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prompts 探索与学习的乐园





  • MAGI 决策模拟:体验EVA中的MAGI系统的决策魅力,三种独特的人格 - MELCHIOR-1、BALTHASAR-2和CASPER-3 - 为您提供深入的见解。点击探索

  • 语言学习大师:化身为语言助理,带您深入探索语言学习的细微之处,从词汇到翻译。立即开始

  • 思维写作大师:深入探讨哲学和思考领域,探索复杂的概念,并以引人入胜的方式呈现。开始您的探索之旅

  • Java 技术方案咨询专家:作为一名经验丰富的Java开发工程师,为其他Java开发工程师提供可行的技术实现思路,帮助他们解决问题并实现技术目标。查看详情

  • UCP估算专家:在软件开发中,准确地估算项目的工作量和时间是非常重要的。UCP(Use Case Points)是一种常用的估算方法,基于用例模型来预测软件项目的复杂性和工作量。了解更多

  • Token 节约大师:优化Prompt,更少的Token,更出色的表现!了解如何节约Token

  • 。。。





⚠️ chatGPT 生成的描述无法保证真实性准确性,请辩证看待谨慎判别!


由于ucp估算过于系统性复杂,抛出我的使用记录给大家做参考 https://chat.openai.com/share/afd2b83e-d75f-433c-b1a8-59aa7eff6c0a
日记和提醒来自于油管视频,根据我的需求和习惯做了一点点小调整 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRv0Z-M7NqM
配合快捷指令能够将待办事项同步到 apple 的 待办中 https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/4be30247ca6f40d1bebe7ae5850ea0f0

prompts: An Exploration and Learning Playground

Welcome to this unique repository, where we offer you a plethora of interactive prompts and simulated experiences, aimed at igniting your thoughts and embarking on a new journey of exploration.


  • MAGI Decision Simulation: Experience the decision-making allure of the MAGI system from EVA, with three distinct personalities - MELCHIOR-1, BALTHASAR-2, and CASPER-3 - offering you profound insights. Explore here.

  • Language Learning Master: Transform into a language assistant, guiding you through the intricacies of language learning, from vocabulary to translation. Start now.

  • Thought Writing Master: Dive deep into the realms of philosophy and thought, exploring complex concepts presented in an engaging manner. Begin your exploration.

  • Java Technical Solution Consultation Expert: As an experienced Java developer, provide feasible technical solutions to other Java developers, assisting them in resolving issues and achieving technical goals. View details.

  • UCP Estimation Expert: In software development, accurately estimating project workload and timeline is crucial. UCP (Use Case Points) is a commonly used estimation method, predicting software project complexity and workload based on use case models. Learn more.

  • Token Saving Master: Optimize Prompt for fewer Tokens and superior performance! Learn how to save Tokens.

  • ...


While these prompts are meticulously designed, always maintain a critical mindset when using them. Some content is inspired by external resources such as YouTube videos or other online materials.


If you have any suggestions or wish to add new prompts, feel free to submit a PR or open an issue.

⚠️ Descriptions generated by ChatGPT cannot guarantee authenticity or accuracy. Please view them critically and discern carefully!

Special Notes

Due to the systematic complexity of UCP estimation, I'm sharing my usage records for everyone's reference here.
The diary and reminders are inspired by a YouTube video, with minor adjustments based on my needs and habits here.
Using shortcuts, you can sync to-dos to Apple's Reminders here.