The Uncertainty Visualization of Bus Running Time Prediction

  • The uncertainty is constructed from aleatoric uncertainty and epistemic uncertainty.
    • Aleatoric uncertainty can be summarized as a class of errors that can not be avoided. For example, the deviation of bus GPS recording equipment.
    • Epistemic uncertainty is the uncertainty that exists in our model. The confidence level of bus running time prediction results is discussed to describe the cognitive uncertainty of the prediction model.
  • We develop the visualization systems to describe the uncertainty of bus running time prediction, i.e., epistemic uncertainty. In addition, neural network model Bayesian Long Short-Term Memory and Fully connected Layers to predict the bus running time.

Visualization Interface


Visual Component

  • Map Operation Panel
  • Route Stability
  • Bus Line Time Predictions
  • Route status
  • Station Stability View
  • Station Cumulative Probability Distribution Overview
  • Station Probability Density Detail


  • Framework - VUE.js
  • Visual Components - D3.js

How to run visualization system?

  • Server: npm start
  • Client: npm run dev