
[TPAMI & ECCV 2022] Contrast-Phys & Contrast-Phys+ for facial video-based remote physiological signal measurement

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Contrast-Phys and Contrast-Phys+

Update: The paper for Contrast-Phys+ has been accepted by TPAMI. Please check the contrast-phys+ folder for the code.

This is the official code repository of our ECCV 2022 paper "Contrast-Phys: Unsupervised Video-based Remote Physiological Measurement via Spatiotemporal Contrast" and our paper "Contrast-Phys+: Unsupervised and Weakly-supervised Video-based Remote Physiological Measurement via Spatiotemporal Contrast".

We incorporate prior knowledge about remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) into contrastive learning to achieve unsupervised rPPG training. The method does not require any ground truth for training.

Paper, Poster, Video


Please go to Demo folder for More details.


Please check requirement.txt for the required Python libraries.

Dataset Preprocessing

The original videos are firstly preprocessed to crop the face. Facial landmarks are generated using OpenFace. I use the following OpenFace commend to get the facial landmark (.csv file) from each video. For more details, you could check here.

If you are using OpenFace on Linux, you may use the following command in Bash to get the landmark from one video. You can use Bash For loop to get landmarks from multiple videos.

./FeatureExtraction -f <VideoFileName> -out_dir <dir> -2Dfp

If you are using OpenFace on Windows, you may use the following For loop in Python to get the landmarks for multiple videos. You can download the Windows Version of OpenFace here.

for v in video_list:
    os.system('.\\openface\\FeatureExtraction.exe -f %s -out_dir %s -2Dfp'%(v, landmarks_folder))

We first get the minimum and maximum horizontal and vertical coordinates of the landmarks to locate the central facial point for each frame. The bounding box size is 1.2 times the vertical coordinate range of landmarks from the first frame and is fixed for the following frames. After getting the central facial point of each frame and the size of the bounding box, we crop the face from each frame. The cropped faces are resized to $128 \times 128$, which are ready to be fed into our model. Video frames in a video should be stored in a .h5 file. Please refer to preprocessing.py for more details. For example, for UBFC-rPPG dataset, the processed dataset should like

  ├── 1.h5
  ├── 3.h5
  ├── 48.h5
  ├── 49.h5

For each .h5 file

  ├── imgs  # face videos with cropped faces, shape [N, 128, 128, C]. N is the temporal length. C is the color channel, for RGB videos, C=3, for NIR videos, C=1.
  ├── bvp   # ground truth PPG signal, shape [N]. You don't need to include it for the training set.

Since Contrast-Phys is an unsupervised method, bvp is not needed for training. You may not include bvp in the training set, but bvp is needed in the test set for performance evaluation. You can download one .h5 file example here.

Training and testing


Please make sure your dataset is processed as described above. You only need to modify the code in a few places in train.py and utils_data.py to start your training. I have marked TODO and made comments in train.py and utils_data.py where you might need to modify. After modifying the code, you can directly run

python train.py

When you first run train.py, the training recording including model weights and some metrics will be saved at ./results/1


After training, you can test the model on the test set. Please make sure .h5 files in test set have bvp. You can directly run

python test.py with train_exp_num=1

The predicted rPPG signals and ground truth PPG signals are saved in ./results/1/1. You can filter the rPPG signals by butter_bandpass function with lowcut=0.6 and highcut=4 and get heart rates by hr_fft function in utils_sig.py. To get the ground truth heart rates, you should first filter ground truth PPG signals by butter_bandpass function with lowcut=0.6 and highcut=4 and get ground truth heart rates by hr_fft function.


  title={Contrast-Phys+: Unsupervised and Weakly-supervised Video-based Remote Physiological Measurement via Spatiotemporal Contrast},
  author={Sun, Zhaodong and Li, Xiaobai},

  title={Contrast-Phys: Unsupervised Video-based Remote Physiological Measurement via Spatiotemporal Contrast},
  author={Sun, Zhaodong and Li, Xiaobai},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},