

🌈The inspiration for this project comes from Iron Man 2.


这是一个根据本机系统时间,可以自动向登录人员礼貌问好,并支持自定义配置显示世界各地时间的脚本 🌈This is a script that can automatically greet the logged-in personnel politely according to the local system time, and supports custom configuration to display the time in various parts of the world.

如何使用 / How To Use

安装figlet 🌈Install figlet

# Ubuntu
apt install figlet
# CentOS
yum install figlet
# macOS
brew install figlet

使用脚本 🌈 Run Script

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/zhaoolee/WelcomeMrStark  ~/.WelcomeMrStark
# zsh
echo "source ~/.WelcomeMrStark/WelcomeMrStark.sh" >> ~/.zshrc
# bash
echo "source ~/.WelcomeMrStark/WelcomeMrStark.sh" >> ~/.bashrc

后续更新计划(画饼)/ Future Update Plan (Pie in the sky)

支持配置生日,展示本人星座运势,展示黄历,宜忌(中西合璧) 🌈Support for configuring birthdays, displaying personal horoscope, showing almanac, taboos (a blend of Chinese and Western cultures)

随机打印一句英语经典电影台词(Romantic Code) 🌈Randomly print a classic line from an English movie (Romantic Code)

随机展示一句100句学完7000个雅思单词的长句(不断重复是记忆的黄金定律) 🌈Randomly display a long sentence from the 100 sentences that cover 7000 IELTS vocabulary words (constant repetition is the golden rule of memory)

各国节假日提醒,包含节假日倒计时(离过年,仅剩N天) 🌈Reminders for holidays in various countries, including a countdown to holidays (N days left until the Chinese New Year)

休息日提醒(Work-Life Balance) 🌈Rest day reminder (Work-Life Balance)

下班提醒(还有2小时50分钟10秒下班...) 🌈Off-work reminder (2 hours, 50 minutes, and 10 seconds left until off work...)