
Graph Neural Networks Paper List of 2019 Conferences

  • Adversarial Attacks on Node Embeddings via Graph Poisoning
  • TibGM: A Transferable and Information-Based Graphical Model Approach for Reinforcement Learning
  • Molecular Hypergraph Grammar with Its Application to Molecular Optimization
  • GMNN: Graph Markov Neural Networks
  • Graph Neural Network for Music Score Data and Modeling Expressive Piano Performance
  • Self-Attention Graph Pooling
  • Circuit-GNN: Graph Neural Networks for Distributed Circuit Design
  • Lexicographic and Depth-Sensitive Margins in Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Deep Models
  • Optimal Transport for structured data with application on graphs
  • A Persistent Weisfeiler--Lehman Procedure for Graph Classification
  • Improved Dynamic Graph Learning through Fault-Tolerant Sparsification
  • Graph Matching Networks for Learning the Similarity of Graph Structured Objects
  • Graphical-model based estimation and inference for differential privacy
  • Graph U-Nets
  • Bayesian Joint Spike-and-Slab Graphical Lasso
  • Fast Incremental von Neumann Graph Entropy Computation: Theory, Algorithm, and Applications
  • GEOMetrics: Exploiting Geometric Structure for Graph-Encoded Objects
  • Simplifying Graph Convolutional Networks
  • Graph Convolutional Gaussian Processes
  • Graph Element Networks: adaptive, structured computation and memory
  • A Baseline for Any Order Gradient Estimation in Stochastic Computation Graphs
  • Position-aware Graph Neural Networks
  • Tensor Variable Elimination for Plated Factor Graphs
  • Discriminative Regularization for Latent Variable Models with Applications to Electrocardiography
  • Relational Pooling for Graph Representations
  • Disentangled Graph Convolutional Networks
  • Learning to Route in Similarity Graphs
  • Active Learning with Disagreement Graphs
  • Open Vocabulary Learning on Source Code with a Graph-Structured Cache
  • Learning Discrete Structures for Graph Neural Networks
  • MixHop: Higher-Order Graph Convolutional Architectures via Sparsified Neighborhood Mixing
  • Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings
  • Stochastic Blockmodels meet Graph Neural Networks
  • Stochastic Iterative Hard Thresholding for Graph-structured Sparsity Optimization
  • Online Learning with Sleeping Experts and Feedback Graphs
  • Graphite: Iterative Generative Modeling of Graphs
  • Tight Kernel Query Complexity of Kernel Ridge Regression and Kernel
  • Learning to Exploit Long-term Relational Dependencies in Knowledge Graphs
  • Dimensionality Reduction for Tukey Regression
  • Efficient Full-Matrix Adaptive Regularization
  • Gromov-Wasserstein Learning for Graph Matching and Node Embedding
  • Spectral Clustering of Signed Graphs via Matrix Power Means
  • Breaking the gridlock in Mixture-of-Experts: Consistent and Efficient Algorithms
  • Efficient Nonconvex Regularized Tensor Completion with Structure-aware Proximal Iterations
  • Geometric Scattering for Graph Data Analysis
  • Graph Resistance and Learning from Pairwise Comparisons
  • Robust Estimation of Tree Structured Gaussian Graphical Models
  • Spectral Approximate Inference
  • Partially Linear Additive Gaussian Graphical Models
  • DAG-GNN: DAG Structure Learning with Graph Neural Networks
  • Random Walks on Hypergraphs with Edge-Dependent Vertex Weights
  • Distributed, Egocentric Representations of Graphs for Detecting Critical Structures
  • Hyperbolic Disk Embeddings for Directed Acyclic Graphs
  • Learning and Reasoning with Graph-Structured Representations

Representation Learning on Graphs and Manifolds[workshop: https://rlgm.github.io/papers/]

  • How Powerful are Graph Neural Networks?
  • LanczosNet: Multi-Scale Deep Graph Convolutional Networks
  • Diffusion Scattering Transforms on Graphs
  • Learning Localized Generative Models for 3D Point Clouds via Graph Convolution
  • Predict then Propagate: Graph Neural Networks meet Personalized PageRank
  • Generative Code Modeling with Graphs
  • Graph Wavelet Neural Network
  • Capsule Graph Neural Network
  • Building Dynamic Knowledge Graphs from Text using Machine Reading Comprehension
  • Large Scale Graph Learning From Smooth Signals
  • Supervised Community Detection with Line Graph Neural Networks
  • Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks via Meta Learning
  • RotatE: Knowledge Graph Embedding by Relational Rotation in Complex Space
  • Invariant and Equivariant Graph Networks
  • Dynamic Sparse Graph for Efficient Deep Learning
  • Deep Graph Infomax
  • Graph HyperNetworks for Neural Architecture Search
  • LayoutGAN: Generating Graphic Layouts with Wireframe Discriminators
  • DyRep: Learning Representations over Dynamic Graphs
  • Neural Graph Evolution: Automatic Robot Design
  • Learning Multimodal Graph-to-Graph Translation for Molecule Optimization
  • Embedding Uncertain Knowledge Graphs
  • TransGate: Knowledge Graph Embedding with Shared Gate Structure
  • Spatiotemporal Multi-Graph Convolution Network for Ride-hailing Demand Forecasting
  • Cross-domain Visual Representations via Unsupervised Graph Alignment
  • Deep Bayesian Optimization on Attributed Graphs
  • GAMENet: Graph Augmented MEmory Networks for Recommending Medication
  • GeniePath: Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Receptive Paths
  • Hypergraph Neural Networks
  • Graph Convolutional Networks for Text Classification
  • Visual-semantic Graph Reasoning for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
  • Logic Attention Based Neighborhood Aggregation for Inductive Knowledge Graph
  • Attention Based Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Flow
  • I Know the Relationships: Zero-Shot Action Recognition via Two-Stream Graph Convolutional Networks and Knowledge Graphs
  • On Completing Sparse Knowledge Graph with Transitive Relation Embedding
  • Learning Non-Uniform Hypergraph for Multi-Object Tracking
  • Weisfeiler and Leman Go Neural: Higher-order Graph Neural Networks
  • Building Causal Graphs from Medical Literature and Electronic Medical Records
  • ATP: Directed Graph Embedding with Asymmetric Transitivity Preservation
  • Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Traffic Forecasting
  • Congestion Graphs for Automated Time Predictions
  • Compiling Bayesian Network Classifiers into Decision Graphs
  • Neural Collective Graphical Models for Estimating Spatio-temporal Population Flow from Aggregated Data
  • Markov Random Field meets Graph Convolutional Network: End-to-End Learning for Semi-Supervised Community Detection
  • Incorporating Semantic Similarity with Geographic Correlation for Query-POI Relevance Learning
  • Multi-CGN: Graph Convolutional Networks for Multi-View Networks, with Applications to Global Poverty
  • Deep Hierarchical Graph Convolution for Election Prediction from Geospatial Census Data
  • Validation of Growing Knowledge Graphs by Abductive Text Evidences
  • Entity Alignment between Knowledge Graphs Using Attribute Embeddings
  • Learning to Solve NP-Complete Problems -- A Graph Neural Network for the Decision TSP
  • Hypergraph Optimization for Multi-structural Geometric Model Fitting
  • Understanding Pictograph with Facial Features: End-to-End Sentence-level Lip Reading of Chinese
  • Sliding Window Temporal Graph Coloring
  • Counting and Sampling Markov Equivalent Directed Acyclic Graphs
  • Graph CNNs with Motif and Variable Temporal Block for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
  • Communication-optimal distributed dynamic graph clustering
  • Designing Deep Generative Models for Molecular Graphs
  • Fast Relational Probabilistic Inference and Learning: Approximate Counting via Hypergraphs
  • Bayesian Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Semi-supervised Classification
  • An Open-World Extension to Knowledge Graph Completion Models
  • Analysis of Joint Multilingual Sentence Representations and Semantic K-Nearest Neighbor Graphs
  • CheXpert: A Large Chest Radiograph Dataset with Uncertainty Labels and Expert Comparison
  • Graph based Translation Memory for Neural Machine Translation
  • Improved Knowledge Graph Embedding using Background Taxonomic Information
  • ACM: Adaptive Cross-Modal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for RGB-D Scene Recognition
  • Uncovering Specific-Shape Graph Anomalies in Attributed Graphs
  • Reasoning over Knowledge Graph Paths for Recommendation
  • Spatio-Temporal Graph Routing for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
  • Minimum Intervention Cover of a Causal Graph
  • Modelling Autobiographical Memory Loss Across Life Span
  • Wasserstein Soft Label Propagation on Hypergraphs: Algorithm and Generalization Error Bounds
  • Matrix Completion for Graph-Based Deep Semi-Supervised Learning
  • Ladder Gamma Variational Autoencoders for Graphs
  • Session-based Recommendation with Graph Neural Network
  • Geometric Hawkes Processes with Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Gaussian-Induced Convolution for Graphs
  • 3DViewGraph: Learning Global Features for 3D Shapes from A Graph of Unordered Views with Attention:
  • A Degeneracy Framework for Scalable Graph Autoencoders
  • A Vectorized Relational Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-Relational Network Alignment
  • AddGraph: Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graph using Attention-based Temporal GCN
  • Adversarial Examples for Graph Data: Deep Insights into Attack and Defense
  • Adversarial Graph Embedding for Ensemble Clustering
  • An End-to-End Community Detection Model: Integrating LDA into Markov Random Field via Factor Graph
  • Anytime Bottom-Up Rule Learning for Knowledge Graph Completion
  • Attributed Graph Clustering via Adaptive Graph Convolution
  • Attributed Graph Clustering: A Deep Attentional Embedding Approach
  • Binarized Collaborative Filtering with Distilling Graph Convolutional Network
  • CensNet: Convolution with Edge-Node Switching in Graph Neural Networks
  • Crafting Efficient Neural Graph of Large Entropy
  • Cutset Bayesian Networks: A New Representation for Learning Rao-Blackwellised Graphical Models
  • Data Poisoning Attack against Knowledge Graph Embedding
  • Diffusion and Auction on Graphs
  • Dual Self-Paced Graph Convolutional Network: Towards Reducing Attribute Distortions Induced by Topology
  • Dynamic Electronic Toll Collection via Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning with Edge-Based Graph Convolutional Network Representation
  • Dynamic Hypergraph Neural Networks
  • Efficient Regularization Parameter Selection for Latent Variable Graphical Models via Bi-Level Optimization
  • Exploiting Interaction Links for Node Classification with Deep Graph Neural Networks
  • Fairwalk: Towards Fair Graph Embedding
  • Fast Algorithm for K-Truss Discovery on Public-Private Graphs
  • Fine-grained Event Categorization with Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Networks
  • GCN-LASE: Towards Adequately Incorporating Link Attributes in Graph Convolutional Networks
  • Geo-ALM: POI Recommendation by Fusing Geographical Information and Adversarial Learning Mechanism
  • Graph and Autoencoder Based Feature Extraction for Zero-shot Learning
  • Graph Contextualized Self-Attention Network for Session-based Recommendation
  • Graph Convolutional Network Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
  • Graph Convolutional Networks on User Mobility Heterogeneous Graphs for Social Relationship Inference:
  • Graph Convolutional Networks using Heat Kernel for Semi-supervised Learning
  • Graph Mining Meets Crowdsourcing: Extracting Experts for Answer Aggregation
  • Graph Space Embedding
  • Graph WaveNet for Deep Spatial-Temporal Graph Modeling
  • Graph-based Neural Sentence Ordering
  • Graphical One-Sided Markets
  • GSN: A Graph-Structured Network for Multi-Party Dialogues
  • Heterogeneous Graph Matching Networks for Unknown Malware Detection
  • Hierarchical Graph Convolutional Networks for Semi-supervised Node Classification
  • Hierarchical Representation Learning for Bipartite Graphs
  • Hypergraph Induced Convolutional Manifold Networks
  • Joint Link Prediction and Network Alignment via Cross-graph Embedding
  • Large Scale Evolving Graphs with Burst Detection
  • Learning Image-Specific Attributes by Hyperbolic Neighborhood Graph Propagation
  • Learning Shared Vertex Representation in Heterogeneous Graphs with Convolutional Networks for Recommendation
  • Masked Graph Convolutional Network
  • MR-GNN: Multi-Resolution and Dual Graph Neural Network for Predicting Structured Entity Interactions
  • Multi-view Knowledge Graph Embedding for Entity Alignment:
  • Neighborhood-Aware Attentional Representation for Multilingual Knowledge Graphs
  • Node Embedding over Temporal Graphs
  • Non-smooth Optimization over Stiefel Manifolds with Applications to Dimensionality Reduction and Graph Clustering
  • Out-of-sample Node Representation Learning for Heterogeneous Graph in Real-time Android Malware Detection
  • Path extrapolation using Graph Neural Networks
  • Prototype Propagation Networks (PPN) for Weakly-supervised Few-shot Learning on Category Graph
  • Regarding Jump Point Search and Subgoal Graphs
  • Relation-Aware Entity Alignment for Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs
  • Scaling Fine-grained Modularity Clustering for Massive Graphs
  • Schelling Games on Graphs
  • Semi-supervised User Profiling with Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks
  • Solving the Satisfiability Problem of Modal Logic S5 Guided by Graph Coloring
  • SPAGAN: Shortest Path Graph Attention Network
  • Spatio-Temporal Attentive RNN for Node Classification in Temporal Attributed Graphs
  • STAR-GCN: Stacked and Reconstructed Graph Convolutional Networks for Recommender Systems
  • STG2Seq: Spatial-Temporal Graph to Sequence Model for Multi-step Passenger Demand Forecasting
  • Topology Attack and Defense for Graph Neural Networks
  • Topology Optimization based Graph Convolutional Network
  • TransMS: Knowledge Graph Embedding for Complex Relations by Multidirectional Semantics:
  • Tree Sampling Divergence: An Information-Theoretic Metric for Hierarchical Graph Clustering
  • Unsupervised Embedding Enhancements of Knowledge Graphs using Textual Associations
  • Unsupervised Inductive Graph-Level Representation Learning via Graph-Graph Proximity
  • Variational Graph Embedding and Clustering with Laplacian Eigenmaps
  • MINA: Multilevel Knowledge-Guided Attention for Modeling Electrocardiography Signals
  • Pretraining of Graph Augmented Transformers for Medication Recommendation
  • Risk Assessment for Networked-guarantee Loans Using High-order Graph Attention Representation
  • A Refined Understanding of Cost-optimal Planning with Polytree Causal Graphs
  • Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks for Graph Data
  • OpenMarkov, an open-source tool for probabilistic graphical models
  • Identifiability of Generalized Hypergeometric Distribution (GHD) Directed Acyclic Graphical Models
  • Modularity-based Sparse Soft Graph Clustering
  • Graph Embedding with Shifted Inner Product Similarity and Its Improved Approximation Capability
  • High-dimensional Mixed Graphical Model with Ordinal Data: Parameter Estimation and Statistical Inference
  • Robust Graph Embedding with Noisy Link Weights
  • A Bayesian model for sparse graphs with flexible degree distribution and overlapping community structure
  • Finding the bandit in a graph: Sequential search-and-stop
  • Confidence-based Graph Convolutional Networks for Semi-Supervised Learning
  • Amortized Variational Inference with Graph Convolutional Networks for Gaussian Processes
  • Online learning with feedback graphs and switching costs
  • Active learning over hypergraphs with pointwise and pairwise queries
  • Credit Assignment Techniques in Stochastic Computation Graphs
  • Adaptive Rao-Blackwellisation in Gibbs Sampling for Probabilistic Graphical Models
  • Graph to Graph: a Topology Aware Approach for Graph Structures Learning and Generation
  • Improved Semi-Supervised Learning with Multiple Graphs
  • Sample Efficient Graph-Based Optimization with Noisy Observations
  • Representation Learning on Graphs: A Reinforcement Learning Application