Multi-focus Image Fusion Benchmark

MFIFB:Multi-focus Image Fusion Benchmark

This is the official webpage for MFIFB. To the best of our knowledge, MFIFB is the first (and the only one to date) benchmark in the field of multi-focus image fusion (MFIF), aiming to provide a platform to perform fair and comprehensive performance comparision of MFIF algorithms. Currently, 105 image pairs, 30 fusion algorithms and 20 evaluation metrics are integrated in MFIFB, which can be utilize to compare performances. All the fusion results are currently made available that can be used by users directly.

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Multi-focus Image Fusion: A Benchmark
Xingchen Zhang.
From: Imperial College London
Contact: xingchen.zhang@imperial.ac.uk
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Multi-focus image fusion (MFIF) has attracted considerable interests due to its numerous applications. While much progress has been made in recent years with efforts on developing various MFIF algorithms, some issues significantly hinder the fair and comprehensive performance comparison of MFIF methods, such as the lack of large-scale test set and the random choices of objective evaluation metrics in the literature. To solve these issues, this paper presents a multi-focus image fusion benchmark (MFIFB) which consists a test set of 105 image pairs, a code library of 30 MFIF algorithms, and 20 evaluation metrics. MFIFB is the first benchmark in the field of MFIF and provides the community a platform to compare MFIF algorithms fairly and comprehensively. Extensive experiments have been conducted using the proposed MFIFB to understand the performance of these algorithms. By analyzing the experimental results, effective MFIF algorithms are identified. More importantly, some observations on the status of the MFIF field are given, which can help to understand this field better.

Methods integrated

  1. ASR [1]
  2. BFMF [2]
  3. BGSC [3]
  4. CBF [4]
  5. CNN [5]
  6. CSR [6]
  7. DCT_Corr [7]
  8. DCT_EOL [7]
  9. DPRL [8]
  10. DSIFT [9]
  11. DWTDE [10]
  12. ECNN [11]
  13. GD [12]
  14. GFDF [13]
  15. GFF [14]
  16. IFCNN [15]
  17. IFM [16]
  18. MFM [17]
  19. MGFF [18]
  20. MST_SR [19]
  21. MSVD [20]
  22. MWGF [21]
  23. NSCT_SR [19]
  24. PCANet [22]
  25. QB [23]
  26. PR_SR [19]
  27. SESF [24]
  28. SFMD [25]
  29. SVDDCT [26]
  30. TF [27]

Evaluation metrics integrated

  1. Avgerage gradient
  2. Cross entropy
  3. Edge intensity
  4. Entropy
  5. NMI
  6. FMI
  7. PSNR
  8. Qab/f
  9. Qcb
  10. Qcv
  11. Qc
  12. Qncie
  13. Qp
  14. Qw
  15. Qy
  16. Spatial frequency
  17. SD
  18. TE
  19. SSIM
  20. VIF

Examples of fused images


If you find these results and use these results in your work, please consider citing:

title={Multi-focus Image Fusion: A Benchmark},
author={Xingchen Zhang},


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