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% This script compares low-rank tensor completion methods % listed as follows: % 1. TMac
% 2. LRTC-TV-I
% 4. SPC-QV
% 5. TNN t-SVD based method
% 6. NL-LRTC our proposed model % You can: % 1. Type 'Demo_LRTC' to to run various methods and see the pre-computed results. % 2. Select competing methods by turn on/off the enable-bits in Demo_LRTC.m % % More detail can be found in [1] % [1] Xiao-Tong Li, Xi-Le Zhao, Tai-Xiang Jiang, Yu-Bang Zheng, Teng-Yu Ji, Ting-Zhu Huang, % Low-rank tensor completion via combined non-local self-similarity and low-rank regularization % % Please make sure Your data is in range [0, 1]. % % Created by Xiao-Tong Li lixiaotong0283@163.com % 1/3/2019

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