#著名动物园出版社 O'Reilly 提供数十本免费的电子书

著名计算机科学类图书发行商 O'Reilly 向用户提供了数十本免费的电子书, 这些电子书根据其类别分为编程类, 数据科学和人工智能类,安全类, Web开发类, 以及物联网类. 这些电子书很多是近期出版的, 如 "Swift Pocket Reference", "Real-World Maintainable Software". 电子书提供了 epub、mobi 和 PDF 三种版本, 下载这些电子书需要注册, 但有人发布了直接下载的链接(只包含一部分).


  • Modern Java EE Design Patterns - Building Scalable Architecture for Sustainable Enterprise Development
  • Object-Oriented vs. Functional Programming - Bridging the Divide Between Opposing Paradigms
  • Java: The Legend - Past, Present, and Future
  • Introducing Java 8 - A Quick-Start Guide to Lambdas and Streams
  • A Whirlwind Tour of Python
  • 20 Python Libraries You Aren't Using (But Should)
  • Hadoop with Python
  • How to Make Mistakes in Python
  • Functional Programming in Python
  • Python in Education
  • Picking a Python Version: A Manifesto
  • Trends Shaping the London Tech Scene
  • 2016 European Software Development Salary Survey
  • 2016 Software Development Salary Survey
  • Why Rust?
  • C++ Today
  • Analyzing and Visualizing Data with F#
  • RxJava for Android App Development
  • Swift Pocket Reference


使用 aria2c 下载:

aria2c -i O-Reilly-Offering-Programming-eBooks-for-Free.txt

使用 wget 下载:

wget -i O-Reilly-Offering-Programming-eBooks-for-Free.txt

使用 curl 下载:

cat O-Reilly-Offering-Programming-eBooks-for-Free.txt | while read LINE; do curl -O $LINE; done;

使用 httpie 下载:

cat O-Reilly-Offering-Programming-eBooks-for-Free.txt | while read LINE; do http -d $LINE; done;