Brief description

This demo contains the implementation of the experiments in: Tai-Xiang Jiang, Ting-Zhu Huang, Xi-Le Zhao, Liang-Jian Deng; ''Multi-dimensional imaging data recovery via minimizing the partial sum of tubal nuclear norm'' accepted by Journal of Compuational and applied Mathematics (JCAM)
The preprint is available at
if you use this code, please cite

              title = {Multi-dimensional imaging data recovery via minimizing the partial sum of tubal nuclear norm},
              author = {Jiang, Tai-Xiang and Huang, Ting-Zhu and Zhao, Xi-Le and Deng, Liang-Jian},
              journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics},
              year = {2019},
              publisher = {Elsevier},
              doi = {10.1016/}

.p files will be replaced by .m soon. Contact:
Date: 7th Feb. 2018

Demo_image_recovery.m --> for the experiments of image recvoery
Demo_highorderdata_completion.m --> for the experiments of high order data recvoery
Demo_initial_sensitivity.m --> for the experiments of sensitivety fo

The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to
Dr. Canyi Lu (
Zemin Zhang (
for their generous sharing of their code.Meanwhile, we promiose that
our code will all be updated as .m format as soon as the publication of our paper.