Searchgasm is orgasmic. Maybe not orgasmic, but you will get aroused. So go grab a towel and let’s dive in.
Searchgasm’s inspiration comes right from ActiveRecord. ActiveRecord lets you create objects that represent a record in the database, so why can’t you create objects that represent searching the database? Now you can! It’s searching, ordering, and pagination all in one.
* Documentation: * Easy pagination, ordering, and searching tutorial: * Live example of the tutorial above (with source):
sudo gem install searchgasm
For rails
$ cd vendor/plugins $ sudo gem unpack searchgasm
Or as a plugin
script/plugin install git://
Now try out some of the examples below:
For all examples, let’s assume the following relationships: User => Orders => Line Items
User.all( :conditions => { :first_name_contains => "Ben", # first_name like '%Ben%' :email_ends_with => "" # email like '' }, :per_page => 20, # limit 20 :page => 3, # offset 40, which starts us on page 3 :order_as => "ASC", :order_by => {:user_group => :name} # order ASC )
same as above, but object based
search = User.new_search search.conditions.first_name_contains = "Ben" search.conditions.email_ends_with = "" search.per_page = 20 = 3 search.order_as = "ASC" search.order_by = {:user_group => :name} search.all
In both examples, instead of using the “all” method you could use any search method: first, find(:all), find(:first), count, sum, average, etc, just like ActiveRecord.
Using Searchgasm in rails is the best part, because rails has all kinds of nifty methods to make dealing with ActiveRecord objects quick and easy, especially with forms. So let’s take advantage of them! That’s the idea behind this plugin. Searchgasm is searching, ordering, and pagination all rolled into one simple plugin. Take all of that pagination and searching cruft out of your models and controllers, and let Searchgasm handle it. Check it out:
# app/controllers/users_controller.rb def index @search = User.new_search(params[:search]) @users, @users_count = @search.all, @search.count end
Now your view:
# app/views/users/index.html.haml - form_for @search do |f| - f.fields_for @search.conditions do |users| = users.text_field :first_name_contains = users.calendar_date_select :created_after # nice rails plugin for replacing date_select - users.fields_for users.object.orders do |orders| = :total_gt, (1..100) = f.submit "Search" - if @users_count > 0 %table %tr %th= order_by_link :account => :name %th= order_by_link :first_name %th= order_by_link :last_name %th= order_by_link :email - @users.each do |user| %tr %td= user.account? ? : "-" %td= user.first_name %td= user.last_name %td= Per page: = per_page_select Page: = page_select - else No users were found.
Things to note in this view:
Passing a search object right into form_for and fields_for
The built in conditions for each column and how you can traverse the relationships and set conditions on them
The order_by_link helper
The page_select and per_page_select helpers
All of your search logic is in 1 spot: your view. Nice and DRY.
See my tutorial on this example:
# Start a new search @search = User.new_search( :conditions => { :first_name_contains => "Ben", :age_gt => 18, :orders => {:total_lt => 100} }, :per_page => 20, :page => 2, :order_by => {:orders => :total}, :order_as => "DESC" ) # Set local conditions @search.conditions.email_ends_with = "" # Set conditions on relationships @search.conditions.oders.line_items.created_after = # can traverse through all relationships # Set options @search.per_page = 50 # overrides the 20 set above @search.order_by = [:first_name, {:user_group => :name}] # order by first name and then by the user group's name it belongs to @search.order_as = "ASC" # Set ANY of the ActiveRecord options = "last_name" @search.readonly = true # ... see ActiveRecord documentation # Return results just like ActiveRecord @search.all @search.first
Take the @search object and pass it right into form_for or fields_for (see above).
Using the object from above:
@search.average('id') @search.count @search.maximum('id') @search.minimum('id') @search.sum('id') @search.calculate(:sum, 'id') # ...any of the above calculations, see ActiveRecord documentation on calculations
Or do it from your model:
User.count(:conditions => {:first_name_contains => "Ben"}) User.sum('id', :conditions => {:first_name_contains => "Ben"}) # ... all other calcualtions, etc.
Any of the options used in the above example can be used in these, but for the sake of brevity I am only using a few:
User.all(:conditions => {:age_gt => 18}, :per_page => 20) User.first(:conditions => {:age_gt => 18}, :per_page => 20) User.find(:all, :conditions => {:age_gt => 18}, :per_page => 20) User.find(:first, :conditions => {:age_gt => 18}, :per_page => 20) search = User.new_search(:conditions => {:age_gt => 18}) # build_search is an alias search.conditions.first_name_contains = "Ben" search.per_page = 20 search.all
Don’t need pagination, ordering, or any of the other options? Search with conditions only.
conditions = User.new_conditions(:age_gt => 18) conditions.first_name_contains = "Ben" conditions.all # ... all operations above are available
Pass a conditions object right into ActiveRecord:
User.all(:conditions => conditions)
@current_user.orders.find(:all, :conditions => {:total_lte => 500}) @current_user.orders.count(:conditions => {:total_lte => 500}) @current_user.orders.sum('total', :conditions => {:total_lte => 500}) search = @current_user.orders.build_search(:conditions => {:total_lte => 500})
For tree data structures you get a few nifty methods. Let’s assume Users is a tree data structure.
# Child of User.all(:conditions => {:child_of => User.roots.first}) User.all(:conditions => {:child_of =>}) # Sibling of User.all(:conditions => {:sibling_of => User.roots.first}) User.all(:conditions => {:sibling_of =>}) # Descendant of (includes all recursive children: children, grand children, great grand children, etc) User.all(:conditions => {:descendant_of => User.roots.first}) User.all(:conditions => {:descendant_of =>}) # Inclusive descendant_of. Same as above but includes the root User.all(:conditions => {:inclusive_descendant_of => User.roots.first}) User.all(:conditions => {:inclusive_descendant_of =>})
Not only can you use searchgasm when searching, but you can use it when setting up relationships or scopes. Anywhere you specify conditions in ActiveRecord.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :expensive_pending_orders, :conditions => {:total_greater_than => 1_000_000, :state => :pending}, :per_page => 20 named_scope :sexy, :conditions => {:first_name => "Ben", email_ends_with => ""}, :per_page => 20 end
If there is one thing we all know, it’s to always use protection against SQL injections. That’s why searchgasm protects you by default. The new_search and new_conditions methods protect mass assignments by default (instantiation and search.options = {}). This means that various checks are done to ensure it is not possible to perform any type of SQL injection during mass assignments. But this also limits how you can search, meaning you can’t write raw SQL. If you want to be daring and search without protection, all that you have to do is add ! to the end of the methods: new_search! and new_conditions!.
search = Account.new_search(params[:search]) conditions = Account.new_conditions(params[:conditions])
accounts = Account.find(params[:search]) accounts = Account.all(params[:search]) account = Account.first(params[:search]) search = Account.new_search!(params[:search]) conditions = Account.new_conditions!(params[:conditions])
I’m sure you already knew this, but it’s tempting to do this when you can pass the params hash right into these methods.
Lesson learned: use new_search and new_conditions when passing in params as ANY of the options.
Depending on the type, each column comes preloaded with a bunch of nifty conditions:
all columns => :equals, :does_not_equal :string, :text => :begins_with, :contains, :keywords, :ends_with :integer, :float, :decimal,:datetime, :timestamp, :time, :date => :greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to tree data structures (see above "searching trees") => :child_of, :sibling_of, :descendant_of, :inclusive_descendant_of
Some of these conditions come with aliases, so you have your choice how to call the conditions. For example you can use “greater_than” or “gt”:
:equals => :is :does_not_equal => :is_not, :not :begins_with => :starts_with, :sw, :bw, :start :contains => :like, :has :ends_with => :ew, :ends, :end :greater_than => :gt, :after :greater_than_or_equal_to => :at_least, :gte :keywords => :kwords, :kw :less_than => :lt, :before :less_than_or_equal_to => :at_most, :lte
For more information on each condition see Searchgasm::Condition. Each condition has it’s own class and the source is pretty simple and self explanatory.
You will notice above there is “contains” and “keywords”. The difference is that “keywords” is an enhanced search. It acts like a real keyword search. It finds those keywords, in any order, and blacklists meaningless words such as “and”, “the”, etc. “contains” finds the EXACT string in the column you are searching, spaces and all.
I didn’t include this function because its MySQL specific, and it’s probably rarely used, but MySQL supports a “SOUNDS LIKE” function.
I want to use it, so let’s add it:
# config/initializers/searchgasm.rb # Actual function for MySQL databases only class SoundsLike < Searchgasm::Condition::Base class << self # I pass you the column, you tell me what you want the method to be called. # If you don't want to add this condition for that column, return nil # It defaults to "#{}_sounds_like" (using the class name). So if thats what you want you don't even need to do this. def name_for_column(column) super end # Only do this if you want aliases for your condition def aliases_for_column(column) ["#{}_sounds", "#{}_similar_to"] end end # You can return an array or a string. NOT a hash, because all of these conditions # need to eventually get merged together. The array or string can be anything you would put in # the :conditions option for ActiveRecord::Base.find(). Also, for a list of methods / variables you can use check out
# Searchgasm::Condition::Base.
def to_conditions(value) ["#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_column_name} SOUNDS LIKE ?", value] end end Searchgasm::Conditions::Base.register_condition(SoundsLike)
Now test it out:
search = User.new_search search.conditions.first_name_sounds_like = "Ben" search.all # will return any user that has a first name that sounds like "Ben"
Pretty nifty, huh? You can create any condition ultimately creating any SQL you want. The sky is the limit. For more information see Searchgasm::Condition::Base
I’m a big fan of understanding what I’m using, so here’s a quick explanation: The design behind this plugin is pretty simple. The search object “sanitizes” down into the options passed into ActiveRecord::Base.find(). It serves as a transparent filter between you and ActiveRecord::Base.find(). This filter provides “enhancements” that get translated into options that ActiveRecord::Base.find() can understand. It doesn’t dig into the ActiveRecord internals, it only uses what is publicly available. It jumps in and helps out only when needed, otherwise it sits back and lets ActiveRecord do all of the work. Between that and the extensive tests, this is a solid and fast plugin.
Author: Ben Johnson of Binary Logic
Credit to Zack Ham and Robert Malko for helping with feature suggestions.
Copyright © 2008 Ben Johnson of Binary Logic, released under the MIT license