
Wrong registration results. What can I do?

JzHuai0108 opened this issue · 3 comments

Thank you for open sourcing the program.
I am using it to register two point clouds as attached.
We also provide the reference result obtained by hand in cloudcompare.


The result from MAC is like below

 -0.830348  -0.548407 -0.0988551    2.30432
  0.556168  -0.826622 -0.0858629    17.6757
 -0.034628  -0.126276   0.991391  -0.354262
         0          0          0          1

whereas the reference solution is

   -0.2292    0.9671    0.1106 5.904616
   -0.9731   -0.2250   -0.0486 -1.646853
   -0.0221   -0.1188    0.9927 -0.220632

What can I do to get good results?

Note with this program's demo sample data, I see the registration result is also wrong, though the resulting pose is exactly as written in the readme.

For sparse LiDAR point clouds, the parameter of radius search in the FPFH_descriptor function should be set larger (e.g., 10*resolution), and the transformation result will be
-0.219892 0.970453 0.0993442 5.97492
-0.974923 -0.215038 -0.0573123 -1.70108
-0.0342562 -0.109455 0.993401 -0.228692
0 0 0 1

Thank you for the hint. The result looks good. I will try to reproduce it soon.

I enlarged the FPFH descriptor radius to 50 times of the resolution, the transformation result got correct. Thank you for the tip.