
Brain decoding using graph convolutional network on fMRI time-series

Primary LanguagePython

Functional Decoding using graph convolutional networks on brain graphs

Brain graphs provide a relatively simple way of modeling the human brain connectome by associating nodes with brain regions and defining edges via anatomical or functional connections. Based on this architecture, a non-linear embedding tool, called graph Laplacian, can be used to project the high dimensional brain activities onto subspaces of the graph Laplacian eigenbasis. This method has gained more and more attention in neuroscience studies, for instance identifying functional areas and networks, generating connectivity gradients and harmonics, and even predicting atrophy patterns of dementia. Recently, graph convolutional networks (GCN) was proposed, which combines the graph Laplacian theory with deep learning architectures by extending convolution operations onto the graph domain. This approach has shown some promising findings in neuroscience applications, for instance parcellating brain areas and detecting alterations in AD and Autism. In our recent study, we applied GCN to annotate the spatiotemporal dynamics of brain dynamics of human cognitive functions using a short series of fMRI volumes.


Brain graphs provide a relatively simple way of modeling the human brain connectome, by associating nodes with brain regions, and defining edges via anatomical or functional connections.

Graph Laplacian

Based on this architecture, a non-linear embedding tool, called graph Laplacian, can be used to project the high dimensional brain activities onto subspaces of the graph Laplacian eigenbasis. This method has gained more and more attention in neuroscience studies, for instance identifying functional areas and networks, generating connectivity gradients and harmonics, and even predicting atrophy patterns of dementia.

Graph Convolutional Networks

Recently, graph convolutional networks (GCN) was proposed, which combines the graph Laplacian theory with deep learning architectures by extending convolution operations onto the graph domain. This approach has shown some promising findings in neuroscience applications, for instance parcellating brain areas and detecting alterations in AD and Autism.

In our recent study, we applied GCN[1,2] to annotate the spatiotemporal dynamics of brain dynamics of human cognitive functions using a short series of fMRI volumes. I will use this as a case study to illustrate how to apply GCN to brain imaging.



  • training.py to run the model training, by specifying the task domain by task_modality and time window by block_dura

  • predict_states.py to predict the task conditions on test set using pretrained model, by specifying the task domain by task_modality and time window by block_dura

  • utils.py contains useful functions including collecting fMRI data and split it into training, validation and test sets

  • model.py contains the model definition, including spectral-GCN, 1stGCN [1] and ChebyNet [2]

  • configure_fmri.py contains all default settings for data storage and model specification

  • lib_new folder contains three useful functions that have been adapted from the cnn_graph repo

  • lib_new/checkmat.py contains useful functions to save the best model in checkpoint through tensorflow


Training a decoding model

The decoding model takes 10s or 15 TRs of fMRI volumes as input and predicts the associated task states from 21 experimental conditions. And the model will be trained on 767 subjects, validated on 109 subjects and tested on 219 subjects by running the following command.

mod='ALL'; blocks=15; 
python3 -W ignore ./training.py --block_dura=${blocks} --task_modality=${mod}

Predicting task state on unseen subjects

The script will load the pretrained decoding model from checkpoints and predict the task state on new subjects from the test set

mod='ALL'; blocks=15; 
python3 -W ignore ./predict_states.py --block_dura=${blocks} --task_modality=${mod}


[1] Zhang, Yu, and Pierre Bellec. "Functional Decoding using Convolutional Networks on Brain Graphs." 2019 Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany PDF

[2] Zhang, Yu, and Pierre Bellec. "Functional Annotation of Human Cognitive States using Graph Convolution Networks." 2019 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Neuro-AI workshop - Real Neurons & Hidden Units, Vancouver, Canada PDF