
A Stress Test Tool for Different Time Series Dbs

Primary LanguagePython

Time Series DBs Stress Test


  1. ElasticSearch
  2. InfluxDB
  3. Kairosdb

Benchmark ElasticSearch

Example(ElasticSearch Benchmark)


cd ES/
./influx_singlenode_benchmark.py --host --min_num_of_clients 1  --max_num_of_clients 3
./influx_singlenode_benchmark.py --host --min_num_of_clients 1  --max_num_of_clients 3


In this case, we do es_metrics_benchmark with the following parameters:
min_num_of_clients = 1,
max_num_of_clients = 2,
running_seconds = 60,
number-of-metrics-per-bulk = 60000,

which means,
Range the number of clients from 1(min_num_of_clients) to 2(max_num_of_clients);
Use number-of-metrics-per-bulk = 60000, which can ensure the physical size of the bulk is about 6-8 MB;
Set the running_seconds for each benchmark case with a certain thread number(num_of_clients).

Run ./es_metrics_benchmark.py -h to see all Mandatory Parameters and Optional Parameters:

Mandatory Parameters (ElasticSearch Benchmark)

Parameter Description
min_num_of_clients The minimum number of threads that send bulks to ES(threads num will range from min_client_num to max_client_num)
max_num_of_clients The maximum number of threads that send bulks to ES(threads num will range from min_client_num to max_client_num)
running_seconds How long should the test run. Note: it might take a bit longer, cause current batch operation needs time to complete

Optional Parameters (ElasticSearch Benchmark)

Parameter Description
--es-hosts A list of IPs in the Elasticsearch cluster (no protocol and port, use default)
--number-of-indices Number of indices to write to (default 8)
--number-of-shards How many shards per index (default 3)
--number-of-replicas How many replicas per index (default 1)
--number-of-metrics-per-bulk How many metric docs each bulk request should contain (default 600000)
--cleanup Boolean field. If Delete the indices after completion(default False)
--stats-interval Number of seconds to wait between stats prints (default 30), How frequent to show the statistics

Idea (ElasticSearch Benchmark)

Step 1. Create N(number-of-indices) indices with the certain NUMBER_OF_SHARDS and NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS

settings_body = {"settings":
                         "number_of_shards":   NUMBER_OF_SHARDS,
                         "number_of_replicas": NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS,
                         "index": {"refresh_interval": str(REFRESH_INTERVAL)+"s"}

Step 2. Within each index, there are 7 metric types

types = ["long_metrics",

Step 3. Put the mapping for each index with 7 metric typs

"_source":{ "enabled": False},
"_all":   { "enabled": False},

The metrics use case is distinct from other time-based or logging use cases.
in that there are many small documents which consist only of numbers, dates, or keywords. 

There are no updates, no highlighting requests, 
and the data ages quickly so there is no need to reindex. 

Search requests typically use simple queries to filter the dataset by date or tags, 
and the results are returned as aggregations.

In this case, disabling the _source field will save space and reduce I/O. 
It is also advisable to disable the _all field in the metrics case.

mappings_body = {
        "_default_": {
              "dynamic_templates": [
                      "strings": {
                        "match": "*",
                        "match_mapping_type": "string",
                        "mapping":   { "type": "string",  "doc_values": True, "index": "not_analyzed" }
                "_all":            { "enabled": False},
                "_source":         { "enabled": False},
                "properties": {
                    "@timestamp":  { "type": "date",    "doc_values": True}
        "long_metrics": {
              "properties": {
                "long_value":    { "type": "long",    "doc_values": True}
        "integer_metrics": {
              "properties": {
                "integer_value": { "type": "integer", "doc_values": True}
        "short_metrics": {
              "properties": {
                "short_value":   { "type": "short",   "doc_values": True}
        "byte_metrics": {
              "properties": {
                "byte_value":    { "type": "byte",    "doc_values": True}
        "double_metrics": {
              "properties": {
                "double_value":  { "type": "double",  "doc_values": True}
        "float_metrics": {
              "properties": {
                "float_value":   { "type": "float",   "doc_values": True}
        "boolean_metrics": {
              "properties": {
                "boolean_value": { "type": "boolean", "doc_values": True}

Step 4. Generate Metrics_Pool in memory with 7 different metric types

metrics_pool_dict = {
        'long_metrics':    [],  # list.length = 20
        'integer_metrics': [],
        'short_metrics':   [],
        'byte_metrics':    [],
        'double_metrics':  [],
        'float_metrics':   [],
        'boolean_metrics': []

When forming a bulk, we randomly pick one metric from this metrics_pool, as following:
cur_bulk += "{0}\n".format(json.dumps( choice(metrics_pool_dict[type_name])) )

Step 5. Set the Size of Per Bulk

The physical size of the bulk that is more important than the document count.
Start with a bulk size around 5-15 MB and slowly increase it until no performance gains any more.
By default, `--number-of-metrics-per-bulk = 60000, at which the physical size per Bulk is 6-8 MB`

Step 6. Concurrency

Use `min_num_of_clients` and `max_num_of_clients` parameters to define the range of thread number.
Then start increasing the concurrency of your bulk ingestion (multiple threads, etc)

Step 7. View report.txt and find where number of Failed bulks > 0

Test case of clients number=21 is done! Final results:
Clients number: 21  
Elapsed time: 81 seconds 
Successful bulks: 47 (2820000 documents 
Failed bulks: 0 (0 documents 
Indexed approximately 362 MBs in 81 secconds 
7.70 MB/bulk 
4.47 MB/s 
34814.81 docs/s

Test case of clients number=22 is done! Final results:
Clients number: 22  
Elapsed time: 85 seconds 
Successful bulks: 50 (3000000 documents 
Failed bulks: 0 (0 documents 
Indexed approximately 385 MBs in 85 secconds 
7.70 MB/bulk 
4.53 MB/s 
35294.12 docs/s

Test case of clients number=23 is done! Final results:
Clients number: 23  
Elapsed time: 83 seconds 
Successful bulks: 57 (3420000 documents 
Failed bulks: 0 (0 documents 
Indexed approximately 439 MBs in 83 secconds 
7.70 MB/bulk 
5.29 MB/s 
41204.82 docs/s

Test case of clients number=24 is done! Final results:
Clients number: 24  
Elapsed time: 89 seconds 
Successful bulks: 56 (3360000 documents 
Failed bulks: 0 (0 documents 
Indexed approximately 431 MBs in 89 secconds 
7.70 MB/bulk 
4.84 MB/s 
37752.81 docs/s

Test case of clients number=25 is done! Final results:
Clients number: 25  
Elapsed time: 92 seconds 
Successful bulks: 46 (2760000 documents 
Failed bulks: 13 (780000 documents 
Indexed approximately 354 MBs in 92 secconds 
7.70 MB/bulk 
3.85 MB/s 
30000.00 docs/s

Step 8. Round-Robin

By default round-robin strategy is used by the ES-PY Api for load balancing.

Step 9. Marvel Plugin & EsRejectedExecutionException

Monitor your nodes with Marvel or tools like isolate, top, and ps to see the bottleneck of resources.
If you start to receive EsRejectedExecutionException,
Then your cluster is at-capacity with some resource and you need to reduce concurrency

Benchmark InfluxDB v0.8

This benchmark is targeted at the InfluxDB v0.8.8, which is compatible with Grafana 1.9.1

Install or upgrade python client(InfluxDB v0.8 Benchmark)

$ sudo pip install influxdb
$ sudo pip install --upgrade influxdb

Example(InfluxDB v0.8 Benchmark)


cd InfluxDB_v8/
./influx_singlenode_benchmark.py --min_num_of_clients 1 --max_num_of_clients 2 --host


In this case, we do influx_singlenode_benchmark with the following parameters:
min_num_of_clients = 1,
max_num_of_clients = 2,
host =

running_seconds = default, which is 60 secs
batch_size = default, which is 1000

which means,
Range the number of clients from 1(min_num_of_clients) to 2(max_num_of_clients);
Run each test case with a specific num_of_clients
See what performance we will get.

Run ./influx_singlenode_benchmark.py -h to see all the Optional Parameters:

Optional Parameters (InfluxDB v0.8 Benchmark)

Parameter Description
--host Hostname influxdb http API (default, localhost)
--port Port influxdb http API (default 8086)
--batch_size Number of metrics per batch,default 5000, limited ,can not be too big
--min_num_of_clients The minimum number of threads that send batchs to Influx(threads num will range from min_client_num to max_client_num)
--max_num_of_clients The maximum number of threads that send batchs to Influx(threads num will range from min_client_num to max_client_num)
--running_seconds How long should the test run. Note: it might take a bit longer, cause current batch operation needs time to complete
--stats-interval Number of seconds to wait between stats prints (default 30s), How frequent to show the statistics

Idea (InfluxDB v0.8 Benchmark)

Step 1. Greate Database

Step 2. Run multiple clients and do batch writes

Step 3. Drop Database

Step 4. View report.txt and find where number of Failed batches > 0

Test case of clients number=10 is done! Final results:
Clients number: 10  
Elapsed time: 72 seconds 
Successful batches: 10 (50000 metrics 
Failed batches: 0 (0 metrics 
Indexed approximately 7 MBs in 72 secconds 
0.70 MB/batch 
0.10 MB/s 
694.44 metrics/s

Test case of clients number=11 is done! Final results:
Clients number: 11  
Elapsed time: 75 seconds 
Successful batches: 11 (55000 metrics 
Failed batches: 0 (0 metrics 
Indexed approximately 7 MBs in 75 secconds 
0.64 MB/batch 
0.09 MB/s 
733.33 metrics/s

Test case of clients number=12 is done! Final results:
Clients number: 12  
Elapsed time: 83 seconds 
Successful batches: 12 (60000 metrics 
Failed batches: 0 (0 metrics 
Indexed approximately 8 MBs in 83 secconds 
0.67 MB/batch 
0.10 MB/s 
722.89 metrics/s

Benchmark KairosDB


You are more then welcome! Please open a PR or issues here.