Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is the initial and an important phase of data analysis/predictive modeling. During this process, analysts/modelers will have a first look of the data, and thus generate relevant hypotheses and decide next steps. However, the EDA process could be a hassle at times. This R package aims to automate most of data handling and visualization, so that users could focus on studying the data and extracting insights.
The package can be installed directly from CRAN.
However, the latest stable version (if any) could be found on GitHub, and installed using remotes
if (!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
If you would like to install the latest development version, you may install the dev branch.
if (!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("boxuancui/DataExplorer", ref = "develop")
The package is extremely easy to use. Almost everything could be done in one line of code. Please refer to the package manuals for more information. You may also find the package vignettes here.
To get a report for the airquality dataset:
To get a report for the diamonds dataset with response variable price:
create_report(diamonds, y = "price")
You may also run all the plotting functions individually for your analysis, e.g.,
## View basic description for airquality data
## View missing value distribution for airquality data
## View distribution of all discrete variables
plot_bar(diamonds, with = "price")
## View distribution of all continuous variables
## View quantile-quantile plot of all continuous variables
plot_qq(diamonds, by = "cut")
## View overall correlation heatmap
## View bivariate continuous distribution based on `price`
plot_boxplot(diamonds, by = "cut")
## Scatterplot `price` with all other continuous features
plot_scatterplot(split_columns(diamonds)$continuous, by = "price", sampled_rows = 1000L)
## Visualize principle component analysis
plot_prcomp(diamonds, maxcat = 5L)
To make quick updates to your data:
## Group bottom 20% `clarity` by frequency
group_category(diamonds, feature = "clarity", threshold = 0.2, update = TRUE)
## Group bottom 20% `clarity` by `price`
group_category(diamonds, feature = "clarity", threshold = 0.2, measure = "price", update = TRUE)
## Dummify diamonds dataset
dummify(diamonds, select = "cut")
## Set values for missing observations
df <- data.frame("a" = rnorm(260), "b" = rep(letters, 10))
df[sample.int(260, 50), ] <- NA
set_missing(df, list(0L, "unknown"))
## Drop columns
drop_columns(diamonds, 8:10)
drop_columns(diamonds, "clarity")
See article wiki page.