
nest-grpc-crud is a nest-based grpc crud solution that automatically generates standardized and unified grpc services based on the fields of the database.

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Grpc crud solution based on nest

English | 简体中文

Table of Contents


  • Rapid construction of nest-based GRPC micro-service template
  • Batch generate database crud operation
  • Automatically generate proto3 contract files


Using git:

$ git clone https://github.com/zhangtao25/nest-grpc-crud.git


Please follow the "generate" folder

This folder holds the core files that generate the code.

//modify data.json file
    "columns": [
            "name": "student",
            "Name": "Student",
            "column": [
                    "name": "id",
                    "type": "int32"
                    "name": "name",
                    "type": "string"

The terminal runs the command to generate the target file

$ node generate/test.js

Generated code

// app.controller.ts
export class AppController {
        private readonly studentCrudService: StudentCrudService,
    ) {
    // student
    @GrpcMethod(StudentCrudService.service, 'Create' + StudentCrudService.method)
    async createStudent(req): Promise<any> {
    return await this.studentCrudService.create(req);

    @GrpcMethod(StudentCrudService.service, 'Delete' + StudentCrudService.method)
    async deleteStudent(req): Promise<any> {
    const id = req.id;
    return await this.studentCrudService.delete(id);

    @GrpcMethod(StudentCrudService.service, 'Update' + StudentCrudService.method)
    async updateStudent(req): Promise<any> {
    const id = req.id;
    delete req.id
    return await this.studentCrudService.update(id,req);

    @GrpcMethod(StudentCrudService.service, 'Find' + StudentCrudService.method)
    async findStudent(req): Promise<any> {
    const commonField = req.commonField;
    const entity = req.entity;
    return await this.studentCrudService.find(entity, commonField);
//Proto3 contract document
syntax = "proto3";
package grpcService;

message CommonField {
    string pageIndex = 1;
    string pageSize = 2;

service StudentService {
    rpc CreateStudent (CreateStudentRequestType) returns (CreateStudentResponseType) {}
    rpc DeleteStudent (DeleteStudentRequestType) returns (DeleteStudentResponseType) {}
    rpc UpdateStudent (UpdateStudentRequestType) returns (UpdateStudentResponseType) {}
    rpc FindStudent (FindStudentRequestType) returns (FindStudentResponseType) {}

message Student {
        int32 id = 1;
        string name = 2;

message CreateStudentRequestType{
        int32 id = 1;
        string name = 2;

message CreateStudentResponseType{
    int32 responseCode = 2;
    string responseDesc =  3;

message DeleteStudentRequestType{
    string id = 1;

message DeleteStudentResponseType{
    int32 responseCode = 2;
    string responseDesc =  3;

message UpdateStudentRequestType{
        int32 id = 1;
        string name = 2;

message UpdateStudentResponseType{
    int32 responseCode = 2;
    string responseDesc =  3;

message FindStudentRequestType{
    Student entity = 1;
    CommonField commonField = 2;

message FindStudentResponseType{
    repeated Student data = 1;
    int32 responseCode = 2;
    string responseDesc =  3;
// apps/student/student.crud.service.ts

export class StudentCrudService extends CrudService<Student>{
        @InjectRepository(Student, 'regConnection') repo
    ) {

    public static method = 'Student';
    public static service = 'StudentService';

    public static request = {};
    public static response = {};
// apps/student/student.entity.ts

    name: 'student'
export class Student {

    @PrimaryGeneratedColumn({ name: 'Id' })
    id: number;

    @Column({ name: 'Name' })
    name: string;
// app.module.ts
// Add student entity classes and crud service to the file
  imports: [
          name: '***',
          type: 'mysql',
          host: '***',
          port: '***',
          username: '***',
          password: '***',
          database: '***',
          autoLoadEntities: true,
          synchronize: true
      TypeOrmModule.forFeature([Student], 'regConnection')
  controllers: [AppController],
  providers: [StudentCrudService],
export class AppModule {}

Grpc client invocation mode(Matching grpc client address nest-grpc-crud-client

export class AppController implements OnModuleInit {
    private studentService;

    constructor(@Inject(ClentServe) private readonly clentServe: ClentServe) {

    onModuleInit() {
        this.studentService = this.clentServe.client.getService('StudentService');

    // Student
    createStudent(@Body() body) {
        return this.studentService.createStudent(body);

    deleteStudent(@Body() body) {
        return this.studentService.deleteStudent(body);

    updateStudent(@Body() body) {
        return this.studentService.updateStudent(body);

    findStudent(@Body() body) {
        return this.studentService.findStudent(body);


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Copyright (c) 2020-present, zhangtao25