Spring Cloud Alibaba Official Website

Quick Start

  1. npm install

  2. npm run start

  3. Browser input


Build and start as a service

  1. npm run build

  2. npm run serve

  3. Browser input


Local environment preparation

Base docusaurus v2.3.1 Node.js version 16.14+

i18n Considerations

Please note that if you start the site in development mode with npm run start or npm run start-en, the regional language switching feature and local search feature will not work. Please run the program in production mode using the "build and start as service" process to enable locale switching and site search.

How to write documentation

Add a new document

  1. Add a new .md file under i18n/en-us/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current or i18n/zh-cn/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current. Corresponding to the Chinese file and the English file, the Chinese and English file names must be consistent.
  2. Update sidebar.js to add a new entry in the en-us or zh-cn directory.

Add new articles for developers

  1. Add a new .md file under i18n/en-us/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/developers or i18n/zh-cn/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/developers, the file name should start with _dev.md ends. Note that the suffix _dev is necessary.
  2. Update sidebar.js to add a new entry in en-us or zh-cn.

Add a new blog

  1. Add a new .md file under i18n/en-us/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/current or i18n/zh-cn/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/current. Corresponding to the Chinese file and the English file, the Chinese and English file names must be consistent.
  2. Requires SEO configuration.


the type is:

title: title
keywords: [keywords1,keywords2]
description: some description
author: author name
date: 2018-12-29
custom_edit_url: https://github.com/spring-cloud-alibaba-group/spring-cloud-alibaba-group.github.io/blob/main/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/30-line- wasm.md


  1. "title" cannot contain ":"
  2. keywords must be Array
  3. custom_edit_url is a link to the documentation in this repo, required.

Note the .md file

  1. Do not use incorrect html tags, such as <img>, <br>, replace it with <img/> <br/>;
  2. If you want to display <xx>, please replace it with &lt;xx&gt;.