- 0
how to download pretrained model ?
#95 opened by railgun-zyy - 4
- 0
trianing res101-15s-800-fpn-cascade problem·
#90 opened by zjutlzt - 0
When do the test inference, does the model hold the proposals from all the three stage output,or just take the output from the last stage headers?
#93 opened by zxs123boss - 0
bbox_std value in different stages
#92 opened by junliang230 - 0
How much memory of GPU is needed for inference?
#91 opened by guods - 0
Where is your cascade loss function?
#89 opened by xiaoaxiaoxiaocao - 0
how to test one img with c++
#88 opened by linquanxu - 3
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rpn foreground accuracy is always 0
#81 opened by chengweige - 0
problem when compile the code.
#87 opened by job2003 - 1
model size
#86 opened by hdjang - 2
Message type "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "box_group_output_param".
#85 opened by EsmeYi - 1
inference process
#83 opened by YangBowenn - 0
- 2
@zhaoweicai detectiondatalayer is unkown layer ,我编译的时候看到它编译detection_data_layer.cpp,当我在layer_factory.cpp加入INSTANTIATE_CLASS(DetectionDataLayer); REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(DetectionData);,编译的时候再次报错CXX/LD -o .build_release/tools/upgrade_net_proto_text.bin .build_release/lib/ undefined reference to `caffe::DetectionDataLayer<double>::ShuffleMixAspectGroupList()' .build_release/lib/ undefined reference to `caffe::DetectionDataLayer<float>::ShuffleList()' .build_release/lib/ undefined reference to `caffe::DetectionDataLayer<double>::~DetectionDataLayer()' .build_release/lib/ undefined reference to `caffe::DetectionDataLayer<double>::PrefetchRand()'请问是什么原因呢?是opencv的版本吗??
#63 opened by zhangshuaitao - 3
python evaluation code
#55 opened by mingminzhen - 0
Any Dockerfile?
#82 opened by francesco-p - 1
#80 opened by yangninghua - 1
- 1
cascade rcnn真的增加了正样本的数量吗
#78 opened by hust-kevin - 1
some problem about extra loss
#70 opened by Yuwenger - 1
have you try stage with IoU thr = 0.8
#76 opened by Peng-wei-Yu - 1
Versions about CUDA,CUDNN,GCC and matlab
#72 opened by lclin1010 - 0
Decodebbox layer
#77 opened by Rick51 - 4
#68 opened by neophack - 1
about paper
#75 opened by foralliance - 0
Error using containers.Map/subsref,The specified key is not present in this container.
#73 opened by lclin1010 - 1
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some problems when training on wider face dataset
#71 opened by 1700127 - 1
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what is window files? i've never seen it , what does that file include? i don't know how to get this 'window_file_voc0712_trainval.txt' file
#67 opened by sporterman - 3
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test caffe_model failed
#61 opened by zhaowujie - 1
cpu下make 时报错
#48 opened by liuyiyiyiyi - 1
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short size and long size in data layer
#60 opened by KevenLee - 3
decode_bbox_layer, keep_num check error
#59 opened by KevenLee - 1
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could you please publish the python caffe version or I would appreciate it if someone else could publish python caffe version
#53 opened by gittigxuy - 0
Check failed: registry.count(type) == 1 (0 vs. 1) Unknown layer type: DetectionData (known types: AbsVal, Accuracy, ArgMax
#64 opened by zhangshuaitao - 2
Minimum configuration required for the project
#62 opened by elgong - 19
- 1
About the training loss
#54 opened by huinsysu - 2
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