
A Simple FTP Server

Primary LanguageC++

A small remote backup system with a simple protocol to exchange information between server and client. With this backup system, you can use the client to list whatever files that have been stored in the remote server’s backup folder. You can also send a local file to be stored in that backup folder on the server. If you do not want a file any more, you have the client send command to remove that files from the server’s backup folder.

This protocol includes five command functions

  • ls This function lists the available files in the server’s backup folder
  • send This function sends a specific file to the server and the server will store it in its backup folder command syntax send <file path>
  • remove This function removes a file from the server’s backup folder command syntax remove <file path>
  • quit quit the client -shutdown shutdown the server

build it

cmake CmakeLists.txt make

run it

  • server ./server <-p port>
  • client ./client < -s address> [-p port]