Photo Mixer

Photo Mixer is a social image sharing site for people who crave a little more interactivity with their content.


  • Guests can images uploaded to the public gallery, view comments on images, search by image caption, filter the front page by a number of options, and temporarily draw on images, all without logging in.

  • Guest users can also view profile pages of other users

  • Logged in users can up or downvote images and comments, create their own comments on images, add images to their favorites, and upload images to the public gallery.

  • Logged in users can create an avatar for their profile, but a default is provided if they choose not to upload one. They can also change their avatar at any time from their profile page.

  • Uploaded images can be given a caption, which is searchable, as well as any number of tags. Relative popularity of each tag is displayed in the tag cloud.

Project Description

This project was created to meet requirements for Project 2 in General Assembly’s Web Development Immersive Program (July 2014).

Intended to test our ability to work in groups, this project utilizes Ruby, Rails, Javascript, JSON, AJAX, and was styled using Foundation.

This project was brainstormed, scoped and developed in one week. We have a list of features to include at subsequent deployment levels if given more time.


This app requires API keys from Amazon S3:

Installed gems include:

  • devise

  • dotenv-rails

  • active-model-serializers

  • foundation-rails

  • handlebars_assets

  • carrierwave

  • fog

  • rmagick

  • cocoon

  • aws-sdk

  • ransack

  • gon

Thank you! Developed by: [Zack Banton](, [Emma Gardner](, [Ben White](