
Primary LanguagePython



This is implementation of test assignment.

The goal is to implement basic payment system with following requirements:

  • system should handle large number of requests and stay consistent

  • each client in system has one wallet

  • wallet has balance

  • clients can transfer money to each other

  • system has only one currency USD

  • all operations should be logged

  • should contain next endpoints:

    • create client

    • create wallet

    • deposit

    • transfer

  • service should be wrapped in docker container

Note: this assignment does not cover authentication and permissions

Implementation details

  • to improve server capability of serving large number of requests async web framework was chosen

  • pessimistic locking approach used to avoid race conditions

  • core functionality tested using pytest


  • Language: Python 3.8+

  • Web framework: FastAPI

  • Web server: Uvicorn

  • Relational database: Postgres

  • Relational database async support: databases

  • Relational database migrations: Alembic

  • Relational ORM: SQLAlchemy

  • Data parsing and validation: Pydantic

  • Testing: Pytest

  • Static type checker: Mypy


docker-compose up

Swagger: http://localhost:8000/docs
