
Image grabber for Intel sensors

Primary LanguageCMake


OpenCV and librealsense should be installed in your system.

Instructions for building & running

Navigate to ./build and type 'cmake ..' followed by 'make'

This will put a binary called 'snapshot' into the ./build/bin directory.

Before running the program, change the config.toml file to your specifications.

When running the program, pass the config file path as an argument.

To load the default config file, run ./snapshot ../../config/config.toml


resolution and frame rate

R200/SR300 accepts the following configurations:

  • @60FPS, depth at 320x240, color can be 640x480
  • @60FPS, depth at 480x360, color can be 320x240 or 640x480
  • @30FPS, depth at 320x240, color can be 640x480 or 1920x1080
  • @30FPS, depth at 480x360, color can be 320x240, 640x480, or 1920x1080

Note that this documentation is old and other resolutions are also supported, for instance @60FPS 640*480 for both depth and color. Currently I haven't found an up-to-date documentation.


Value from 0 to 4095. Larger value leads to brighter IR image.


This provides access to several recommend sets of depth control parameters. Default is 0. This is only working for R200.

  • 0-DEFAULT Default settings on chip. Similar to the medium setting and best for outdoors.
  • 1-OFF Disable almost all hardware-based outlier removal.
  • 2-LOW Provide a depthmap with a lower number of outliers removed, which has minimal false negatives.
  • 3-MEDIUM Provide a depthmap with a medium number of outliers removed, which has balanced approach.
  • 4-OPTIMIZED Provide a depthmap with a medium/high number of outliers removed. Derived from an optimization function.
  • 5-HIGH Provide a depthmap with a higher number of outliers removed, which has minimal false positives.

Parameters influenced, in order:


depth scale

Scale depth images. Default is 1000 (no scaling).


If not using cmake, compile the cpp file without cmake: g++ -std=c++11 snapshot_intel.cpp -lrealsense -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui

If you want to run the klg output with Kintinuous or ElasticFusion, run

./ElasticFusion -l (path to snapshot.klg) -d 12 -c 3 -f