Primary LanguageMATLAB

     Spatial-Spectral-Temporal Connective Tensor Network Decomposition
                        for Thick Cloud Removal

     Copyright:  Wen-Jie Zheng, Xi-Le Zhao*, Yu-Bang Zheng, Jie Lin, 
                       Lina Zhuang, and Ting-Zhu Huang

 1). Get Started

 Run the 'demo_SSTC_CR_ac.m' to run the SSTC-CR method with accurate cloud masks.
 Run the 'demo_SSTC_CR_inac.m' to run the SSTC-CR method with inaccurate cloud masks.

 2). Citations

    The dataset is available at: https://patrickTUM.github.io/cloud_removal [1]. 
    Please cite [1] if you use this dataset.

    [1] Ebel, P., Xu, Y., Schmitt, M., and Zhu, X. X., 2022. SEN12MS-CR-TS:
        A Remote-Sensing Data Set for Multimodal Multitemporal Cloud Removal.
        IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-14.