
some importer for beancount

Primary LanguagePython


MoneyWiz convert

This is an importer for converting moneywiz3 exported csv file to beancount records.

how to use it?

  1. Rename example.map.json to map.json
  2. Add the exported moneywiz3 file report.csv to current folder.
  3. Fill the expenses, incomes, accounts, tags in example.map.json. The key is value in your moneywiz3, and the value is what your want in beancount record.
  4. Run python gen_account.py > account.bean to open your account.
  5. Run python moneywiz_converter.py > temp.bean to generate beancount records.
  6. Check and combine with your original beancount document.



HuaTai Convert (华泰证券)

BOCOMCC Convert (交行信用卡)