

Primary LanguageC++


version track

Author: Yutong

ver1.2 Yutong

  1. Add group multicast function
  2. Add truncate 3D angle area data

ver1.1 Yutong

Using new message type to distinguish different channel data topic name: scan_channel topic type: LslidarC16Layer details: LslidarC16Layer is consist of 16 sets data for different channel, each set of data is represented by Sensor_msgs/LaserScan rosmessage type Usage: rostopic echo /scan_channel will output all 16 channels data rostopic echo /scan_channel/scan_channel[] ( can be from 0 to 15 represents channel num) --> output data will be sensor_msgs/LaserScan message type Example: There is an example script to show you how to obtain each channel data, located at /lslidar_c16_decoder/scripts/Test_MultiChannel.py You will need python package numpy and matplotlib.pyplot(optional) to fully run this script

ver1.05 Yutong

Using rostopic to select the channel you wish to output topic name: layer_num topic type: std_msgs/Int8 details: send layer number to topic layer_num Usage: rostopic pub /layer_num std_msgs/Int8 "data: 5" --> output channel 5 data to topic /scan, message type is sensor_msgs/LaserScan . data number can only from 0 to 15


The lslidar_c16 package is a linux ROS driver for lslidar c16. The package is tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS indigo.


This is a Catkin package. Make sure the package is on ROS_PACKAGE_PATH after cloning the package to your workspace. And the normal procedure for compling a catkin package will work.

cd your_work_space

Example Usage



device_ip (string, default:

By default, the IP address of the device is

frame_id (string, default: laser)

The frame ID entry for the sent messages.

Published Topics

lslidar_packets (lslidar_c16_msgs/LslidarC16Packet)

Each message corresponds to a lslidar packet sent by the device through the Ethernet.



min_range (double, 0.15)

max_range (double, 150.0)

Points outside this range will be removed.

frequency (frequency, 10.0)

Note that the driver does not change the frequency of the sensor.

publish_point_cloud (bool, true)

If set to true, the decoder will additionally send out a local point cloud consisting of the points in each revolution.

Published Topics

lslidar_sweep (lslidar_c16_msgs/LslidarC16Sweep)

The message arranges the points within each sweep based on its scan index and azimuth.

lslidar_point_cloud (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)

This is only published when the publish_point_cloud is set to true in the launch file.


roslaunch lslidar_c16_decoder lslidar_c16.launch --screen

Note that this launch file launches both the driver and the decoder, which is the only launch file needed to be used.


Bug Report



sudo tcpdump -n -i eth0




git clone https://github.com/zhangzhouyuan/lslidar_c16


roslaunch lslidar_c16_decoder c16.launch

备注:若修改了雷达目的端口及转速,请打开 lslidar_c16.launch 进行相应的修改配置,默认端口为 2368,转速为 10HZ 即 point_num 为 2000 点。