Learning Physical Common Sense as Knowledge Graph Completion via BERT Data Augmentation and Constrained Tucker Factorization


  • PyTorch 1.4.0

  • OpenKE (Han et al., 2018)

Triple Classification

  • Ours in Table 1: python pc_triple_classification.py --add_constraint

  • Without data augmentation: python pc_triple_classification.py --data_dir ./data/kge/original/ --add_constraint

  • Without constraint: python pc_triple_classification.py

Link Prediction

  • Ours in Table 2: python pc_link_prediction.py --add_constraint

  • Without data augmentation: python pc_link_prediction.py --data_dir ./data/kge/original/ --add_constraint

  • Without constraint: python pc_link_prediction.py


The results of other methods in Table 1 and Table 2:

  • TransE

    • python transe_eval.py

    • python openke_triple_classification.py --model transe

  • TransD

    • python transd_eval.py

    • python openke_triple_classification.py --model transd


    • python rescal_eval.py

    • python openke_triple_classification.py --model rescal

  • DistMult

    • python distmult_eval.py

    • python openke_triple_classification.py --model distmult

  • ComplEx

    • python complex_eval.py

    • python openke_triple_classification.py --model complex

  • SimplE

    • python simple_eval.py

    • python openke_triple_classification.py --model simple

  • Tucker

    • Triple classification: python tucker_triple_classification.py

    • Link prediction: python tucker_link_prediction.py

Cross Validation

  • Triple classification: python cv.py

  • Link prediction: python cv_lp.py



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  • Xu Han, Shulin Cao, Xin Lv, Yankai Lin, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, and Juanzi Li. 2018. OpenKE: An open toolkit for knowledge embedding. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations, pages 139–144, Brussels, Belgium. Association for Computational Linguistics.