Week 3 Comprehensive Assessment

Fork this repository, update this file to include your answers, and submit a pull request. You may refer to any notes, past projects, or external resources you want. The questions do not have to be completed in order.


  1. I'm creating an app to keep track of bunnies. I already have a bunnies table, but I want to create a migration to add a "weight" column to it. What command should I run in my terminal to get started?

rails g migration AddWeightToBunnies

  1. I just realized I misspelled the "weight" column in my migration, but I already ran rake db:migrate. What should I do to fix this? (give exact steps and/or commands to run)

  2. rake db:rollback

  3. fix typo

  4. rake db:migrate

-or create new migration entirely

  1. My app has a Bunny model, and I want to find bunnies whose color attribute is 'white', sorted by their name attribute. What code should I write to do that?

Bunny.where(color: 'white').order(:name)

  1. Now I want to find the specific bunny whose name is 'George' (names are unique, so there should be only one).

Bunny.find_by(name: 'George')

  1. I want to make sure nobunny, er, I mean nobody, can create a bunny without a name. What code should I add to my Bunny model to validate this?

within a migration:

def change change_column_null :bunnies, :name, false end


  1. My app is telling me there's an error in the BunniesController. What directory and filename should I look in?


  1. I'm in the show action of my BunniesController and I have the ID of a specific bunny in params[:id]. What line should I type to find the bunny with the correct ID, and assign it to a variable that my view can access?

@bunny = Bunny.find(params[:id])

  1. I tried to update a bunny with the code bunny.update(params[:bunny]), but it gave me a "forbidden attributes error". Why is it telling me this, and what should I do (broadly speaking, no exact code needed) to fix the problem?

You are trying to update the attribute bunny rather than the model itself- best to specify a bunny_params method that lays out all allowed params to be used in creating a new bunny

  1. When I create or update a bunny in my controller, how can I find out whether the bunny saved successfully?

use rails c and type in Bunny.last

  1. Assuming my bunny saved successfully, what code should I write to redirect the user to the "show" page for the bunny, with a flash message indicating success?

redirect_to Bunny.find(params[:id])


  1. What line should I add to config/routes.rb to create a complete set of RESTful routes for a "bunnies" resource?

resources :bunnies

  1. My app is telling me there's an error in the "show" view for bunnies. What directory and filename would that be located in?


  1. I'm in the index.html.erb view and I've assigned a variable @bunnies to a collection of all my bunnies. What HTML/ERB code should I write to create an unordered list that shows each bunny's name attribute?
    <% @bunnies.each do |bunny| %>
  • <%=bunny.name%>
  1. In one of my views, I want to create a link to the "show" path for a specific bunny that I have stored in the variable bunny. rake routes tells me that I have a standard bunny_path helper available. How do I create this link?

  2. I've created a view partial called _form.html.erb and I want to render this partial into my "new" view. What HTML/ERB code should I write to do this?

<%= render 'form', bunny: @bunny %>