A lightweight pytorch implementation of SoftMoE (Soft Mixture of Experts). Concisely applicable to any sequence of vectorized embeddings. SoftMoE的简洁实现, 几乎适用于所有序列模型, 可以方便地嵌入
Light Soft Mixture of Experts
一个Soft Mixture of Experts的轻量化实现。
Sparse MoE
In Sparse MoE, the model processes input tokens in a sequential manner.
Let's assume that the input consists of a sequence of length $n$, represented as $X\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times d}$, where each token is denoted as $x\in\mathbb{R}^d$.
The model comprises multiple experts, where each expert is a small neural network (e.g., MLP).
Since different experts excel at processing different aspects, it is necessary to determine which experts should be invoked to process the current token.
The component responsible for selecting the experts based on the input is called a router, denoted as $G(x) \in \mathbb{R}^e$.
The output of the router can be considered as the scores assigned to the $e$ experts.
To choose the experts for processing the current token, we select the $k$ experts with the highest scores.
Then the weights assigned to each expert are $w=SoftMax(TopK(G(x)))\in R^{k}$.
Aggregate the outputs of the selected experts, the final result can be expressed by
The model does not consider the relationship between tokens, it is just a replacement for the FFN;
The model faces the problem of load balancing, that is, it is easy to converge to a small number of experts handling the vast majority of inputs, while most experts are lazy;
Token Dropping: For tokens that have not been seen, there may be a performance crash;
According to the design of Soft-MoE, a model has $e$ experts, each expert corresponds to $s$ slots, that is, each expert processes $s$ tokens.
依照 oft-MoE的设计, 一个SofMoE拥有 $e$ 个Experts, 每个Experts对应$s$个slots,即每个expert处理$s$个tokens。
The original router is replaced by a parameter $\Phi \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times (e \times s)}$.
原有的router被替换为了参数 $\Phi \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times (e \times s)}$。
For the input $X\in\mathbb{R}^{n \times d}$, we calculate the weights as follows:
对于输入 $X\in\mathbb{R}^{n \times d}$,计算权重
W=X \Phi \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times (e \times s)}
# compute weights, which are used both in dispatch and combineweights=torch.einsum("b n d , d e s -> b n e s", x, self.phi)
The weight matrix has two dimensions: the sequence length $n$ and the number of processable tokens $e \times s$ (where $e$ is the number of experts, each processing $s$ tokens).
This matrix allows for the conversion between dimensions $n$ and $e \times s$. To normalize the dimension $n$, we use softmax and multiply it with the input:
这个权重矩阵有两个维度, 序列长度 $n$ 和可处理的tokens数量 $e \times s$ ($e$个专家,每个处理$s$个token)。这个矩阵对其他矩阵相乘可以实现 $n$ 和 $e \times s$ 之间的相互转化。
对维度 $n$ 使用softmax归一化,与输入相乘
$In_E$ can be seen as applying a soft pooling operation on the tokens, transforming the length from $n$ to $e \times s$. $In_E$ 相当于对tokens进行了一次soft pooling,将长度 $n$变为 $e \times s$,
# dispatch tokens to expertsdispatch_weights=F.softmax(weights, dim=1)
experts_inputs=torch.einsum("b n e s, b n d -> b e s d", dispatch_weights, x)
We then dispatch $In_E$ to $e$ experts, with each expert handling $s$ tokens. This step doesn't change the dimensions.
将 $In_E$ 送入 $e$ 个experts,每个expert对应 $s$ 个tokens,这一步不改变维度。
expert_outputs=torch.stack([self.experts[i](experts_inputs[:, i]) foriinrange(self.num_experts)])
expert_outputs=einops.rearrange(expert_outputs, "e b s d -> b (e s) d")
Next, we aggregate $Out_E$:
将 $Out_E$ 进行聚合,
y = SoftMax(W) Out_E \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times d}
# combine expert outputscombine_weights=einops.rearrange(weights, "b n e s -> b n (e s)")
combine_weights=F.softmax(combine_weights, dim=-1)
out=torch.einsum("b n z, b z d -> b n d", combine_weights, expert_outputs)