
Written by Zhen Zhang (zhangz@csu.edu.cn)
Jianxin Wang Lab, Central South University

Please cite:

Current version: 0.3.0

Support for Linux and OS X

##Summary Sprites is a sv caller that specializes in detecting deletion from low-coverage sequencing data. It works by identifying split reads from alignments based on soft-clipping information. By re-aligning a split read to one of its target sequences derived from paired-end reads that span it, a deletion is predicted and breakpoint ends are pinpointed with base-pair resolution. Sprites uses alignments produced by BWA. Of course, it can also use those produced by other read aligners that support 5'- or 3'-end soft-clipping, like Bowtie2. It can also be extended to detect other types of sv.

##Pre-built binaries You can download the pre-built binaries from the Releases page or the links below:



Building Sprites

git clone https://github.com:zhangzhen/sprites.git
cd sprites
export BAMTOOLS_HOME=/path/to/bamtools
export HTSLIB_HOME=/path/to/htslib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cp sprites /usr/local/bin/


sprites [options] sample.bam

The input bam file is required to be sorted.
