
Oracle Spatial Demonstration

Primary LanguageJava

Oracle Spatial Demonstration

This sample application demonstrates the use of some Oracle Spatial features with Java. It is furthermore a finger exercise for combining the following Java and JavaScript technologies and frameworks:

Setup (Windows)

  1. Install Oracle XE.

    • Choose system as system user password.
    • Change Oracle XE's HTTP port as described here, since Tomcat uses the same default port (8080).
  2. Execute the batch file data\setup_data.bat to create and fill a demo schema (spatialdemo).

    • Make sure that the sqlplus and java command will be found in your search path.
  3. Build and run the demo application by using Maven:

    1. mvn process-resources (installs the Oracle JDBC jar file in your local Maven repository)
    2. mvn package tomcat:run

    On later runs the first command can be skipped.

  4. Open http://localhost:8080/oracle-spatial-demo/.