
based on A convenient wrapper framework for OpenGL.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


In simple scenes, most of the code we write in OpenGL is drab and dreary and basically needs no or only slight changes. It's also quite a painful course to install dependencies. OpenGLFramework is a clean and easy-to-use wrapper for OpenGL.

Table of Contents


All platforms need git commands.

First, you need to install xmake(You can visit the website when you want to get up-to-date installation methods or use other platforms):

  • Linux :

    sudo apt update && sudo apt install gcc-11 g++-11
    sudo apt install libxi-dev
    (wget https://xmake.io/shget.text -O -)

    Maybe export MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.3 is needed in~/.bashrc to use OpenGL 3.3.

  • Windows: Download xmake at https://github.com/xmake-io/xmake/releases, and run ...-install.exe.

  • MacOS :

    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
    brew install xmake

Then build the overall.test target:

cd framework/dir
xmake overall.test

If XMake fails to install any of the packages, try code below for the failed parts:

xrepo install glfw
xrepo install glm
xrepo install glad
xrepo install imgui
xrepo install stb
xrepo install assimp

Catch2 is optional if you want to run unit tests.

After it prompts build ok!, you can enter xmake run overall.test to run the program and you get :

Model credits : miHoYo and 观海子。See copyrights here.


NOTE : You can customize any part by rewriting the inner OpenGL code as you need. Besides, we strongly recommend you to read the code in main.cpp rather than read the usage directly because we think the code is more intuitive.

You always need to call [[maybe_unused]] auto& contextManager = ContextManager::GetInstance() first before using the components of this project. It will initialize context when the first time this function is called and end context when the whole program ends.

Components below are in namespace OpenGLFramework::Core, and headers are in FrameworkCore/. They will not try to catch exceptions, and the thrown exceptions are all caused by the standard library. When OpenGL errors occur, it will continue to run while logging the error information rather than throw exceptions.


  • Initialization : size_t width, size_t height, const char* title.

  • Register(func) : It's recommended that you should use a lambda expression as the parameter; any out-of-scope local variables that need to be used in the scope should be captured by the []. The registered functions will be executed sequentially as if looped in main.

    We wrap the GLFW so that it can accept variables through captures rather than only static or global variables.

  • MainLoop(vec4 color) : Begin the loop until closing the window. Note that color will be set before any execution of registered functions.

  • Close(): close the window.

  • BindScrollCallback/ BindCursorPosCallback(func): when the mouse scrolls/ moves, the bound function will be called automatically.

    Note that BindCursorPosCallback will make ImGui cannot detect the mouse event. See here for more information.

  • BindKeyPressing/BindKeyPressed/BindKeyReleasing/BindKeyReleased<keycode> (func): when the key is pressing/ pressed once/ releasing/ released once, the bound function will be called automatically.

Note that the logic of MainWindow assumes that there is only one instance (and we express it by a thread-unsafe singleton-detected bool) because ImGui only supports binding a single GLFW window in its context. Besides, you can customize any needed functions in MainWindow.h/.cpp by imitating the code there.

Also, MainWindow uses a lot of std::unordered_map; if the bound functions will not be changed, you can use std::vector instead to get a slight performance improvement.


Framebuffer is used to render an off-screen scene.

  • Initialization: size_t width, size_t height bool needDepthTesting, but optional. The default parameters are (1000, 1000, true).
  • Resize(size_t width, size_t height), resize the inner buffer.
  • If you want to show the scene in an ImGui Window, call ImGui::Image(reinterpret_cast<ImTextureID>(static_cast<std::uintptr_t>(frameBuffer.textureColorBuffer)), ImGuiWindowSize, { 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 }); in a ImGui context.

You can also adjust the member variable backgroundColor to use different color for the framebuffer.


Unity-like, with vec3 position, quaternion rotation, vec3 scale and methods :

  • Rotate by Euler angles/ quaternions/ axis-angle
  • Translate(vec3): just move the position.
  • GetModelMatrix(): get the model matrix caused by this transformation.


  • Initialize : std::filesystem::path texturePath.

You can get its OpenGL ID through the member ID.



Only stores vertices and triangles. It's pure model without rendering resources.


Derived from BasicTriMesh, owning vertesAttributes for texture coordinates and normals and rendering resources. It may not be exposed to the users, because it's mainly used for assimp adjustment. However, you may call Draw(shader)/ Draw(shader, framebuffer) to show a part of the model.



Just an array of BasicTriMesh and its transformation. It should be initialized by the path of the model.


Array of BasicTriRenderMesh and all their textures. Transform transform is also provided.

  • Initialization : std::filesystem::path modelPath, bool textureNeedFlip; any format of path will be accepted.
  • Draw(shader) / Draw(shader, framebuffer): use the shader to draw the model; if you want to render it on a framebuffer, pass it as the second parameter.


  • Initialization : std::filesystem::path vertexShaderPath, std::filesystem::path fragmentShaderPath or std::filesystem::path vertexShaderPath, std::filesystem::path geometryShaderPath, std::filesystem::path fragmentShaderPath.
  • Activate: before you actually use the shader, you need to activate it.
  • Set...: set uniform variables in the shader.

Besides, you always need to write your actual shader files like this :

// version should be at least 330.
#version 330 core
// .vert layout should always be coded as below temporarily.
layout(location = 0) in vec3 aPos;
layout(location = 1) in vec3 aNormal;
layout(location = 2) in vec2 aTexCoords;

// if you want use texture, name it with diffuseTexture/specularTexture + number(started from 1).
uniform sampler2D diffuseTexture1;
uniform sampler2D specularTexture1;
// ...


It has some variables indicating its state, like movementSpeed, mouseSensitivity, rotationSpeed, fov. They are not actually necessary to a camera and you can delete them if you want.

  • Initilization : vec3 position, vec3 up, vec3 front; we don't require the dot(up, front) = 0, but just cross(up, front) != {0,0,0}. We will orthonormalize them in the process of initialization.
  • GetPosition().
  • Front()/Back()/Up()/Down()/Left()/Right()
  • GetViewMatrix(): Get the view matrix determined by the camera parameters.
  • Rotate/Translate: similar to Transform Rotate/Translate, providing three methods to rotate the camera/ move the position.
  • RotateAroundCenter(float angle, vec3 axis, vec3& center).

Components below are in namespace OpenGLFramework::IOExtension, and headers are in Utility/IO.


  • ReadAll(std::filesystem::path path): return all contents of a file in the path.
  • LogError(std::source_location location, std::string_view errorInfo): display the error information in the location; The first parameter is recommended to be set as std::source_location::current().
  • LogStreamStatus: log the status of the file stream and throw std::runtime_error if it's bad.


You can use .ini file for dynamic configuration so the burden of re-compiling will be released. For .ini format, please refer to wiki. For the optional features of .ini, we support # as comments and we also support sub-sections. Notice that ; or # must be the first non-blank character to denote the line as a comment line.

IniFile is initialized by its path. The only member variable you can use is Section rootSection.

Section is just an implementation of section in .ini file. We provide two kinds of data-getter:

  • operator[]/(): The former is for the section index, and the latter is for the entry index. These two APIs don't check the existence of the key and don't normalize(i.e. trim and make string case-insensitive required by .ini). Subsections are not supported. For example, if you want to index entry C in A.B, you need to use ["a"]["b"]("c").
  • GetSubsection/GetEntry: These two APIs will normalize the key, divide the subsection indices and check existence of the key. The return value is std::optional<> so that you need to check std::nullopt. We may change it to pointers in the future so that you need to check nullptr. For example, if you want to index entry C in A.B, you need to use (here we don't check null) GetSubsection("A.B")->get().GetEntry("C").

Other utility functions like std::string IniFileNameNormalize(std::string_view) in the global scope and GetSubsectionSize/GetEntrySize in the Section scope are also provided.

Besides, we use template so that you can use std::map to replace the default std::unordered_map. Any container that meets the required APIs(i.e.find/operator[]/iterator) of std::unordered_map can also be used.

Components below are in namespace OpenGLFramework::StringExtension, and headers are in Utility/String.


Only ASCII and UTF-8 are supported.

  • CharAsciiToLower/StringAsciiToLower: transform all English alphabets to lowercase.
  • TrimBegin/TriEnd/Trim: trim the blank characters in the string.


  1. Faster loading speed: The most common code for OpenGL framework is in learnOpenGL, so we benchmark the total cost of creating Window, loading models, loading shaders and establishing the camera of ours and learnOpenGL's.

    Windows 10 Ubuntu 20.04
    LearnOpenGL, release 3.26205s 1.93490s
    Ours, v1.0, debug 1.09038s 0.645622s
    Ours, latest, release 0.662553s 0.521885s

    Note that our CPU is Intel Core i7 and the model has 61434 vertices and 20478 facets. It indicates that we make it about four to five times faster than the baseline in the latest version.

  2. Easier-to-use interface: We wrap the OpenGL code in RAII style, hiding trivial and boring inner details for the most common features. You can dive into writing proper shaders.

  3. One-stop dependencies installation: It's widely known that OpenGL needs a bunch of dependencies which disturbs users a lot. Through XMake, we make it quite easy.

  4. Support UTF-8 path : learnOpenGL may only supports ASCII path; we support UTF-8 path. In fact, the example model has textures that have Chinese characters.

Build Tool

We use XMake as our build tool. Because :

  • For CMake, (we think) it's miserable to use convenient functions like find_package in Windows and usually third-party libraries need to be included in folders.
  • For vcpkg & plug-ins, it's a really good choice in Windows but a little bit unsatisfying for cross-platform code.

XMake is a Lua-based convenient tool for cross-platform code written by a Chinese developer, @waruqi. It's equipped with a package manager, XRepo, which has most common libraries. After installing them, you can use find_package-like functions in xmake.lua. It combines the merits of CMake and vcpkg while having at least same building speed compared to other mainstream building tools.

In fact Lua knowledge is nearly unnecessary for basic build tasks.

We believe that XMake is easier to code than CMake, but it's a pity that documents of XMake are still developing and not as satisfying as we expect. We are still struggling to study now.

XMake can also generate IDE project files, see here.

You can check XMake Github website for more information.


opengl3.3, glfw, glad, glm, assimp, stb, imgui, imgui-[glfw] and imgui-[opengl3]. catch2 is optional if you need unit tests.

If you use xmake, they will be installed automatically. Notice that assimp installation may need some time because it's a little bit large.

Compiler requirements


Considering that some core features (like module) in C++20 are not easy for those who haven't studied them to convert back to C++17 code (like header-style), we only use minor new properties in C++20. If you cannot use C++20 features, you can detect and replace them easily.

What we use in C++20:

  • <numbers>, for std::numbers::pi_v<f> to get π.

  • <version>, to check whether <format> is supported. If it is, <format> will be used.

    <format> is not supported until gcc13, which is not released currently.

  • [[likely]] and [[unlikely]] attributes, to clearly influence branch-predict policies.

  • <source_location>, to log error info.

  • char8_t for UTF-8 string. Use char in C++17.

  • ranges, for splitting string in IniFile and possible future parallelism(see TODO).

  • Concept, but only StringExtension uses very simple concept. You can relatively easy to remove them as you want.

Those methods are trivial compared to other parts, and will not or only very slightly affect performance, so you can substitute them easily with C++17 code.


There are also some C++17 features that may need extra libraries to support in old versions of some compilers, so we also list them as follows:

What we use in C++17:

  • structured binding, for getting the pair/tuple return value.
  • Class template argument deduction (CTAD), to reduce code of some unnecessary types.
  • std::unordered_map::insert_or_assign(), std::unordered_map::try_emplace().
  • <execution>, to load models in parallel in multi-core machines. Temporarily not used, see TODO.
  • <filesystem>.
  • [[maybe_unused]] attributes, to eliminate not-used warnings for ImGui needs auto& io = ImGui::GetIO() to monitor some events even though io is not used in the user's code block.
  • [[fall_through]] to indicate deliberate no ending break in switch-cases.
  • <string_view>, to replace some of the const char* in modern C++.
  • <optional> and std::reference_wrapper.

The bold parts represent that code with those features is crucial, and it's not easy to re-code. Thus, we recommend you to use a compiler that at least supports C++17.

Update Information

v1.1 - 2023.1.26

  • Add OpenGLFramework namespace.
  • Completely optimize file organization.
  • Unify code style.
  • Optimize model loading to fit more for indexed-based geometry.
  • Split rendering and model to some extent.
  • Complete RAII-style resource management in all classes.
  • Delete GPUExtension for cross-platform ability. Thus, CUDA requirements are removed.
  • Add StringExtension and enrich IOExtension.
  • Add IniFile for dynamic configuration.
  • Add rather complete unit test with Catch2.
  • Fix significant bugs. For example, use singleton ContextManager to replace manual Init/EndContext, so that window will be destroyed before context ending(previously it's not, which is logically wrong).


  • std::optional is unnecessary if std::reference_wrapper is nullable(but in fact it isn't). We kind of regard it as an artifact of the standard library, and we may change them to pointers.
  • We may try to load meshes in parallel. This is not trivial for meshes will share textures so that TexturePool that uses STL is not thread-safe.
  • We may try to load data for every single mesh in parallel. This is not deterministic for huge models are likely to be divided into relatively medium-level meshes, so that the cost of each mesh is not worthwhile to create threads. However, we still reserve such possibilities because we use many std::for_each so that std::execution may benefit the range-based loop when P2408R5 for C++23 is implemented by all mainstream compilers.
  • z suffix for size_t and std::ranges::to<> for convenient range conversion in C++23.
  • More features like sky box and more complex example shaders.


This project owns an MIT license in the public domain.

For the model :

This is the translation of the original model README.

Thanks for downloading this model!

You can :

  • improve the physical effects, correct possible bugs on model weights and facial expressions;
  • Change the color and outfit properly, add spa, toon and so on.

You should NOT :

  • distribute again, dispatch parts to use in other models;
  • use for 18+ works, extreme religious propagandas, sanguinary grisly strange works, assault and battery, and so on.
  • use for commercial purposes.

The responsibility of all possible negative outcomes resulted from others' use of this model will not be taken by HoYoverse and the model releaser, but taken by the user.

model provider : HoYoverse

model releaser : 观海

Final interpretation power belongs to HoYoverse.

PLEASE obey rules above.