- 2
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Fix for 4D color channels: What happens when loading an image with 4 channels instead of 3...
#16 opened by ChilledFerrum - 0
There are many halos in the results of the Reflectance Restoration Net training
#15 opened by ubyang - 0
How to test images without high data
#14 opened by eeerpjw - 0
The NIQE score
#12 opened by JiaqianLi - 5
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about PSNR and SSIM
#11 opened by Justones - 0
The size of the input image
#10 opened by zhangxiaopang88 - 0
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Please share latest model in google drive!
#4 opened by ANSHUMAN87 - 0
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#5 opened by changruowang - 1
Here are several mistakes on the correspondance in "our485", like the 79.png, 735.png. The order of low and high images in "our485" do not match, like the 79.png and 111.png. But I correct it ,the decom net train result seem to bee worse! How do you solve it ?
#6 opened by changruowang - 1