-bottom: 8px
            line-height: 18px
            color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
            font-size: 12px
            line-height: 16px
            font-size: 0
              display: inline-block
              margin: 0 8px 4px 0
              font-size: 9px
              color: rgb(0, 160, 220)
              color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
              padding: 0 6px
              border: 1px solid rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1)
              border-radius: 1px
              color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
              background: #fff
            position: absolute
            top: 0
            right: 0
            line-height: 12px
            font-size: 10px
            color: rgb(147, 153, 159)

12.2 模版

  <div class="ratings" v-el:ratings>
    <div class="ratings-content">
      <!-- TODO 评分系统-->
      <div class="overview">
        <div class="overview-left">
          <h1 class="score">{{seller.score}}</h1>
          <div class="title">综合评分</div>
          <div class="rank">高于周边商家{{seller.rankRate}}%</div>
        <div class="overview-right">
          <div class="score-wrapper">
            <span class="title">服务态度</span>
            <star :score="seller.serviceScore" :size="36"></star>
            <span class="score">{{seller.serviceScore}}</span>
          <div class="score-wrapper">
            <span class="title">商品评分</span>
            <star :size="36" :score="seller.foodScore"></star>
            <span class="score">{{seller.foodScore}}</span>
          <div class="delivery-wrapper">
            <span class="title">送达时间</span>
            <span class="delivery">{{seller.deliveryTime}}分钟</span>

      <!--TODO 分割线-->

      <!-- TODO 评论过滤组件-->
      <ratingselect :desc="desc"

      <!--TODO 评论列表-->
      <div class="rating-wrapper">
          <li  class="rating-item"
               v-for="rating in ratings"

            <div class="avatar">
              <img width="28" height="28" :src="rating.avatar">

            <div class="content">
              <h1 class="name">{{rating.username}}</h1>
              <div class="star-wrapper">
                <star :size="24" :score="rating.score"></star>
                <span class="delivery">{{rating.deliveryTime}}</span>
              <p class="text">{{rating.text}}</p>
              <div class="recommend">
                <span :class="{'icon-thumb_up':rating.rateType===0, 'icon-thumb_down':rating.rateType===1}"></span>
                <span class="item" v-for="item in rating.recommend">{{item}}</span>
              <div class="time">
                {{rating.rateTime | dateString}}

12.3 交互

<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
  import moment from 'moment'
  import BScroll from 'better-scroll'
  import star from '../star/star.vue'
  import split from '../split/split.vue'
  import ratingselect from '../ratingselect/ratingselect.vue'
  const ALL = 2

  export default {
    props: {
      seller: Object
    data () {
      return {
        ratings: [],
        onlyContent: true,
        selectType: ALL
    created () {
      this.desc = {
        all: '全部',
        positive: '满意',
        negative: '不满意'
      // ajax 获取 ratings
        .then(response => {
          const result = response.body
          if (result.code === 0) {
            this.ratings =

            // 创建Scroll 对象
            this.$nextTick(() => {
              if (this.$els.ratings) {
                this.scroll = new BScroll(this.$els.ratings, {
                  click: true
    methods: {
      // 切换 onlyContent
      switchOnlyContent () {
        this.onlyContent = !this.onlyContent
        // 刷新列表
        this.$nextTick(() => {
      // 更新 selectType 的值
      setSelectType (selectType) {
        this.selectType = selectType
        // 刷新列表
        this.$nextTick(() => {
      needShow (rating) {
        const {rateType, text} = rating
        const selectType = this.selectType
        const onlyContent = this.onlyContent
        if (selectType === 2) {
          return !onlyContent || text.length > 0
        } else {
          return selectType === rateType && (!onlyContent || text.length > 0)
    filters: {
      dateString (value) {
        return moment(value).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
    components: {

seller.vue 商家信息

13.1 样式

<style lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus">
  @import "../../common/stylus/mixins.styl"

    position: absolute
    top: 174px
    bottom: 0
    left: 0
    width: 100%
    overflow: hidden
      position: relative
      padding: 18px
        margin-bottom: 8px
        line-height: 14px
        color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
        font-size: 14px
        padding-bottom: 18px
        border-1px(rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1))
        font-size: 0
          display: inline-block
          margin-right: 8px
          vertical-align: top
          display: inline-block
          margin-right: 12px
          line-height: 18px
          vertical-align: top
          font-size: 10px
          color: rgb(77, 85, 93)
        display: flex
        padding-top: 18px
          flex: 1
          text-align: center
          border-right: 1px solid rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1)
            border: none
            margin-bottom: 4px
            line-height: 10px
            font-size: 10px
            color: rgb(147, 153, 159)
            line-height: 24px
            font-size: 10px
            color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
              font-size: 24px
        position: absolute
        width: 50px
        right: 11px
        top: 18px
        text-align: center
          display: block
          margin-bottom: 4px
          line-height: 24px
          font-size: 24px
          color: #d4d6d9
            color: rgb(240, 20, 20)
          line-height: 10px
          font-size: 10px
          color: rgb(77, 85, 93)
      padding: 18px 18px 0 18px
        margin-bottom: 8px
        line-height: 14px
        color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
        font-size: 14px
        padding: 0 12px 16px 12px
        border-1px(rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1))
          line-height: 24px
          font-size: 12px
          color: rgb(240, 20, 20)
          padding: 16px 12px
          border-1px(rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1))
          font-size: 0
          display: inline-block
          width: 16px
          height: 16px
          vertical-align: top
          margin-right: 6px
          background-size: 16px 16px
          background-repeat: no-repeat
          line-height: 16px
          font-size: 12px
          color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
      padding: 18px
        margin-bottom: 12px
        line-height: 14px
        color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
        font-size: 14px
        width: 100%
        overflow: hidden
        white-space: nowrap
          font-size: 0
            display: inline-block
            margin-right: 6px
            width: 120px
            height: 90px
              margin: 0
      padding: 18px 18px 0 18px
      color: rgb(7, 17, 27)
        padding-bottom: 12px
        line-height: 14px
        border-1px(rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1))
        font-size: 14px
        padding: 16px 12px
        line-height: 16px
        border-1px(rgba(7, 17, 27, 0.1))
        font-size: 12px

13.2 模版

  <div class="seller" v-el:seller>
    <div class="seller-content">
      <!--TODO 商家整体信息-->
      <div class="overview">
        <h1 class="title">{{}}</h1>
        <div class="desc border-1px">
          <star :size="36" :score="seller.score"></star>
          <span class="text">({{seller.ratingCount}})</span>
          <span class="text">月售{{seller.sellCount}}单</span>
        <ul class="remark">
          <li class="block">
            <div class="content">
              <span class="stress">{{seller.minPrice}}</span>元
          <li class="block">
            <div class="content">
              <span class="stress">{{seller.deliveryPrice}}</span>元
          <li class="block">
            <div class="content">
              <span class="stress">{{seller.deliveryTime}}</span>分钟
        <div class="favorite" @click="toggle">
          <span class="icon-favorite" :class="{'active':favorite}"></span>
          <span class="text">{{favorite ? '已收藏' : '未收藏'}}</span>

      <!--TODO 分割线-->

      <!--TODO 商家公告和活动-->
      <div class="bulletin">
        <h1 class="title">公告与活动</h1>
        <div class="content-wrapper border-1px">
          <p class="content">{{seller.bulletin}}</p>
        <ul class="supports" v-if="seller.supports">
          <li class="support-item border-1px" v-for="support in seller.supports">
            <span class="icon" :class="classMap[support.type]"></span>
            <span class="text">{{support.description}}</span>

      <!--TODO 分割线-->

      <!--TODO 商家实景-->
      <div class="pics">
        <h1 class="title">商家实景</h1>
        <div class="pic-wrapper" v-el:pic-wrapper>
          <ul class="pic-list" v-el:pic-list>
            <li class="pic-item" v-for="pic in">
              <img :src="pic" width="120" height="90">

      <!--TODO 分割线-->

      <!--TODO 商家信息-->
      <div class="info">
        <h1 class="title border-1px">商家信息</h1>
          <li class="info-item" v-for="info in seller.infos">{{info}}</li>

13.3 交互

<script type="text/ecmascript-6">
  import BScroll from 'better-scroll'
  import star from '../star/star.vue'
  import split from '../split/split.vue'

  export default {
    props: {
      seller: Object
    data () {
      return {
        favorite: window.localStorage.favorite === 'true'
    created () {
      this.classMap = ['decrease', 'discount', 'special', 'invoice', 'guarantee']
      this.$nextTick(() => {
        // 垂直滚动
        if (this.$els.seller) {
          this.sellerScroll = new BScroll(this.$els.seller, {
            click: true
        // 水平滚动
        if (this.$els.picWrapper) {
          var liWidth = 120
          var space = 6
          var liLenth = this.$els.picList.children.length
          // 给包含图片的li的ul指定width
          this.$ = (liWidth + space) * liLenth - space + 'px'

          this.picScroll = new BScroll(this.$els.picWrapper, {
            click: true,
            scrollX: true // 水平滚动
    methods: {
      toggle (event) {
        // 过滤系统的点击回调
        if (!event._constructed) {
        this.favorite = !this.favorite
        // 保存
        window.localStorage.favorite = this.favorite
    components: {


  • goods组件给shopcart组件添加 $ref:shopcart

  • updateFoodCount方法里最后添加

    • this.$refs.shopcart.drop(
  • shopcart组件里添加小球组件的模版

      <div class="ball-container">
        <div class="ball" transition="drop" v-for="ball in balls" v-show="ball.isShow">
          <div class="inner inner-hook"></div>

14.1 初始化数据

data () {
  return {
    isShow: false,
    balls: [
      {isShow: false},
      {isShow: false},
      {isShow: false},
      {isShow: false},
      {isShow: false}
    droopingBalls: [] // 保存多个待运行动画的 ball

14.2 定义方法 drop

  drop (startEle) {
    // 找到一个隐藏的小球并显示
    // 从balls数组中找出 isShow是false的
    const ball = this.balls.find(ball => !ball.isShow)
    // 只有找到时才做动画
    if (ball) {
      ball.isShow = true
      ball.startEle = startEle // 保存对应的起始位置的元素
      this.droopingBalls.push(ball) // 把启动动画的ball保存起来

14.3 配置transitions

transitions: {
  drop: {
    // 动画开始之前, 将小球瞬间移动到点击位置
    beforeEnter (el) {
      var offsetX = 0
      var offsetY = 0

      // 取出第一个待启动动画的ball
      const ball = this.droopingBalls.shift()
      // 找到点击的startEl
      var startEle = ball.startEle
      // 得到起始位置的坐标
      const {left, top} = startEle.getBoundingClientRect()
      // 得到原始位置小球的坐标
      const elLeft = 32
      const elBottom = 22
      // 得到偏移量
      offsetX = left - elLeft
      offsetY = -(window.innerHeight - top - elBottom)
      // 瞬间移动动画起始的位置 = `translate3d(0, ${offsetY}px, 0)` = `translate3d(0, ${offsetY}px, 0)`
      const innerEl = el.children[0] = `translate3d(${offsetX}px, 0, 0)` = `translate3d(${offsetX}px, 0, 0)`
      // 保存ball
      el.ball = ball
    // 动画开始时, 指定动画结束的位置
    enter (el) {
      this.$nextTick(() => { = 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)' = 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
        const innerEl = el.children[0] = 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)' = 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'
    // 动画完成之后, 做收尾工作
    // TODO 问题: 在动画生命周期回调函数中更新状态. 页面不变化
    afterEnter (el) {
      // 找到对应的ball
      const ball = el.ball
      ball.isShow = false
      ball.startEle = null
      // 让el元素消失 = 'none'

升级Vue 2.0


  • 使用vue-cli下载基于vue2 + vue-router2的项目

    • vue init webpack Vue_Project2.0
  • 下载原1.0依赖的包

    • npm install better-scroll mockjs moment vue-resource --save
    • npm install stylus stylus-loader --save-dev
    • npm install pubsub-js --save
  • 拷贝代码

  • 利用迁移工具工具

    • npm install --global vue-migration-helper

    navigate to a Vue 1.x project directorycd path/to/my-vue-project

    scan all files in the current directory

    • vue-migration-helper# scan all files in specific sub-directories
    • vue-migration-helper src folder-a folder-b