
"Who got this CRUD all over my bookmarks?"

Create a Rails app that allows me to track my bookmarks! Bookmarks have:

  • a URL (required, must start with "http")
  • a title (required)
  • a comment (optional)
  • a category (optional, select from "Serious", "Funny", or "Useful")
  • a checkbox that indicates this is a "favorite" bookmark

The app root should show a list of all my bookmarks, sorted by title. URL and comment should not be displayed here, but I should be able to see which bookmarks have a comment, as well as which ones are "favorite". Clicking a bookmark's title should take me to its URL, and there should be an option to view all attributes of a bookmark. I should be able to add new bookmarks and edit or delete existing bookmarks. I should also be able to filter the list by category (e.g. show me only Serious bookmarks).

Since this is a decently-sized project, put some polish into it! The details of how to display the needed information are up to you – make your bookmarker a product someone would actually want to use. If you're feeling ambitious, you can try a CSS framework like Bootstrap or Foundation.

One more thing: Make sure you provide some working seed data so we can easily test your app without typing in a bunch of bookmarks. Pulling down a fresh copy of your app and running rake db:setup should not give any errors.


  • App has a database schema with appropriate columns and indexes
  • App has working seed data that creates a variety of bookmarks
  • User can view bookmarks in an alphabetical list with titles/categories
  • User can see from the list which bookmarks are favorite/commented
  • User can filter the list of bookmarks by category, and clear the filter
  • New categories can be easily added to your code without any duplication
  • User can view all attributes of a specific bookmark
  • User can submit new bookmarks
  • User can edit the attributes of existing bookmarks
  • User can delete existing bookmarks
  • Bookmarks have appropriate validations and show errors to the user
  • App has at least basic styles to provide an attractive and intuitive experience
  • App generates HTML and CSS that validates with no errors
  • Code is placed in the correct locations and files according to Rails conventions
  • Code follows style conventions and has descriptive variable and method names
  • Repository has clean, logical, single-task commits with descriptive messages

Extra Challenges

  • Instead of the real URL, link bookmark titles to another path within your app that redirects to the real URL and increments a click-tracking counter. This will allow me to share specific bookmarks with friends and track their popularity.
  • Extra points will be awarded for crafting an impressive and attractive user experience that makes use of a CSS framework such as Bootstrap or Foundation.