
Asynchronous Redis client that works within Tornado IO loop.

Primary LanguagePython


Asynchronous Redis client for the Tornado Web Server.

This is a fork of brükva redis client modified to be used via Tornado's native 'tornado.gen' interface instead of 'adisp' call dispatcher.

Tornado-Redis is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html).


You may install the tornado-redis client library using pip or easy_install tools:

pip install tornado-redis


easy_install install tornado-redis

To build and install the tornado-redis client library from source, clone the git://github.com/leporo/tornado-redis.git repository or download the archive from the download page and extract it into the separate directory. Then execute the following commands in the source directory:

python setup.py build
python setup.py install


import tornadoredis
import tornado.web
import tornado.gen


c = tornadoredis.Client()


class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        foo = yield tornado.gen.Task(c.get, 'foo')
        bar = yield tornado.gen.Task(c.get, 'bar')
        zar = yield tornado.gen.Task(c.get, 'zar')
        self.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        self.render("template.html", title="Simple demo", foo=foo, bar=bar, zar=zar)

Using Pipelines

Pipelines correspond to the Redis transaction feature.

Here is a simple example of pipeline feature usage:

client = Client()
# Create a 'Pipeline' to pack a bunldle of Redis commands
# and send them to a Redis server in a single request
pipe = client.pipeline()
# Add commands to a bundle
pipe.hset('foo', 'bar', 1)
pipe.expire('foo', 60)
# Send them to the Redis server and retrieve execution results
res_hset, res_expire = yield gen.Task(pipe.execute)

Note that nothing is being sent to the Redis server until the pipe.execute method call so there is no need to wrap a pipe.hset and pipe.expire calls with the yield gen.Task(...) statement.

Connection Pool Support

To limit a number of redis server connections opened by an application and reuse them the tornado-redis library has the connection pooling support. To activate it, create the ConnectionPool object instance and pass it as connection_pool argument to the Client object:

CONNECTION_POOL = tornadoredis.ConnectionPool(max_connections=500,
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        c = tornadoredis.Client(connection_pool=CONNECTION_POOL)
        info = yield tornado.gen.Task(c.info)
        # Release the connection to be reused by connection pool.
        yield tornado.gen.Task(c.disconnect)

Note that you have to add a disconnect method call at the end of the code block using the Client instance to release the pooled connection (it's to be fixed it future library releases).

See the connection pool demo for an example of the 'connection pool' feature usage.


Check the Demos folder for tornado-redis usage examples.

Here is the list of demo applications available from this repository:

simple - a very basic example of tornado-redis client usage

connection_pool - a 'connection pool' feature demo

websockets - a demo web chat application using WebSockets and Redis' PubSub feature.

Running Tests

The redis server must be started on the default (:6379) port.

Use the following command to run the test suite:

python -m tornado.testing tornadoredis.tests

Credits and Contributors

The brükva project has been started by Konstantin Merenkov but seem to be not maintained any more.


Matt Dawson


Olivier Yiptong

Juarez Bochi

Jakub Roztocil


Lessandro Mariano

The Tornado-Redis project's source code and 'tornado-redis' PyPI package are maintained by Vlad Glushchuk.

Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed. Documentation and downloads are available at http://www.tornadoweb.org/