A simple straightforward customizable mobile-friendly image cropper for Vue 2.0.
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Apply metadata to the original image and generate the image using a function without using <croppa>
#250 opened by lutfullahkose - 5
[Migration] Are there any plan to support Vue3?
#235 opened by vanoneang - 0
Uploading PNG Logo Image
#249 opened by blpraveen - 2
Rotate. Use rotation in degrees
#215 opened by lasthead - 3
Image size not same as container
#216 opened by SiliconMachine - 1
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- 0
Scale is null after uploading image with same dimensions as previous image
#247 opened by elanclarkson - 1
#241 opened by wlinglinux - 1
Image isn't being cropped in my case
#246 opened by kgrosvenor - 0
Image freezes after moving it a dozen times
#245 opened by runxc1 - 0
add setter for outputWidth and outputHeight or ability to control this.myCroppa.width and this.myCroppa.height directly before calling this.generateDataUrl to control output size
#244 opened by corey-cosman - 0
zoomIn() and zoomOut() make image smaller
#242 opened by DungnvKaopiz - 0
Crop like Instagramm
#240 opened by SergejSi - 0
Crop like Instagram
#239 opened by SergejSi - 0
origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy
#222 opened by rhyhro - 0
Image Height and Canvas Size Problem
#238 opened by developeralp - 0
Could not find a declaration file for module
#237 opened by svn292 - 0
How to insert a pin image after a mouse click?
#236 opened by LukasLapa - 0
Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/plain
#234 opened by cheesepaulo - 2
Wrong Image orientation on mobile (iOS)
#229 opened by dom-velloso - 1
Slow for large images on Android
#232 opened by ntankovic - 1
Concept: Extract most frequently used color
#228 opened by topada - 0
File type mismatch event not passed when selecting the same wrong file twice (Chrome)
#233 opened by wleu - 0
Black corners when use plugin
#231 opened by ronniery - 0
Error "The operation couldn't be completed. (WebkitBlobResource error 1.)" on iOs.
#230 opened by klawdyo - 0
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question : how to set default image already saved ?
#214 opened by spham - 1
Is there an option to keep the original size?
#226 opened by Kresko2002 - 1
Crop the aspect ratio
#225 opened by koki000 - 2
#224 opened by Cristiano1103 - 0
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Event @init fired 3 times with auto-sizing
#198 opened by yagoml - 2
Setting initial image, results in choseFile = null
#221 opened by Neophen - 0
Error when file-choose
#220 opened by bgomes90 - 0
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Responsive sizing
#213 opened by gl-pasci - 0
how to access to hasImage ?
#218 opened by spham - 0
Recenter Image
#217 opened by DazDotOne - 1
.refresh() doesn't update auto-sizing since 1.3.1
#212 opened by tennox - 0
how to load image saved , in edit mode ?
#211 opened by spham - 0
No Image download support in Microsoft Edge
#210 opened by ontoneio - 0
is it possible to make the clip plugin see-through?
#209 opened by GsHeri - 2
#208 opened by QJvic - 0
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how i can custom width/hight before draw canvas
#202 opened by mean-cj - 1
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canvas size
#200 opened by spham - 1
how to prevent resize image on upload
#201 opened by spham - 0
need help to use croppa in modal
#197 opened by spham