Generic swift utilities
- SVGLib (Read and write svg syntax) read more about the creation of the svgLib here
- GraphicsKit (Makes working with Quartz and core data easier) read more about the GraphicsKit here
- XMLLib (Makes parsing and modifying xml data easier)
- RegExpLib (Makes parsing and modifying with RegExp easier)
- MathLib (Contains alot of usefull math Utils, more to come)
- SQLLiteLib - works by utilizing shell (Comming soon, see my applescript lib for now)
- GitLib - works by utilizing shell and git (Comming soon, see my applescript lib for now)
- Utils - Other basic programming utilites for working with array, dictionary, numbers, strings etc
Read more about the GraphicKit here
The swift code for the above example:
let gradient = LinearGradient(,[],π/2)
let lineGradient = LinearGradient(Gradients.teal(0.5),[],π/2)
let fill:GradientFillStyle = GradientFillStyle(gradient);
let lineStyle = LineStyle(20,NSColorParser.nsColor(,CGLineCap.Round)
let line = GradientLineStyle(lineGradient,lineStyle)
let rect = RectGraphic(40,40,200,200,fill,line)
let ellipse = EllipseGraphic(300,40,200,200,fill.mix(Gradients.teal()),line.mix(
let roundRect = RoundRectGraphic(40,300,200,200,Fillet(50),fill.mix(,line.mix(Gradients.yellow(0.5)))
let lineGraphic = LineGraphic(CGPoint(300,300),CGPoint(500,500),line.mix(Gradients.deepPurple()))
NOTE: Also supports RadialGradient now example of this coming soon The graphics framework is open source and can be found on github here
There are 7 hex color formats: ""#FF0000","0xFF0000", "FF0000", "F00", "red", 0x00FF00 , 16711935
ColorParser.nsColor("#FF0000",1)//red nsColor
ColorParser.nsColor("FF0",1)//red nsColor
ColorParser.nsColor("0xFF0000",1)//red nsColor
ColorParser.nsColor("#FF0000",1)//red nsColor
ColorParser.nsColor("FF0000",1)//red nsColor
ColorParser.nsColor(0xFF0000,1)//red nsColor
ColorParser.nsColor(16711935,1)//red nsColor
Read about the event system here: