libraft is a C++ raft library,based on the RAFT consistency algorithm,inspired by etcd/raft.
- Leader election and priority-based semi-deterministic leader election
- Cluster membership management, adding nodes, removing nodes, replacing nodes, etc.
- Mechanism of transfer leader for reboot, load balance scene, etc.
- Symmetric network partition tolerance
- Asymmetric network partition tolerance
- Fault tolerance, minority failure doesn't affect the overall availability of system
- Manual recovery cluster available for majority failure
- Linearizable read, ReadIndex/LeaseRead
- Replication pipeline
- CMake: >=2.6
- Protobuf: >=1.8.0
- gtest: >=3.14.0
# first build dependencies(if system include these dependencies,just ignore it)
# second build libraft
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# run tests
libraft was ported from Etcd's raft module etcd/raft with some optimizing and improvement. Thanks to the etcd team for opening up such a great RAFT implementation.
libraft is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.