Channels/Groups/Tracker i.e. general collection support.

New django-south migration

Any model/field changes lead to database update. In case of django-south you need to make following steps to make things work.
1. create new migration (don't forget to save your file)
    $ python startmigration tracker <new migration name here> --auto
2. open new migration in your preferred editor and add 'from muaccounts.models import *' to includes section.
3. migrate you database
    $ python migrate tracker


Statistics models live in
The core class here is Statistics, which is a storage for calculated stats data. 
StatisticMethods is a storage of base stats methods.
Any other stats class for Trends/Trackers/Packs/Channels is a child of StatisticMethods class and has on-to-one relationship with Statistics class.

Since Trend class is on the top of the structure, whole statistics has a tree-like view:

trend1 - tracker1 - pack1 - channel1
      \           \       \ channel2
       \           \pack2 - channel1
        \                 \ channel2
         tracker2 - pack1 - channel1
                  \       \ channel2
                   \pack2 - channel1
                          \ channel2

Adding more statistics

First of all, you need storage for you calculated stats data. So you add new field to Statistics model.
Say you want to calculate daily change of total results provided by channels, i.e. today Bing Web found 1.5 million mentions, but yesterday it gave 2 million.
In this case you need to add daily_total_results to Statistics model. Please always do such fields nullable to avoid errors.

    daily_total_results = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)

Second step is writing calculation method. Add count_daily_total_results method to StatisticMethods model and its call to StatisticMethods.count_stats method before "" line.

    def count_daily_total_results(self):
    def count_stats(self):
        self.daily_total_results = self.count_daily_total_results()

If calculation algorithm is common for trends/trackers/packs/channels it's better to implement your count function right in the StatisticMethods class. In opposite case you need to override count_daily_total_results function in all or some of TrendStatistics, TrackerStatistics, PackStatistics, ChannelStatistics classes.

Now you need to update your database:
 - in general case you should remove Statistics model's table and run 'python syncdb' 
 - in case of using django-south you should create new migration and then run 'python migrate tracker'

Since this moment every run of 'python runtrackers stats' will calculate your new statistics.

One more thing here. 
You surely want to see those calculated values at /stats/ page, templates/stats.html is responsible for this. So open it in your preferable editor and find following block:
    {% if cur_stats %}
    {% endif %}
Place you new statistics values inside this block. For example:
    {% if cur_stats %}
    <p>Daily total results: {{ cur_stats.daily_total_results }}</p>
    {% endif %}

Congratulations, you should see your new statistics at /stats/ page